/bb/ Big Brother 21

HOH: Tommy
Noms: Cliff, Kat
Veto: Tommy

Bella dumping Nick edition

Previously on /bb/:

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Other urls found in this thread:


have people accused bella of cheating on nick yet?

>Bella is single

been waiting for someone to make a thread


What does this poster even mean?

Same, was going to post the tweet they used in OP.

Bella is taking this season BACK into her HANDS...WEW

lockdown starts at noon

That fucking bitch deserves it. She's a scummy person and she really exposed how much of an awful person she was in the big brother house. As a person with an Asian friend, it really gave my asian brother a bad name and I feel embarrassed that he might see the show and see how awful she is

big build... i hope they move or make a smaller chicken coop in the treehouse like when they made alex keep cooking hotdogs inside

>What does this poster even mean?
i mean is anyone suggesting that maybe bella isn't innocent in all this? isn't that what twitter is for?

I don't know, did people question if Aire Atlantica cheated on Kaitlyn when we saw her tell Tyler she loved him?

he was never a hg? also probably took it the wrong way


oh good we have a twitter OP and a namefag already

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I think people are satisfied enough having something to talk about that they've all seen with their eyes rather than speculating about something they can't prove


reminder that bella was living with her boyfriend and just up and left without telling him to go on big brother and all her stuff is at his house

how is she so perfect?

>Well if you read the follow up tweet less than a minute later she says, "Maybe Nick and I can discuss this once he is out of the house...and go from there." so don't hold your breathe hoping Bella makes the correct decision here.

wait kaitlyns boyfriend was named Aire Atlantica?

Is that a person or a british airline company?

>its a bella thread

nick has a hickey

lol his DJ name

Nick is Mac confirmed?

CBS finally agreed to remerge with Viacom

Analyse on Mark Salling's child pornography charges and drug overdose/suicide: "I was soooo sad because he was soooo hot".

lol shes gold, i dont get the hate

Bella LMAO
fucking dumb bitch hope she gets raped by based nick when he gets out
Dumb chink bitch

I actually don’t mind anal anymore. She’s funny now that the 6 have broken up.

wait nick actually fucked anal?

ofc not


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cliff still up analyse's butt. he's been following her around all morning

Is there any recap of who did what sexually with the Never game last night?

I saw Cliff does anal/butt stuff,...I want more details

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God she’s so fucking hot

>Cliff does anal/butt stuff

christie did foot stuff
christie tommy jessica and i think nick did anal stuff
bimbo was in threesomes, fucked an athlete etc.

michie bummed he didnt get any eggs

>Two people got an unfair advantage in the house
>Camp Councilor twist went to shit
>Camp Comeback twist went to shit
>Field trip twist went to shit
>All of the people in the house are terrible players and/or furniture

This season is shit. Convince me otherwise.

gay faggot post

i'd want to be up her butt too desu

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>kat is so terrible that she cant prevent herself from being evicted
>jackson banished 4 people and managed to make jury without making people angry at him
>jack evicted the coasters and made a housemeeting telling everyone to not talk game with the evictees
>fieldtrip gave anal a personality and made nick loyal to the remaining 3
>steamroll the entire season, backdoored the person with the power in week 1,house exploding every 2 weeks, christies enemies evicted by cliff wining battleback, convinced cliff to backdoor bella without her power, almost a vote flip before the live show, evicting holly's duo a week later

this season is a pleb filter, you need to go back

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holly thinks bimbo can get christie and anals vote

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miss watching her walk around in a bikini all day

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Is this the dumbest group of females in the history of Big Brother? Holly probably has an above average IQ and Bella might be book smart, but that's the most that could be said for any of them.

bimbo is in mensa bro never forget

if only it wasn't a png

happy 30th birthday to the GOAT

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he cute

tommy doesnt want to make a deal with cliff. he wants cliff to not come after him but wants to be able to go after cliff. he is scared to go with him to final 6.


yup knew tommy was gonna turn down the deal

Fuck off.

>Irrelevant moves
Don't defend a shitty season just because you have an obsession with this garbage.


>2 coasters still riding christies coattails
god i hope anal and tommy get evicted before her

>Irrelevant moves
thats bb20

tommy wants to take the deal. he is just a pussy that is scared of an injured boomer

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Are you like stuck in 3-4 weeks ago or something?

This season is solid. You're missing out.

its probably the troll from last night

man jury tommy is gonna be really fucking annoying

both paul and him are truly on another level when it comes to holding complex feelings towards a houseguest.

i kind of adored this little fucker in bb17, then we all know what went down during OTT... but at the same time I don't mind him anymore and I respect his position in the BB community

It’s still hilarious to this very day that he lost.

