South park was good once

south park was good once

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don't watch this episode with your younger siblings, bros

it was great. nothing lasts forever

>south park was good once

yes but a long time ago

I wonder if this hot tub event was autobiographical in any way.
Speaking of which, Yea Forums have you ever done anything bicurious with a male friend?

I did and he raped me before i could rape him

>have you ever done anything bicurious with a male friend?
Yes. In high school a friend of mine showed me his dick and asked if I wanted to jerk him off, I nodded my head and did it, then when we were finished we went back to playing games without missing a beat.

I dont get it


i've sucked dick more than twice. it was a favor, his girlfriend was out of town and i couldn't think of a reason not to.

Same guy all times? sounds pretty comfy to be honest, I wish I had a friend that would let me do that.

I love the meteor shower trilogy, to be honest, some of my favorite episodes in the entire show.

How would you rank them?
Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub > Cat Orgy > Jewbilee

I so sick of this shit, every good damn time south park is mentioned here or on Yea Forums theres some shit heads that always has to comment how south park is shit, every thread.
We get it. You think its shit, let it go, stop watching it stop participating in the threads. Let us who still like south park post with out you being a negative nancy

He specifically made a thread about it being shit, not like he's shitting up a south park thread, user.

It is shit though, nowadays
Matt and Trey have obviously given up and are phoning in every script or asking some intern to do them

are you like 15

Cat Orgy is great with the ridiculous Shelley song, Jewbilee has the best line "no cake for the impuriter" and two guys naked in a hot tub tried to make an insult with "melvin" for some reason. but it's the first time butters got to speak

>south park was good once
>gay shit
nah fuck off you homo

>I'll kick you square in the nuts

why what happened
season 19 was actually good

>season 19 was actually good
maybe if you have brain damage

season 5 happened, cherokee hair tampons. suddenly stan is a master skeptic and the show tries to teach you a real life lesson about alternative medicine


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>critics and people in general love eating shit, that means I love eating shit too!
yep, brain damage

why is it always food comparisons with americans

weird flex but okay

>Season 1&2
Outdated, but has its charm. I'm not a big fan of rewatching these, desu.
>Seasons 3-5
Golden era, it's actually a show about vulgar kids having fun and going on wacky adventures in their little town
>Seasons 6-8
Still really great, but some magic has been lost.
Solid, it's no longer the same show it once was but it is fun to watch still
sometimes better than 11, but for really starting to wear out now
This is not good.

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>shit is food
Maybe in Euroistan

>10 whole critic ratings


you brought up eating

Yeah, and? What human being doesn't eat (besides niggers in africa?)

Stop doing season long arcs

It's not funny

weeelllll it was about that time I noticed the little girl was 8 storeys tall and a crustacean from the paleozoic era

Cat Orgy > Hot Tub > Jewbilee

I wish it had caught on I still call people melvins

>you will never be a badass cowboy living in the cowboy days yo yo bang bang
>you will never save selma hayek from the giant metal spider wika wika scratch

The show got weak around the time PC Principal showed up. Cartman started using the status quo as a way to troll people while Butters inherited his chaos-inducing antics. For a few years things went to shit. The newer episodes are better because they aren't afraid to lay the allegory on thick, but they're still not on par with Seasons 3-8.

>The show got weak around the time PC Principal showed up
who? I quit it right after that shit episode about the water park and peeing in the pool. they already did a fucking episode where cartman was learning to swim and the kindergarteners were peeing in the pool. just like that shitty two parter where Stans parents separate, there was a season two episode where they separate and Stan's mom gets a boyfriend
they're repeating themselves


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Yep they could have actually criticized twitterfag culture in an interesting way. Nope, "PC principal" and "PC babies".
NPC critique.

