how does a human gorilla have the greatest podcast of all time?
How does a human gorilla have the greatest podcast of all time?
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gorillas will fuck you up man
Because even though he's retarded, he's also curious, empathetic, and honest, and all those things combined makes him a good interviewer for almost anyone who comes on the show
That's one midge gorilla
Why do people think he's retarded?
because he's a simple guy
Seasons 1 and 2 of Norm Macdonald live are objectively the best podcast of all time
He believes in weird shit, flat earth style shit, though I don't think flat earth specifically is one of his things
Jamie pull this up.
because they think they're better than him
Okay so what does he believe?
How rich is he actually?
because he literally is a confirmed 127IQ retard
No fucking way. I must be atleast 140 to be compared to this monkey.
He has more money than 95% of hollywood B/A listers (actors, directors, screewriters) and probably more than 70% of famous musicians.
You wish, baby boy!
Thinking you're smarter than someone often means you're actually stupider.
Because the show originally was just Joe having conversations with his friends, which he used as an opportunity to talk to people he found interesting like John Anthony West, now he has presidential candidates and the like on, but he isn't an expert in their fields so often he has misinformed pedestrian takes on things. He seems pretty open to admitting when he's wrong though.
Yeah, that why you here posting frogs.
High IQ people are usually also pretty attractive.
We had a chimp on NewsRadio once...
>high IQ people are attractive
Not true. Look at Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos/Zukerberg.
Musk is attractive, Bezos is ok for his age. Zuk is not a human.
>durr everyone who acknowledges their intellect is stoopid
>duurr you is ugly and dumb
Bigbrains indeed.
He‘s the embodiment of the dude weed lmoa meme, so he comes off as a complete retard whenever someone on his show doesn‘t think canabis is literally the tears of the virgin Mary. Otherwise he‘s obviously not very knowledgable in certain fields, so he asks „stupid“ questions, but that‘s actually a good thing when you want to introduce complex topics to a large audience with different educational levels.
He has interesting guests on his podcast, and the ability to simply let them unfold uninterrupted makes him a decent interviewer, as opposed to other shitters who feel the need to take what the guest says and make it about themselves, or be overly critical so that the guest feels like he can't speak freely.
It's basically Yea Forums: The Podcast. Let people speak freely and that's more than enough to generate entertainment.
go take an iq test and post the results
>greatest podcast of all time
He doesn't. Joe Rogan's podcast is just ranting and ambling interviews that go nowhere.
Musk literally was bald in his mid 20.
this, you are probably retarded..i mean you're browsing Yea Forums and brag that you are smarter than a millionaire, lol
Online tests aren't accurate.
He’s got that balanced chakra chill.
Open-minded without being a bitch and without taking wacky stuff or himself too seriously. Authentically curious and impressed by things.
right so go take a real one
I could be a millionaire I just don't want to.
Brain Metrics Initiative (where he took that test) is literally just a scam website that tells idiots they have high IQs.
Their name is purposefully misleading because it's so similar to the BRAIN Initiative (which was the government study started in 2013 to map the human brain).
bullshit, 90% of the time this podcast sucks ass, oh boy tom papa, fuckin shit
Guys I got 89 out of 100 on my iq test anyone here do better? I feel I could do better but I had to rush near the end.
>I had to rush
sign of autism
Why hasn't anyone come up with a different name yet? iPods haven't been produced for roughly 34 years.
I have zero idea what zoomer trash this is
I don't recall because I don't keep a running tally of random radio hosts beliefs, are you retarded? Just look up his shows or google it or something, but keep in mind he's 100% willing to change his mind, so at any given time he might believe in some random shit and at another time he will have recovered.
>Durrr I make claims based on things I don't even remember. Fuck you retard look up evidence for me.
You don't have the right to criticize anything you lazy brainlet
Just because I don't remember how to do dirivatives doesn't mean they don't work at all user, I have opinions based on past experiences, just because I can't go through those experiences word for word without looking it back up doesn't mean they are magically invalid, please continue to be lazy though, super interested in this topic but not interested enough to use google for 5 seconds.
You are giving Yea Forums way too much credit
that's the point faggerino
>Results cost $19.99
There is no way he wasn’t paid to post this
Here's your spoon feeding: moon landing hoax, for a long time he believed the moon landing was a hoax. He believes (or believed, like I said he changes his mind a lot) without much foundation that people in the future are going to have some sort of direct ESP. He believes aliens have had contact with and have influenced human civilization (not outside the realm of possibility but there is no sane reason to believe this). He believes in idiocratic evolution (I.e. Stupid people outbreeding smart people and causing them to dissapear), there is no evidence this is happening.
Because he gets too high and ruins the comedian episode with fucking up their premise
So it's essentially a guest says something witty or in jest and it will fly over his head or he'll take way too seriously and miss the point
Lol Toby tier
>He believes in idiocratic evolution
>there is no evidence this is happening.
Studies conducted in both the US and numerous European countries show that the average IQ level has been rapidly decreasing since the 1960s/1970s, and it keeps decreasing.