>was a boomer redditor mocked by the episodes
>wins battleback and is the most feared man in the house making multiple deals with the houseguest
name a better comeback

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paul was never good, frankbros never forget

Nicole is the definition of worthless. She should seriously kill herself and stop stealing my oxygen.

my most satisfying BB moment ever

>This season is solid
shit. Finish your sentences next time, OP.

>Are you like stuck in 3-4 weeks ago or something?
This season is fucking terrible even now. Garbage players get by because of massive alliances, giving power players blowjobs, and threatening the other coasters who didn't pair up. There is hardly any semblance of strategy or manipulative game-play. It's just assholes bullying their way into power and blackmailing the weaker players into doing whatever the fuck they want or they get the boot next. It's not my fault you fucking autists like the shit shoveled down your throat.

That's this season as well.

very rude post.

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chirstie counting objects in preparation for the slip and slide competition



I want both of you to die

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>it's a /bb/ rewrites history and pretends we can't pull up archives of bb18 to see everyone sucking paul's dick

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why do you do this?

people liked paulie and victor, not paul
but telling james to fuck off for not doing nothing in the game was pretty based

bog is low iq too, she is just 40yo and has life exp

just realized nobody has hung out in the boatroom in days...

did nick fuck sis?

again, we can pull up archives of bb18 that prove you're full of shit

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>has to be babysat for the entire game

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>"I was soooo sad because he was soooo hot".

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very qute quarky

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this is literally the only "proof" you have that Paul is hated

Seriously type "big brother 18 site:archive.4plebs.org" into google and click on any thread from 2016. Paul had his detractors but the majority enjoyed the shit out of him

People were calling him YA BOY

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bro the sane people just leave and dont post on seasons they dont like

anal told christie about tommy's fear of cliff
christie said thats the risk of duking it out in final 6
said the same thing would happen if they had the deal with jess and holly

said its 4 vs 2

>everyone hated paul
>but everyone who hated paul didnt post during bb18
>so the threads appear to be filled with people supporting paul
>but then next season paul comes back
>and then, for real, everyone hates paul
>but nobody leaves
>and the threads are filled with everyone hating paul

nice logic

do not talk to schizo

Just tuning in, why is Cliff naked while talking to Tommy?

sometimes dreams become reality

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you gotta do what you gotta do

you need to learn the art of seduction my friend

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tommy asking why hes everyones target
cliff telling him that with him gone, christie will implode

Can’t imagine watching the streams for days and this being the information you gain from it, very practical

what other game changing info should i have gained that has taken place in the last week?

And we don’t talk to you fag

still makes me laugh that everyone is apologizing for evicting jack

no, tommy used her as a bed shield so nick wouldnt try to jack him off under the covers

Probably that you should have stopped watching week 2. Be here you are

Bronte? That you?

so you just come to these threads to get (You)'s and tell us what we should be getting out of something you are no longer watching?

are you the rhap of /bb/?

analyse saying too much to michie


nm, she's doing a pretty good job of misting him

LOL imagine that

christie making sure cliff wins the next hoh to prove his loyalty

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Not to be a queermo or anything but I really don't know how any one stomachs listening to her. Her voice makes my hair stand. Voice of an 8 year old but with the cursing and sexuality of a 21 year old. Very unsettling juxtaposition.

Christie looks really hot right now.

No. I come in these threads to call (You) a faggot

he'll just talk to himself until someone inevitably responds


not sure it was a good idea for her to keep giving michie hope and planning a meeting later. thats just going to make him even more mad when they vote out kat

christie told cliff if he hears anything about her keeping bimbo, that is just a lie and cliff told her that hes gunning for the hoh to prove his loyalty

man bb18 threads are fun

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did they shake or swear on anything?

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I wonder what her feet smell like haha

only a hug
probably tonight or tomorrow they make it official

they hugged. if that means anything.

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yeah, mind and body of a teenager. i can see how that might be off putting for a self proclaimed heterosexual male

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Shut the fuck up faggot no one cares they hugged. Just because you don’t get any doesn’t mean it’s okay to creep on these cams as an escape


what happened? your mother never hugged you lol

Have sex incel, stop projecting

very aggro thread today

everyone calm down and take a deep breath

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Take a deep breathe and leave the thread faggot. We won’t miss you. No one will

It was good for a while desu

>starts talking about jackson being a professional watermelon eater
>feeds switches

Life is shitty for you everyday, better switch the feeds!

it’s the same guy from last night. he appears to be on some kind of demoralization (projection) kick.

And the day before that, and the day before that. These threads are why Reddit is better

ah, I was vodka drunk last night watching succession on HBO go
luckily I ignore aggro responses to my posts, only positive ones :)

That’s just really sad user. It was a Monday night. I’m not even going to call you a fag, that’s how depressing that sounds

i believe you ;(

i don’t need you to believe me lol. negative posts filtered

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I did the wagecuck thing and it stinks, gotta go back eventually but I've saved quite a bit of money and live pretty goddamn cheap

I unironically love being NEET during the summer so I can fully immerse myself in bb

its cause he was saying that he was talking about it with the DR

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second most robbed houseguest of all time

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haha he took a pic with paul at that same event he took a pic with shelby... haha they must have fucked

tfw you realized morgan and alex had an unfair advantage

you just realized that?