I really enjoyed the Trump/Garrison comparisons and that's what gives me hope that they still have what it takes to make this show work. Garrison lives to be politically incorrect, that's his vision of what America is all about. He's been a straight man, a gay man, a straight woman, and a lesbian at some point in his life and still he despises PC culture. He gets elected despite the fact his campaign is a giant meme mostly because his opponent, Clinton, is a tool that does and says anything she can to get elected without really having principles of her own.

It's indicative of complex analytical thought and I think they're just afraid to take it to the extreme because they know 90% of their audience are fucking retarded.

>p-please no I can't handle criticism of my tastes
you post like a woman

lol no im not a faggot

not even a small thing?

I hate even watching the PC principal episodes. I suppose the whole joke is that he is both a frat douche and super PC. Okay. That joke should have lasted half an episode lmao.
There is no interesting take from it. "Yeah, that's what I think those frat douches should be like."
So if it's not funny nor politically interesting, why do they keep it up for 20 episodes? I don't want to see annoying PC guy.

It's not gay until your third time. The first time you're too scared and it doesn't count. The second time you're more comfortable and it's the actual experience for better or for worse. The third time you're just having fun

when i was a teen my only friend who looked like a deformed gremlin and i would narrate sex stories bout video game characters for the other to hjack off to

SP has the simposons curse, "everything after season 9 is shit"

>I suppose the whole joke is that he is both a frat douche and super PC.
The joke, if you want to call it that, is that PC Principal is nothing more than a privileged white bully forcing the values of political correctness on children via the use of violence and threats. He's very much a figure of dry humor without the deadpan element.
>So if it's not funny nor politically interesting, why do they keep it up for 20 episodes?
I don't think PC Principal will go away until PC culture fucks off for good. Think of him not only as a dry joke but also as an expression of the culture that keeps South Park from being as edgy as it wants to be. The first time he shows up he rattles off a list of politically incorrect events and characters in the show and says "this is done."

lmao that's great
so, you'd take turns? he'd narrate and you'd jerk off to it, and then it was your turn?

how can the shittiness of modern south park not be commented on? it's a fucking tragedy. it used to be such a great show

I’m the mod of r/jobros

season 2 can easily be lumped in with 3-5

My best friend/bandmate and I started getting into the good old trap threads on Yea Forums back in the day. Started off as harmless fun but eventually we had our favorites and talked about them a lot. I wont full on blog post but we ended up with mutual jerkoff nights sitting across from eachother in a bedroom with a blacklight on and it built all the way up to sex multiple times.

Unfortunately it created a unhealthy power dynamic in our friendship and eventually ruined it. I havnt talked to him in almost a decade. Pay careful attention to the opportunities you find in your lap anons. Life is short, but just long enough to allow for plenty of time for regret.

I think about him when I fuck my wife.

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for me, it's proper condom use

I read this entirely in Gerald Broflovski's voice.

Sorry to hear about you losing him. But also found that story pretty hot and wish you had gone into more details.
I've jerked off with friends, although it never lead to sex, maybe that's an age thing, because we were pretty young at the time.

Are you exclusively gay for just this guy? might sound strange but I've heard several similar stories, people that are on the bi side, but it's just for 1 mate they've had, they still dream about the sex with him, and are attracted to him but only that one guy and nobody else.

Why did it create an unhealthy power dynamic? Did he become your bitch?


>PC Principal is nothing more than a privileged white bully
Close enough yeah. iirc the character did start as a frat bro then became principal. So I said the first one.
>dry humor without the deadpan element.
Another way to say unfunny lol
>an expression of the culture that keeps South Park from being as edgy as it wants to be.
I'd rather it not take this route.

>>we can't make holocaust jokes or say nigger anymore so we HAVE to do PC prinicipal episode #999
Ugh. You can be both PC and edgy. Case in point Always sunny in Philadelphia.
My favorite episodes are like Cartmanland!!

In short: we were young not prepared to handle the kind of emotions that the situation stirred. He got emotionally attached and tbqh kind of clingy and far too sensitive to what I said about him. In turn I got a bit scared and over corrected by bullying him and making him the bottom (lol) of our social circle through demeaning him. If we had had better heads on our shoulders it would have turned out differently.

