Hey Yea Forums Jeremy from The Quartering here: it looks like some pretty spicy topics are being discussed here today...

Hey Yea Forums Jeremy from The Quartering here: it looks like some pretty spicy topics are being discussed here today, lets check them out.

One user was wondering how someone could talk something bad about the People of Shem, and it got pretty wild. Some cool stories were told and we mostly trolled in many hilarious ways. Someone said make whoopie to the people of shem and it got a little aggro but one other user said get back to that anonymous image board about politics. Then the other told the other guy to go and make whoopie you are forced to be celibate. Wow.

Someone suggested you watch a movie with problematic elements, "Dinner at Sachs Fifth Avenue" not the real name but I don't want to get demonetized by mentioning products, from the 1960s about people of Asian decent and Twitter wasn't having it, I got into a long discussion and it lead to me being doxxed. Luckily I have a shotgun.

Someone imagined being Tom Holland and how good his life must be, being lusted after by a mixed race woman, so empowering. He wants to put his eggplant into her taco salad and spray webs. If you get the gist.

Later a user complained about that Amazon show that People of the Book were bad and then laughed. I got in trouble on Tumblr for disagreeing but luckily I got a shotgun.

Then a little person got onto a drone, I believe it was a certain famous mid-dwar-little person and said you're mine Spidersomething!

Then another user pondered if someone could avoid intercourse until 40, very spicy and of course some 39 year old anons were worried about their future. hahaha

Then a user discussed this horrible, no good nasty Little Women trailer, and damn where are the men? We all know that this movie is going to bomb though, get woke go broke.

Another Boys thread, someone got reproductive fluid on a young ladies face and it got spicy. We were wondering during the Pound Me Too movement would this even happen?

This has been Jeremy from The Quartering and we'll see you real soon.

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Kill yourself

Thanks for fucking up my recommendations with your constant incelcore bitching

Chuck from the Sneedening

What's hilarious about this guy is you can tell 98% of all his "fans" positively SEETHE over him, since they're all fat neckbeards with prissy voices too yet how come THEY can't be YouTube famous?

Worst commentor and YouTube. At least other Jeremy is a likable guy!
CAR VIDEO *clap*

>didn't mention Brie Larson 500 times
Neck yourself OP

based quantumpoundin

Attached: thequartering.gif (200x200, 3.97M)

I don't get it

kill yourself, manchild

this guy is an infantile fat fucking retard, I wish the faggot that attacked him had stomped his head in or at least got some blood on a ebin collectible bobblehead toy that this cunt has on his shelf to ruin it's value

who the fuck is this dude and how much onions does he drink

I really want to like Quartering, but >funkopop
Have some dignity.

why are disneyshills so obsessed with this guy?


This guy is such a ultra faggot.
No personality hollow leach

whos worse, this fag or YongYea? yongyea just reads reddit articles for ad revenue but jeremy is a lot more annoying

Ironic advertising is still advertising.

Does he realize how retarded he sounds obsessing over her.

most of the time when I watch his channel I have it on in the background while lifting. motivational.

They're as bad as each other. Soulless, parasitic bugmen endlessly talking. Covering any topic that seems popular despite almost never having anything to say beyond regurgitating things that other, more intelligent people, have already said

it gave him insane ammounts of views when the captain marvel topic was red hot tho

He got a shitload of cash from ad revenue so props to him for making a profit out of it while people here say the exact same shit for free

Ask him about his MTG "career"

Ask the marketing sheriff his views on paid search for big laughs

>Fucking incel go kys fag

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