It wasn't that big of an advantage because of America's vote and nom.
Also, this was planned by production and not just incompetence by Robyn.

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No, they were on OTT, not actual BB. Jason had the advantage.

Is that why Morgan kicked Shelby out?

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why do people never cry about the nolan twins having an unfair advantage? those dumbfucks found out and still let them remain in the game and one of them got $50k in her pockets

hey is kat ok this wk

the most unfair advantage of all was nick & phil

they were able to build strong relationships with different HG so no matter who won HOH, nobody wanted to break their trust with nick and/or phil

unless michie and bog can pull off a miracle flip tonight, she's dunzo hundo p.

the fuck glenn is such a gay man and disposable kat is a beautiful powerful women and deserves to stay

should've voted jack to stay :3

she should have voted out michie last week. she played herself

That was Canada; who gives a shit??

They won a gift certificate to a furniture store and some maple syrup.

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Showfag here
Wtf did Nick do?

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cliff and the chicken in the winnebago

nothing he wasnt doing while bella was in the house. bella is a bit jelly is all. she'll jump on that average north american penis as soon as the show is over

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kek. tommy is back to not wanting to make the deal

god tommy is such a fucking pussy. quarky called it a couple weeks back. everyone is pussyfooting around with trying to get people out

if someone offers me a deal, rescinds it, and i win HOH, i know who i'm putting on the block

he's all girl

why does bella care about nick cuddling with anal? its just cuddling who gives a shit


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it isn't, but twitterfags want to force drama

you guys are dumb. he is just trying to secure kats jury vote by making it seem like she wasnt his target and that the others made the deals and wanted her out. he will still do it and wants her out

stop being students of the 99 day game of jenga

if michie/holly evict christie next week will tommy still believe in the 6?

you're cute. but in like a 2head anal way.

depends who is sitting next to her but without kat the others decide who goes. they will only have 1 vote

when did he say that?

bella said shes dropping him

>Maybe Nick and I can discuss this once he is out of the house... and go from there.

>I saw Cliff does anal/butt stuff
I fucking told you guys he is a closet gay. I bet his "work trips" are just cover to get fucked by twinks without his wife knowing.

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he's probably a bottom desu, most guys his type are

chicken nick talking about bella in the boat

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bimbo is still going to push the narrative that her target is jackson

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National Geographic Voice:
>This is how the Alpha Silverback asserts his dominance over the beta males of his group.

tommy is such a fag for still wanting the 6

>twitter bogeyman
>"forcing" drama
No they are reporting on drama you retard

This is just her covering herself for when her pathetic ass eventually does something stupid like fucks him at the afterparty.

anal and tommy gonna throw every hoh so they dont lose jury votes

what a fucking loser

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you know who's a bigger loser? you, phoneposter

production trying to save kat

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Is that Analyse?

>No they are reporting on drama you retard
they are forcing drama from nothing like usual, there is no boogeyman when you can see people saying this sentiment and doing it lmao


no, all twitter faggots are reporters

reminder to stop spoonfeeding the showfags

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>they are reporting on drama

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how are they so boring

ill spoonfeed whoever the fuck i want, thanks

>berating someone for being a phoneposter
>you’re a neet who is a regular on these threads
That’s some hardcore cringe bro

He watches hours of feeds before realizing it’s boring. Most people figured that out within the first week moron. Low IQ energy

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give one (1) it’s bad to be a showfag? Oh wait, you can’t fag because it doesn’t matter what they do on feeds ever

i always phonepost when I’m taking a shit

based true mist master

Seems like you live in the toilet you faggot turtle hybrid piece of shit

Big Jess is lint rolling the kitchen carpet

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>mist fag
>not Christfag


why do you have any pictures of anal? might as well post Jess edits or feet

>lol none of the feed shit matters
>"hey can someone explain what went on during the feeds?"
Mental retardation.

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This isn’t a general

qute butt

I can’t disprove his statement. Better call it cringe. Cringe is wasting time on this thread unironically. Toilet fag

imagine not having pics of anal, the cutest girl on bb since angela

stop replying to the autist

^ yeah I’ll stop responding to you lol

yeah it’s Big Brother General. Please read before posting showfag

Christie and Holly both are way very sexy, more than anal

How many bongs until live eviction?
Is Cliff kill?