Do you sometimes wish he ended up as some kind of real boyfriend/partner of yours?

>master skeptic
lol you don't need to be a master skeptic to think holistic medicine is fucking garbage

so he was ur bitch lol

You do if you're an eight-nine year old boy who has to be the voice of reason for the entire town

The joke with PC principal is dead since he became a good guy

I wouldnt say im exclusively gay for him, but i feel that because of him I think about men romantically in a completely different way than I do with women, probably because no one in our lives thought of us like that and so we got away with a lot. We had moonlit camping trips together, I was curdled up next to him on one of those old window-beds for a night when i was downpouring rain outside, we streaked through vineyards together on summer evenings, stuff like that. He knew everything about me and I trusted him with everything. Probably helps that it was my last "discovery" of puberty and thus we took it really really slow and with a lot of respect for eachother. Compare that to how I was just voracious even in my preteens to get into a girl as fast as possible and its night and day. Men are for beautiful emotional relationships. I dont think I could be comfortable just fucking some guy, Id have to know them intimately and truly feel wanted and needed.

Anyways my favorite season of Southpark is 3. Call it nostalgia but i cant help but love the absurdity.

Not really, the point of the episode is that adults that believe in holistic medicine are insane and falling for scams. A child would see through the bullshit.
Stan also already saved the world for pussy in the movie at that point

Yes, but also i know that for that to happen we would have to both be completely different people. It was too soon but also it couldnt have happened at any other time in our lives

Do you think PC principle will actually stay on as a character for the long run?

>The joke with PC principal is dead since he became a good guy
Not quite. The defining factor in what made PC principal a "good guy" is an inversion of reality. He rejected the ads that were using PC culture to sell themselves. In real life major corporations are pandering to PC assholes and they eat it up. They pat themselves on the back and make self-congratulatory posts on social media about how the Big Business they seem to hate in every other context is now appealing to them for money.

>we can't make holocaust jokes or say nigger anymore so we HAVE to do PC prinicipal episode #999
South Park was always "PC and edgy" but now you are mostly not allowed to be edgy even if it is for good. They basically made PC principal a hero by the end of season 19 anyway

>I wouldnt say im exclusively gay for him, but i feel that because of him I think about men romantically in a completely different way than I do with women, probably because no one in our lives thought of us like that and so we got away with a lot. We had moonlit camping trips together, I was curdled up next to him on one of those old window-beds for a night when i was downpouring rain outside, we streaked through vineyards together on summer evenings, stuff like that. He knew everything about me and I trusted him with everything.
That's legitimately beautiful, man. Made me sad reading it that I never experienced anything like it, with either sex.
Thanks for sharing, sounds really sweet and it's honestly not a side you hear often here, often when people are bi here it is about sex with men, not the romantic stuff.

How do you hold it together with the wife? are you 100% fine with it? or do you long for a relationship with a man?

>Yea Forums
stopped reading right there. Thankyou for outing yourself tranny.

Sneed Park

What is the phenomenon called where something that was once good, eventually turns bad... entropy maybe??


(Formerly Jacks)

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none of you said WHY its shit though

stop being such a faggot and tell the story

The Catholic Boat

>when people are bi here it is about sex with men, not the romantic stuff.

Not just here man. I constantly noticed growing up that every gay/bi person I met was just the most openly sexual and emotionally stunted person I met. I think that made me miss him even more. We could have been an actual healthy couple in different circumstances, and even if i werent married and looking its extremely unlikely id ever find that.

I love my wife and shes definitely the most important person in my life. While I do think about a situation with a man often enough, like i said it would have to be the right kind. Id want to fall in love, so that reins in any potential desires that could lead to issues in that regard. Im not going to go get black out drunk and wind up fucking some guy in the bathroom because I find that beneath me

This thread is interesting

I had a dick swordfight with a friend when we were 5

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That was the only episode of South Park I sat my girlfriend down and forced her to watch. Fucking magical

It's great when they do those little experiments between episodes, especially if is early in the run.

why? is your girlfriend a cynical asshole or something?

