69-63 celtics
#2 Boston Celtics vs #7 Brooklyn Nets Game One Gamethread # 2
what a bunch of fucking idiots making Kyrie look bad
what time does okc play?
Kyrie can’t win with these cats
Draft Lottery
>that white dude dancing
I swear the camera purposely stays on you long enough to make you do dumb shit.
Did you do anything fun for Easter today lads?
Marcus Smart is so fucking good
Nets getting FUCKED
women from Boston are ugly
Summer league
KD isn't going to go 2 for 13 the whole series. If he even plays half of his potential we'll get the backdoor sweept
go nets
Of fucking course it's San Francisco
Why does that GTA commercial have Val Venis music?
Holy cope
stop fucking whistling
those tiktoks and ig girls are fake. part of the appeal of the at&t girl is that she has a real body. and whatever campus you see girls looking like lily please let me know
Nets are starting to make us anti-vaccine, muslim, flat earthers look bad :(
netties getting fucked i see.
falseflagging as a celtics fan i see
*enters thread*
have the nets considered running an offense?
hey look its baby lebron
Nat is a KNICK
all those rich fucks in the front row need slapped repeatedly
>can see her titties from the back
I'm turning off this game and I'm going to coom
greatest player in the world charging up
My nigga Scottie Barnes
if you dont consider this at least an 8 you're a fag or you have a porn brain
so bucks in 6?
>Kyrie needs MORE help
Pre-game fit
always have been
KD's getting his shit pushed in by the Jays :)
Where's that son of a bitch that was disrespecting Smart.
keep posting her, it'll help me cope with my nets getting exposed
It's over
Hortford looking like me when I try to score a basket. Terrible
Is there a city least deserving of another deep playoff run in any sport than Boston? Fucking spoiled-ass sports city that everyone is sick and tired of being good. Hard to believe it was one of the most miserable sports cities in America before the 2000’s.
are bars open on easter?
Yep. Bucks are clearly the best team in the East
horford looking old on that possession :)
but /pol/ told me jewish women were ugly?
I take back what I've said about Smart
actually perfect ass
Are the Celtics winning this series? I'm not impressed with them
bunch of ugly people in boston uh
i cant help but shake the feeling one of the celtics is getting injured. this dominance seems like a temporary boon, and i hate that feeling.
tatum is a gigachad
why is she just doing at&t commercials bros...
Nash can't coach for shit
>CeltChads destroying the best team in the league
/lba/ resorts to cope and post some ugly cow
We run this fucking general
Boston owns ya
Durant is shooting 6-17
Should be able to look at a woman without having to jerk off
too much love from father
when is he coming back
>P-pleaseeee someone get injured I can feel it!!!
she's gone. i wonder what's her body count
holy checked :)
why are they chanting let’s go Brandon?
Against the Cucks
Because they paid a lot of marketers find her to get your dumbass attention
learn to read fucker i dont want anybody to it just seems like good things cant last
Kyrie is getting alot of gray hairs
it is instinct at this point
Stop being a doomer and enjoy the moment
Alana Haim
im not switching to at&t just because there's a hot girl in the commercials lmfao
Because they didn't finish high school
gotta hope marcus smart gets injured
The Comedian Mark Normand fucked her at a music festival lol.
He spoke about it on Ari Shaffir's podcast (without directly naming her) and they took down the episode.
She's a 6 bro. Not great face
Celtics only traded the pick because they knew Tatum would be there at #3 tho
some woman is eating an entire bag of Doritos behind the Celtics bench
Fuck dragic :)
i find this take insane. but to each their own
his wife
Thanks for the heads up bro.
looks like she had 8 cheeseburgers
Tatum is a flopper
Yeah bro just endlessly talking about it. You literally know her as AT&T girl. Men are so fucking stupid.
whats the average alcohol level of the celtics fans right now?
Stop posting this ghost pussy havin ho
I hate women.
REMINDER: Kyrie Irving is fasting and is not at full capacity.