Studies also show that people of higher education (and thus intelligence) are having fewer kids than their counterparts with little or no education. IQ is also strongly linked to genetics.
If you actually read any of the studies, you'll see that the scientists blame "environmental factors". But they don't have any scientific basis for it. Zero. They're just guessing. Here's a quote from one of the scientists responsible for one of the studies I mention earlier; "These environmental factors could include changes in the education system and media environment, nutrition, reading less and being online more"
It's basic fucking cause and effect. Separately nobody has a problem admitting that the IQ is in fact decreasing, and that intelligent people have fewer kids than their dumber counterparts. But since retarded morals have been injected into the sciences we end up with these retarded non-conclusions where nobody dares point out the obvious in fear of dehumanizing a group of people.
Fear Factor popularity
>Studies conducted in both the US and numerous European countries show that the average IQ level has been rapidly decreasing since the 1960s/1970s, and it keeps decreasing.
Big, if true.
I thought average IQ was increasing over the decades in areas we have data for. The Flynn Effect.
am I the only one who's seeing a thumbnail of jon hamm and gal gadot? seriously what the fuck
The actual scientists involved in the studies have no obvious cause they can point to, they make suggestions, but you just KNOW it's idiocratic breeding, how adorable. You use science with one breath and disregard it with another, you are so learned.
Now defend the moon landing hoax bit, user
Pretty much
what the fuck is a podcast
He is right that IQ scores are now declining, he is not right that it is breeding/genetic related, as the researchers in some of these studies were able to see the decline in individual families among related siblings over time. user is a faggot, as usual.
Internet Radio, but podcast is a more likeable marketable name. Indie radio really which is more pretentous.
>brings mic closer
>you see
Hey goy, lemme tell you why alphabet agencies are your best friend and Israel is our greatest ally and our foothold in the middle east even though there really wasn't a problem before the creation of Israel.
Virtual friend experience for an atomised world.
Its sad really
>even though there really wasn't a problem before the creation of Israel.
Intelligent and well adapted people tend to focus on career and wait to have kids, ultimately having fewer of them if any. Less intelligent people fail to do this and statistically have more kids. Thus, there is a dysgenic effect on intelligence.
None of the studies covering declining IQ support this claim and in fact the data collected specifically discounts this and certain other factors such as family size as significant for the decline. You are simply pulling this claim out of your ass with zero support.
why does he constantly talk up stand-up comedy like its some transcendent art form without the world would be a much duller place when its actually very subpar in and of itself ftvmp?
>'bro remember that bit that dice clay/burr/joey had about (whatever) ... HAHAHAHAHA *falls off chair* that was the greatest piece of comedy ever written bro!!!'
>look up said bit on youtube
>its meh at best and usually padded with loud roaring and exaggerated facial expressions and flailing about to milk it for all they get out of it before audience finishes laughing
You have to remember he's either drunk or high or both when he first sees these things, so it colors his memory
I don't mind him talking about standup comedy.
I am bored to tears with his fucking 'backstage gossip', if anything its probably less interesting than the stories salesmen tell each other. I don't give a fuck about the Comedy Store, who runs it or what someone said there one night between sets in the big room or whatever shit it is. Just stop.
About five years ago he was praised as a modern renaissance man and polymath. However, he still has not learned anything in that amount of time and people realized he was just a stupid stoner that was asking questions about things he knew nothing about. Also I personally got fed up of listening to him on the ufc and on his podcast.
it was inevitable they'd come to see him as just a regular guy who could occasionally be a bit of a moron (retarded is a bit strong) but he is still widely revered and loved by the masses, perhaps even more so for that reason that he's not a genius in fact
most publicly-lauded 'geniuses' end up doing themselves in anyway when they let their egos run away with them and get brushed aside by the masses, whereas Based Joe prevails despite his occasional fumble
I doubt it, men are way stronger than gorillas, I could probably solo a bunch of them and my only train is my 4000+ hrs on DoA series lmao
Because people think that if aren't a pretentious pseud then you're retarded. Mostly because so many people on this board and on the internet in general overestimate their own intelligence.
for me, it's duncan trussell
JRE used to be so fucking chill. You could just smoke a joint and listen to Joe and his goofy friends tell stories about whatever crazy shit they used to do. Now it's just a platform for political shilling and pseudo scientists.
Also Joe has a black step daughter. Make whatever inferences you want with that information.
podcast became completely different when Redban left. he could be annoying but he at least tried to keep it funny when Joe would go into his "pulls mic closer" rants
He's so fucked up by pot he's literally retarded, as I said earlier in the thread he believes in moon landing hoax shit and other brainlet crap, he's a nice guy but he is 100% retarded
The IQ's are mainly falling because Arab and nigger immigrants have moved their in millions
Podcasts are for the clinically retarded. He’s just the best retard there is.
That's where you're wrong, friend.
The stalker episode was honestly one of the best podcast eps i've heard even though it wasn't the funniest they've done
You usually listen to people talk.
Convenient to get a discussion of ideas without having to read. Commuting, doing house chores, while exercising, etc. are pretty good with podcasts.
He doesn't believe in moon landing conspiracy anymore