Do you think you could fall in love with a man again or do you think that was just part of your youth? like do you see the same appeal in it today as an older guy?

please make me your bitch instead

every girl is

Yes, but i just felt it was an episode that managed to transcend itself in a sense. The ending is maybe one of the best South Park had to offer.

but meeeeeeeeeeem

Season 5 is great.

hol up maybe in france

Absolutely, hypothetically. But it wouldnt be something id want to force. Id unironically need to find the right person that would be willing to take the time and make everything feel right. Which is what everyone should do TBQH. I post on /fit/ all the time and im always trying to convince the no gf posters to be more patient and less horrifically desperate.

I gave a friend a full on blowjob with a condom on in 6th grade, we didn't wanna make contact with the skin cause that felt weird and gay so we got a condom, he talked me into it. I agreed to it on the promise that he'd give me one after, which he swore to.
So he sat down on the edge of bed, and I got down on my knees, jerked him off and sucked his dick for like 10 minutes, he came with my lips wrapped around his dick, fucker even pushed my head down on it. Immediately after that he got the post-orgasm guilt and literally threw me out of his house. Felt pretty bad.

When I was a kid me and a friend both got turned on watching a porno VHS. We then started fondling each others cocks admiring the hardness. From then on we gave each other hand jobs and on a few occasions attempted to fuck on another. But eventually we felt this was wrong and stopped. That is how our friendship died after.

>Post orgasm gay guilt


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This post and all of the comments after it are entirely Plebbit tumblr shit and someone needs to come out and tell you you’re both the literal definition of a faggot and the limp-wristed cry baby bitch who probably guzzles söy and cries in the dark while wishing white people were dead kind of faggot. I only pray you married a disgusting hambeast SJW jew wife so that if you have kids with her, when you finally an hero after thinking about my post long enough, you’ll create cascading an heroing through your bloodline of your wife when she realizes she pity married a faggot and then your tranny kids that eliminates your cancerous genes from the gene pool.

I haven't had sex with a guy, but I don't know if I have that romantic interest in men, there is 1 guy in my teens that I had a crush on, but it was very brief and an online thing, had we been friends in real life I think I could have developed actual feelings towards him the way I have with women.

But the way I am now, I'm just sexually attracted and interested in them. But it's not something I act on, I have no interest in becoming a grindr slut that just fucks around with men.

Closest I came to it was coming out as bi to a college friend while we were both drunk and nude.
I don't want to spoil our friendship with a sexual encounter though.

>implying im not a literal lumberjack contractor currently residing in alaska with my hiking instructor wife and our two Shepards.

My T count dances circles around yours fren. Dont get so fucking buttblasted that people are more complicated than they might seem. NGMI

But also based and redpilled.

I still haven't told a fucking soul except 1 online friend that I'm bisexual. I don't know if that makes me a pussy or not, it probably does.


It isnt a big deal in my experience. I had this huge dramatic worry when I 'came out' to my folks, but neither of them gave a half fuck (although i really do feel they would have been more bitter about me being full on gay). Even as an adult everyone i know just treats it as more an attraction to a hair type than some lifestyle...unless you treat it like a lifestyle in which case fuck you you faggot.

Season 20 was kino.
Haven't watched the last two seasons.


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Same, only told that one college friend in my post but I probably won't tell anyone else until my parents are gone.
I don't really see it as big enough of a deal that I would need to come out to anyone since I'm mostly into women and probably wouldn't bang a dude irl, just jerking off to gay stuff every now and then.

9/10 good analysis overall

Okay, Yea Forums How about if someone made you have sex with your mother and father to save your own life?

How interesting, every Season that is considered "perfect" also coincides with your childhood.

