Serious question regarding safety for JOKER

Are we at risk of a gamer bombing a threater at opening night? You might survive if it's just a gunman but a bomb in a small confined space would almost certainly be lethal to anyone in the theater.

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I'd bet a dollar on that.

captcha: parking meters

Not watching this in theaters with incel shits about

Why would the incels shoot up audiences watching Joker? They know mostly incels are in there, wouldn't they go into a different movie?

>tfw someone shoots up a theatre citing RLM quotes

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all previous batman related movies had shootings, you better bring armored vest

I honestly think this sentiment is going to gain popularity on twitter then get reported by media and kill the movie’s box office

WB should consider reducing total theater showings and releasing on VOD and other streaming simultaneously

I'll wait for the torrent

Well, pardon me Mr. Gucci loafers

but then incel hackers will just shoot up the houses of people streaming the movie.

Is this the new Marvel shilling

I never understood the connection between mass shootings/bombings and Batman/Nolan. Can someone explain?

incels like christopher nolan

When the dark knight came out someone went into a theater in Colorado that was showing it and shot up the place.
He also colored his hair and said he was the joker

>the extremely probable scenario of getting fucking killed by some lonely virgin will harm the box office
In other news: water is wet

Just bring some gamer merch.

It was The Dark Knight Rises - not The Dark Knight

so this guy likes the joker, and the other people who go to see the movie also seem to like the joker. Why doesn't he just shoot up mosque or women clinic or a theatre where they show some capeshit

I cannot wait for Joker to drop. I am going to see the movie once a day, every day for the first month it is released. Who will I bring with me, you ask? My LEGALLY PERMITTED concealed-carry handgun, that's what. And every day I go, I will pray for an incel to attempt a shooting. That's when I will swiftly pull out my gun and fire, killing him with one shot because I've been training for this. "End of the road for you, clown." The audience cheers. I am the movie now. The women fondle me, engage with their mouths. I cannot wait for Joker's release. I truly can't.

You're right
My mistake

>not going to a cinema with a "no singles" policy
Check and mate, inceld

I cannot wait for Joker to drop. I am going to see the movie once a day, every day for the first month it is released. Who will I bring with me, you ask? My LEGALLY PERMITTED concealed-carry handgun, that's what. And every day I go, I will pray for an incel to attempt a shooting. That's when I will swiftly pull out my gun and fire, killing him with one shot because I've been training for this. "End of the road for you, clown." The audience cheers. I am the movie now. The women fondle me, engage with their mouths. I cannot wait for Joker's release. I truly can't.

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>"I cannot wait for Joker's release. And my own."

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This says ALOT about our society...

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After the three incel freakouts this month it's simply not safe to show this movie by October. If WB has any care for their audience they will hold it back till 2020 or just scrap the showing and stream it instead.

My bookie put it at 10-1 odds. Highest since titanic came out apparently. I dropped $50 on a shooting

> one previous batman related movie
Fixed that for you

the weak should fear the strong

I believe the only true way for a a gamer to RISE UP is to RAISE THE FIRE

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You guys are fucking delusional it's you think that this movie will cause anything

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What I find funny is that one of the only movie theater shootings in the past 20 years was at a batman movie

LOL, ill go back an watch in in the states at preimiere. implying these school shooting morons can outgun me.

Laugh well you can society

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Oh yeah man, you shoulda seen the Batman & Robin riots of 1997. Not a soul left that theatre alive without blood on their hands and scars on their very soul.

What will you wear/bring to the opening?

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Imagine getting murderd while watching Batman and Robin.

When I went to see endgame 3 people dressed up as captain marvel. Two looked like dykes and the other was fat.

>by gang weed

had to chuckle

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If a group of incels all choose the same theater will it be like the beginning of the dark knight where they all off each other till only the ugliest incel is left?

Yes, unless the ChadMan shows up and kills all of them, saving the whole theater.

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