>capeshit, anime, vidya, yootoobers, manchild culture
Capeshit, anime, vidya, yootoobers, manchild culture
>Television & Film
Anime website
>using wojaks in 2019
Most anime is based and not pozzed.
Not yet anyway.
I prefer manga anime is soulless
>>using wojaks in 2019
Manga is partician. Most people are anime-only faggots which sucks. I feel like it's a niche in a niche.
They're both onions, infantile and beta
>t. Soicuck who watches capeshit while playing on his switch
Anime website, newfag
lol so true
yikes nerd
Doesn’t really disprove what he said
Comics are for nerds.
This is based
This is 4channel though
>foreign films
>any boring artsy shit you pretend to like thinking you a are going to bang an art hoe
>bragging about being mature despite not being married nor having children
Ah yes my mistake
Pretentious fags who like arthouse are far worse than the soiest of soiboys.
They're both degenerates
>Hating anime on an anime discussion forum
>Anyone who likes anything i don't like is pretentious
Imagine doing anything other than getting into fights, having sex, and eating raw meat
4chin is so far removed from its initial foundations that your stance makes no sense
4cels btfo
Posting on Yea Forums is pretty pathetic.
>OP is a big boy with mature tastes
>A site is a bit different so I am able to hate the site's primary topic!
Because a runescape forum's community changes doesn't mean that it would still be OK to shittalk runescape on it. Same applies to here.
Even then, why do you even come here if you hate anime? Literally why not just go to reddit? I'm seriously asking. Reddit is a way better place for you, there is no reason staying here. Just go
And stop breathing through your mouth
>implying reddit isn't infested with anime/man child culture
Yea Forums is basically reddit now, newfag, and has been for at least 3 years.
>Yea Forums is basically reddit now, newfag
We aren't posting shitty "dank memes", we don't have a downvote button to silence opposing opinions, our layout is not an unusable clusterfuck, we cannot make our own boards and still have our own memes
We got flooded by reddit in 2016.
The blueboards especially are reddit
Wojak and Pepe is now cancelled
Why are they reddit?