>I think about him when I fuck my wife

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I guess I'm pretty repressed as a person, also I don't live in a big town, by no means some redneck place but it doesn't share the same energy and mindset that bigger cities do.
I'm 99% certain that neither my parents would care if I told them, but I have this weird hang up on telling people because they'll probably assume things about me, like that I'm a faggot in denial, or that I'm gayer than I actually am, or whatever.
if I ever get a bf I'll tell them day 1 tho. Also im pretty old so it feels cringy to "come out" at this point, would have worked if I was like 14-19 but as a 26 year old it feels kind of embarrassing.

have (gay) sex

>How interesting, every Season that is considered "perfect" also coincides with your childhood.
I've rewatched it since then, last rewatch wasn't even a year ago (although I stopped after season 12) Call it nostalgia all you want, but their writing got less inspired as the show went along.

>You can be both PC and edgy
Umm, no sweetie. Bigots are bigots past present and future

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nothing GOOD lasts forever

Seems pretty reasonable actually. I wouldnt let myself get to beat up over it if I were you. I do something similar with the "think im gayer than i actually am" concern in that ive always made it a point to not bring up my sexuality with the guys I work with, because we work incredibly masculine jobs and it would really fucking suck to always worry if I were fagging out at them when they took off their shirts in the steaming morning sunlight (I really dont).

Sounds like youre just practical

South Park officially ended with "You're Getting Older," everything after that is chasing the money. Don't even @ me, I'm right.

great thread

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No but i had sex with some faggot at the bar when i was shitface drunk and coked out of my mind.

You're right.

I’ve hit inceldom so deep now that this post gave me deep anxiety and sadness over lost and missed teenage love.

I’ve truly thrown away my entire life and I intend on killing myself eventually.


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Teenage love is retarded

Suicide is over-stigmatized. Do it to it friend.

>I’ve hit inceldom so deep now that this post gave me deep anxiety and sadness over lost and missed teenage love.
If you're fucktarded enough to believe in that meme, then you absolutely deserve to die.

>I’ve truly thrown away my entire life
Don't you dare say that, you haven't "thrown your life away" until you're 35, that's the cutoff point. 30 is the danger zone and when you need to make sacrifices to "make it," but before then you've still got hope.

Early 20s love is the shit though

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>I’ve truly thrown away my entire life and I intend on killing myself eventually
don't go out alone, take some politicians you don't like with you

Believe in what? Teenage love? I don’t blow it up the way retards on r9k does,
But it certainly hurts having never experienced it, or any kind of love.
I’m 30 in a year. I have no friends, no education, no life. I’m so afraid of people my own age that I’ve literally never used voice chat online.

Yall bonkers

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My cousin once showed me his dick for 2 seconds when we were kids. We were talking on his living room about some thing I dont remember, then he pulled his dick out and started swinging it. I thought it was hot and ive wanted to suck him off ever since. Years later when we were 14 he joked that his dick was bigger than mine. Told him that it wasnt true and that we should compare sizes but he was weirded out and said no. Goddamn it.

Then when I was 15 I kissed another guy my age. A mutual female friend of ours knew and wanted to have a sleepover at her house, just the 3 of us. Could have gotten laid that night but my mom knew I was gay and she pulled me out of it at the last second. There was nothing I could do about it, my own mom cock blocked my closeted ass that night and I still resent her for that.

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>missed out on girl shlicking herself to two boys rubbing their dicks together
That sucks breh

Saw this last night for the first time. What was this 02-03?

It is nostalgia. I love ocarina of time but it controls like shit compared some of the better games today.

Because you're a faggot?

how did this turn into a gay thread

South Park was never good. We were just young and stupid so we thought it was

>I’ve truly thrown away my entire life
Life has no intrinsic value. It is the cheapest thing on this planet. You literally can not waste it.

Threads about this particular episode always turn a little gay

It's not gay, it's just experimenting. That's what meteor shower threads are for.


It formerly was

jesus christ
