It has been nine years to the day that Scott Pilgrim VS The World was released to American audiences

It has been nine years to the day that Scott Pilgrim VS The World was released to American audiences.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! eyes pop out AROOOOOOOOGA! jaw drops tongue rolls out WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets BABY WANTS TO FUCK inhales from the gas tank honka honka honka honka masturabtes furiously ohhhh my gooooodd~

Attached: Obama pointing.png (1285x723, 2.2M)

I get that reference

Who cares, that movie was absolute dogshit

How's Jodelle these days?


is this the incel thread?

She's turned into a generic thot thanks to thirsty betas showering her with attention

that's not my dick

...but I've just been waiting for this movie to be released... was awesome...
...and nothing has changed in my life since then...

>Jodelle will never wrap two hands around your hammer

Nobody mention the sad little brown fella, its what he wants. In fact he probably made this thread

I thought she got fat and old and ugly?

essential redditcore

She has a new film coming out called Office Games and is filming a sci-fi series called Pandora Protocol

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>tfw it bombed next to The Expendables and Julia Roberts Eating Pasta While Whining About How Much Her Vagina Hurts

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Scott Pilgrim vs. the World Ruined a Whole Generation of Women

yep she got fat


I've never seen a fat person with developed arms like this

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BPD sluts should be euthanised

Imagine if MEW had massive cans like Jodelle

These two can't even make up their mind on which generic claim they're going to go with for Female Actor

Inb4 that one fag shills his video again

did she get rid of her dumbass septum piercing yet

>finally showing them off instead of being ashamed of them

Attached: JodelleNew.webm (1220x518, 2.34M)


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>Office Games
This looks so bad, holy shit! The lead actor has downs, it looks worse than cheap TV and the dialog was incredibly cringey... but at least Jodelle looked cute (which I suppose is all that matters).

Attached: Office Games Sneak Peek Trailer - Jodelle Supercut.webm (1280x544, 2.93M)

Daily reminder to post the actual soundcloud intead of shitty youtube vids

Scott Pilgrim ruined a Generation of Women

When God gives you E cups, you should display them loudly and proudly

Never seen it and don't give a shit

No , it didn't. While Ramona flowers was a good on screen representation of sluts who hide from the past and refure to take responsibility for their action the movie had nothing to do with how young females turned out today. Fuck your shitty song and fuck you for spamming it every day.

what are her nipples like?

Hope she sees this bro.

Those kind of women are the only ones I can get laid with, so thank you, Mr. Pilgrim.

Fuck your youtube channel

Do they fit the description of "an alcoholic loser bitch that likes to listen to shitty music"?

More like dumb, spastic girls with hair dyes and piercings.

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Do they smoke, drink, and choke on dick?

show bobs



Yeah, a lot of them are drunk when I bang them.

thank you OP for making a BASED song, been listening to it before i go to work


why are zoomers suddenly trying to make this a meme? Did I miss something?


it has to do with this song that was released a while ago, making shitty, albeit true, comparisons to lots of women today.
I live in Quebec and saw a lot of these types during the music festival that was here recently. It's not reassuring of the future, to say the least.

already said she is open to it recently

don't toy with me like this.

Attached: jodelle.webm (880x1080, 3M)

and already is suddenly doing more racy costumes after hiding them all the time for years

Film poster

Attached: 1561681148849.jpg (960x774, 315K)

>here is the hot chick with big tiddies who will only be in this outfit for one short scene, buy our movie

inb4 that song blows up and becomes a cultural phenomenon that gets talked about in mainstream media fluff pieces

>this was 4 years ago and we still haven't seen them

gofd I'm just so horny and lonely bros

Tы жe тoт caмый кaccиp мaкдaкa из /soc/, кoтopoгo чyть нe изнacилoвaли 4 чeхa, дa? Узнaл тeбя пo хapaктepным гpaммaтичecким oшибкaм и нeyмeниeм выpaжaть cвoи мыcли. Hy чтo жe ты oпять paзмычaлcя нa вecь тpeд o cвoих пpoблeмaх? Teбe мaлo былo, кoгдa кpyг пoчётных и oлдфaжных бoяp дpyжнo нaдyдoнил тeбe нa гoлoвy, дa тaк, чтo ты пoтoм eщё мecяц пиcaл гнeвныe жaлoбы в /d/, paзмaхивaя cвoeй кpoвoтoчaщeй cpaкoй. Кoгдa жe ты yгoмoнишьcя, нecчacтный имбeцил, yдeл кoтopoгo пoдбиpaть oбъeдки oт нopмaльных и cocтoявшихcя в жизни людeй и пepecтaнeшь oтпиcывaтьcя в тpeдaх co cвoими шизoидными пpoблeмaми. Лyчшe бы твoeмy oтцy oтpeзaли члeн, дaбы oн нe пpoизвёл нa cвeт тaкoe cyщecтвo.


Women suck

fucking finally
set sound to mute and lock my doors, Alexa

and fuck

Yeah, all 5 of them who saw it.

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>didnt watch the flick because of that kike they cast as the main character
Did i missout? should i watch it

If you're over the age of 25, it's probably much too late to watch.

I hope we get to see a lot of domestic Jodelle in pjs and stuff.

How come girls didn't pick up the knives aesthetic

Like this?

Attached: b7A2vpR0gXY.jpg (646x486, 58K)

Or this?

Attached: 1504720441524.webm (1920x1080, 3M)


>9 years later and Ellen Wong is still not a star
What went wong?

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Knives a CUTE ramona a PUTA

I have never once watched this movie, nor am I inclined to ever watch it.

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Did you forget to take your meds again?

No, just MEW.


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They live rent free in your head

never saw it

She played Misaki Han-Shireikan in Dark Matter

Attached: Ellen Wong Misaki Han-Shireikan.jpg (1000x667, 95K)

beat it kike,

And Glow

I'm really going to miss seeing space japan from that show.

What is this movie even about? The title itself just screams npc to me somehow, i always thought it sounded intensely uninteresting


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One more year before they try and make a sequel.

Have your really never seen a fat lifter?

Jodelle fans, where can I find out more about Pandora Protocol? I can't find anything about it when I do searches.

>those fat tits
>Based on the WWW trilogy by Canadian author Robert Sawyer, Wake is the first novel in the trilogy (Wake, Watch, Wonder); Wake is the first novel in WWW Trilogy. Caitlin Decter is young, feisty, a genius at math, and was
born blind. But she can surf the internet with the best of them, following its complex paths in her
mind. When a Japanese neurosurgeon develops a new signal-processing implant that might give her sight, she jumps at the chance, flying to Tokyo for the operation. But the visual cortex in Caitlin’s brain has long since adapted to allow her to navigate online. When the implant is activated, instead of seeing reality, she sees the landscape of the World Wide Web spreading out around her in a riot of colours and shapes. While exploring this amazing realm, she discovers something—some other— lurking in the background. And it’s getting smarter.

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years later and Ellen Wong is still not a star

She was in GLOW season 2 but not sure if she's in 3!!!FACT!!!

She is


Thank you very much.