50 bongs till kat is evicted unless tommy starts being an f-bomb

kat is kill and you’re retarted since it’s been known for like 4 days already. showfag

cliff was evicted last week

autist stop with the irrelevant answers

god I wanna pull on that choker and throatfuck her so hard

So do you faggots actually pay to watch these live streams?

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Have sex incel

10 mins ago

i use my gay bar tips

this is one guy and he’s probably my favorite in this thread. Not a fag. Official ruling

he doesn't know

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of course retard. it's only $15 for 3 months. that's pocket change. you... aren't poor are you? yikes

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$15 invested from this, $10 from Netflix, etc adds up. Not living the life from dividends? Yikes wage fag

fag and his jury votes

i pay for the only streaming service with full episodes of young sheldon
big brother feeds are just a bonus

is this all just one big samefag?

fag and his Yea Forums posts

>adds up
not for me poorfag lmaoooo

Think about this post again tomorrow morning on your way to work fag

yes, phoneposter is responding to himself. just ignore the autism

I don't pity the poor lol

hard to ignore when it’s 3/4 of the posts but I’ll try

>one side implies it’s better to save your money and invest properly
>other calls it dumb, pays for CBS, and is a wagecuck
You really deserve to spend your off hours here


tommy worried about burning jury votes
fuck this coaster

Worry about not burning in hell faggot

if you thought tommy was annoying prejury
imagine jury tommy worried about jury votes

>one side is poor and penny pinching
>the other doesn't have to worry about that
really makes you think

tommy can't even flip on cliff because nick, anal and christie already made the deal with cliff

it’s overwhelming autism. my asthma is acting up.

Slhut the fuck Up. This is retarded even by /tv standards

wtf is tommy even talking about "the position he is in"

hey lets make a deal but now i dont feel safe so fuck everyone else...

It's $5 a month you NEET.

tommy is actually thinking about keeping bimbo to make jackson and holly happy lmao


tommy wants to back out of the deal and make an individual deal with him
jesus fucking christ, hes gonna look super sketchy

no, he's keeping cliff 1 hundo p, but he's more worried about making the deal with him in case it gets back to holly and jackson because then he might lose their jury votes or whatever

stop whispering you homo

$5 is ice cream with my gf, and I use chained free week trials with friends for free. Cope faggot for wasting half an hours pay from your minimum wage job

>thinking about jury votes when you're gonna get voted out next week
o am i laffin

Please vote!


I make over $100k

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No one making over 100k is on Yea Forums let alone on /tv faggot

reminder tommy thought holly and jackson wouldnt vote out christie

>half an hours pay
bahahaha, the poorfag exposes himself

this is Yea Forums and why would I lie

i was rooting for you against the autist but come on user we all know that’s a blatant lie

>half an hours pay from YOUR minimum wage job

Reading comprehension is bad here. No wonder you need a spoon fed show like big brother

bimbo and tommy in the HOH

You and a dude’s butt everyday in your basement peanut butter fort

bimbo offering tommy a deal
looks like hes gonna take it and evict cliff

what’s the deal?

>it's another "campaigning to the HoH who can't vote" episode

Yeah those guys defending giving their wage bucks to CBS to watch live feeds went real quiet after I outed them as poor wagies that are bad at reading and handling small amounts of money

tommy doesnt have a vote

>the poorfag phoneposter projecting this hard
yikes, you hate to see it lmao

this tard can’t read
this tard’s post

Yes although ironically now that I have a job and can afford them I don't have time to watch them as much as I used to :(

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casuals really want to crucify nick because bella tweeted about his actions, but don't want to hold HER accountable for cheating on the boyfriend she had at home.

if they keep kat it will be one of the worst moves in bb history


>100k+ salary guy is triggered this easily over some guy on a Big Brother Thread
Yeah those are the skills and temperament for tht kind of guy. Say Hi to the Walmart shift manager tomorrow morning fag

When did he say that?


But it causes him to type out a seething response on his phone, while on his break at Pizza Hut


>"I don't want to make a deal"

What does it mean? Is he dumb? Does he know how this game works?

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Even if Bimbo offers hand jobs for votes, she'll still get evicted.

are we not playing deal or no deal?

you’re no better for replying to him because it makes it seem you’re seething too

damn wtf nicoles ass looks like that?!

Both cams are on Bimbo.
Where is my Q-Cam??

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Here you go bro...

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Hey Fag, I can post because I don’t work a wage cuck job. All these (You)s because you got triggered over someone telling you how to spend $5

it was lookin real nice in shorts last night

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kat is dead

meant for

Going in my coffeetable book. “Incel comments”

jacks monster hog would crack her hips

Is she working out her glutes?

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Schroeder's Cat?

Have sex

hopefully you grabbed what 8 chan content you could, they're the kings of mentally deranged incels.

this but unironically

new thread

quarky is NOT for lewds!!


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Of course she is.


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png fag is a literal fag?