Inshallah he shall see the finals and the promised land
Celtics are going to blow this, right?
Why can't Jaylen dribble
quadruple the legal limit once the wife beating begins
She has a son that was born in may 2020.
Feel like Nets are gonna steal one in Boston, but Brooklyn aren't great at home, it's an open series
Extremely high
Not because of the game but just because they're Irishmen living in Boston
>5ft3 squatting 135
Lmao why the fuck did tatebum foul kyrie he’s like 92% on FTs. he’s getting the points regardless and now you got 3 fouls
And 12 other kids in heaven
Muslim chads let's go
Between these 2 teams who has a better chance against the Bucks?
Again bro, yes I understand marketing is about mind share but the thing is that it's not converting to sales because AT&t is still losing to Verizon. The theory os just getting people to remember that your company exists doesn't matter in things like phones and cars where people stick with one thing for years at a time. No one is gonna switch from Verizon or T-Mobile just because they see a hot girl in the commercials dudes.
Is there any hope for this team?
so? still has a ghost pussy
The Heat
always :)
she got that trailer trash phenotype
Hey man, cherish these times, it won’t last forever. I’m a Phoenix sports fan, it has been a god awful and miserable experience for the most part, you Boston fans really don’t know how spoiled you’ve been the last 2 decades.
Literally Buck breakers, hopefully they don't fuck up until that series comes
She kinda looks like my gf
Bruh I haven't fapped since like 2 weeks..
Tfw actual nets fans don't remember the good ol days
Ok, that's why they spend hundreds of millions on making you jerk off to their spokesperson. Because it doesn't work. How many years have we been talking about this bitch?
Looks like Tobey Maguire
dolan is old
the nets have literally never had fans
not as long as the fans embrace mediocrity
Neither. Bucks would still win the series pretty easily
Orange Jameson sounds like the nastiest shit
need a white girl bros
? I thought the Nets only formed in the past couple of years?
I'm a nets fan retard.
Born and raised in Jersey City and used to see games with my dad growing up.
The nets have had more relative success than the Leltics the past 30 years.
>lost the same amount of games with and without Durant
so he’s a fraud then
Bucks swept the Heat last year. Bucks in 6
Kyrie was a Nets fan growing up.
Nets were one giant foot away from beating them last year.
That was a great block by Brown
i fucked a 52 year old 8th grade teacher that kind of looks like her her. she was crazy as fuck and yelling for me to cum in her while her daughter slept in the next room. ghosted her and got cussed out when i saw her at the bar 2 times now.
>average low IQ leafposter
Jokic isn't mvp. You can't be fucking overweight and MVP
Heat got PJ now
you are from New Jersey you are not human
Middleton and Holiday were pretty bad that series.
>The nets have had more relative success than the Leltics the past 30 years
How do you get to this point from reality?
Nets made the finals twice. Boston made the finals twice and won one ring. Boston made many more conference finals and won many more playoff series.
Durant is finished
I doubt they're spending hundreds of millions of dollars on her lol. But to your point, I don't know dude. Maybe it works. I don't know. I just jerk off to her form time to time and the thought of switching to at&t hasn't crossed my mind once
Jaylen Brown hates the other Brown on the Nets.
Young mans league
Nets are cooked
kd status?
The BROOKLYN nets did, the NEW JERSEY nets was the one with Jason "SOUL" kidd
Factually wrong.
kyrie is going to be very embarrassed if the nets get swept
Kyrie got injured and Harden could barely walk.
nets sisters wasnt this team supposed to be good
fuck tatum is so hot
Tatum goat.
>tfw you get BANGED
Nets literally went back to back finals and ran into 2 historically good teams.
Celtics got a neuteured Lakers team and barely beat them in 7.
Well he talked trash about Horfie so fuck him
Celtics in 6
>since like 2 weeks
>brooklyn nuts
>the two autists arguing about marketing itt
did you imagine you would grow up and spend your weekends this way?
Jokic hasn't been overweight in three years.
Kyrie got ejected from that middle finger lmfao