What's your favourite 60's kino?
I'll get the best one outta the way.
What's your favourite 60's kino?
I'll get the best one outta the way.
Other urls found in this thread:
>best one
hahahah ohhnonono
>there was a time when women were actually allowed to be beautiful and not be torn down by jealous fuckers
>tfw there will never be another universal sex symbol like from the 60s and 70s
>gay disney shit
Youth Of The Beast
>tfw there will never be another universal sex symbol like from the 60s and 70s
I know you're shitposting, but I literally can't think of anyone from the past 30 years that's universally beloved for being beautiful and oozing sexuality the way starlets like Hepburn, Monroe, Fonda, Welch, etc are
>peak julie andrews
so fucking many lol
The Hustler
The Train
King Kong Vs Godzilla
The Longest Day
The Fall Of The Roman Empire
In The Heat Of The Night
El Dorado
Where Eagles Dare
Once Upon A Time In The West
Favorite 60s film is Lolita. Favorite 60s Audrey film is The Children's Hour
Who's that tranny? Looks familiar.
The graduate
Madonna, J-Lo, Pamela Anderson, Salma Hayek to certain extent, maybe. Those are the ones who have consistently been able to stay relevant.
lmao cope
Loved this movie to bits as a kid.
The Good The Bad and The Ugly
The Great Escape
Dirty Dozen
>The Children's Hour
Charade nigguh
I like it more than all her other films. The acting is over the top a lot of the times, and it has quaint feel to it.
my mom told me this movie is for gays
she told you that because the film shows the true essence of women; sociopaths who are happy to go on the run and leave everyone behind to avoid anything difficult in life.
Go back.
Night of the Living Deaaaaaaad
I was going to say Gigi but turns out it's from 1958.
Those all suck except for Once Upon a Time in the West
either pic related or The Apartment
fistful of dollars is unwatchable desu
Lawrence of Arabia naturally, but it feels sort of weird calling it a '60's movie'. It transcends the time period it was born out of.
The Producers
Also enjoyable:
> The Hustler
> Planet of the Apes
> Barbarella
> 2001
> Faster Pussycat Kill Kill
> The Jungle Book