ITT: Terrible attempts at making an actor look younger or older

ITT: Terrible attempts at making an actor look younger or older.

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the irishman

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That looked pretty good.

that was fine though

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has there ever been a non-terrible attempt at it?

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Ah yes the "40+ year old in a bad wig" routine

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Was Dexter supposed to be a parody or something? It was so shit.

Michael Douglas in Ant man was pretty good

This might be the worst ever

it had the showtime curse like weeds did
>start out decent
>plummet in quality

Winners, specially Guy

As was old Cap in Endgame and young Michelle in Ant-Man 2

You know, they did a great job of making JGL not look like JGL. Unfortunately he doesn’t looks a damn thing like Bruce Willis either.

>she's supposed to be the kid teen of the group, how do we downplay her uh assets?
>a baggy t-shirt will do the trick! no one will suspect a thing

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this one quite good
and he looks like bruce willies

Read the OP you goddamn idiot

TV budgets do not allow for old person makeup. It's hard enough for big budget films to do it convincingly.

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>and he looks like bruce willies

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dude, I love Ween

Fuck you, that pic looks like ass, but in motion it looked seamless. Most Marvel de-agings looked awesome (Kurt Russell, Michael Douglas, Michelle Pfeiffer...etc)

*CGIs old footage onto a body double*

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No he doesn't

This can't be real

he looked maybe 26
but it was a good try considering how much worse it could have been

It's not real, it's makeup.

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The beard looks fucking CGI

came into the thread to post this

It looked utterly ridiculous in the theater, cuck. Never bothered watching Ant-Man or Dance Off Bro, Me & You 2 so can’t comment on the others, but the Civil War de-aging was hilariously bad, easily Cavill mustache tier

They have the budget for a bit of grey and that's it

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he does
you just got face blindness
he realy looked liked him

the milkers refuse to be ignored

Hehe this was so surreal

These are fine.

It is hit or miss with CGI de-agings.

I don't get it, that works

I really don't know why they bothered with this.
Why make Young Jeff Bridges a major character if you can't make him less creepy than this?

at least he was a computer program in a virtual environment

this. kurt russell's looked real

looks like Ezra Miller t b h

CG deaging works if the person's face hasn't significantly changed with aging. Like Sam Jackson, other than looking a bit older he's barely changed so his deaging in Captain Marvel looked good. Same with Kurt Russell.
Douglas on the other hand has a very different face shape now than when he was young so it's awkward looking when it's younger Douglas with older Douglas' mouth or eyes . They did the "really young" Douglas with the 60s hairdo in Endgame well however.

Ed Norton in American History X is pretty bad, they just get him to wear a backwards baseball cap and call him a teenager.

He looks like Stephen Amell wearing a grey beard, not Stephen Amell at age 60 whatever.

He looks more like a young Beau Bridges than Jeff.

I like to pretend they did this on purpose. A stylized exaggeration.

Not at the start he wasn't
Fuckin Polar Express eyes on him

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Isn't he supposed to be like 130 and full of harvested Chinese baby organs?

That image right there COMPETELY sums up the entirety of that show, fucking dumb show

The main problem is they don't change appearance outside of being greyer. They have the same hairstyle, hair length, makeup etc as they do in the present. Who would have the same hair 30 years later?

For the time this was pretty damn good, this was early 2000s, CGI was fucking plastic looking back than

Fuck off mcutard.

opinion discarded thanks for playing

Young Kurt Russell in GOTG2 looked good

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is there a name for this "girl with boobs too big to hide" fetish?

Why the fuck did they do this, you dont even see the character young so what the fuck was the point of not just using an old guy, and even if you did see him young you could use another actor, there is just no reason for this makeup jesus christ

2.7 billion

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This was actually incredibly well done

Y-yeah, who would wear the same hairstyle for 30 years, right?

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2000s cgi>today's cgi

This is the funniest thread on Yea Forums

This might be the best to date in my opinion

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They planned to show him young at one point, but when they axed that scene they really should have rethought things.

No it doesn't.

Can't beat that one.

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What the hell those are gigantic


And its not even cg, just a wig and caked on makeup.


What about this

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It looked like Snapchat filter - at best. Smoothing our the skin of a purported teenager with the hairline and features of a 50 year old looks like shit if you’re not riddled with myopia

Is this looksmaxxing?

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I had a classmate in fifth grade that had large tits. It's technically possible.

That looks good in that image, but it was shit in motion.

Do you also watch Big Bang Theory, you turbo pleb? Oh wait, at least that dreck regularly wins awards in addition to its viewership numbers. I guess a better comparison would be Bayformers?

It was better in Endgame

>And its not even cg, just a wig and caked on makeup.
Why do you make shit up?
>Townsend said the visual effects department went to Russell and his makeup artist Dennis Liddiard and asked them to make him look “as young as possible” for the scenes. They put mapping dots on his face so they could alter his face digitally. Then, all of Russell’s scenes were filmed twice, first with Russell himself, and then with a 30-year-old actor named Aaron Schwartz, who served as Russell’s face double. Townsend said it took hours of work to get the job done.

>It’s literally doing digital plastic surgery: getting a nip and a tuck, and reducing the size of the pores and smoothing out the wrinkles and tightening up the skin. And where you can’t take the original photography and manipulate it, you then have to go back to the picture double and literally skin-graft parts of his face onto the main actor. So the make-up that was done on set was great, but it got you 20 percent of the way there, and then we had to do an awful lot of work digitally to make it a final image.

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No, it's CG. The body is a stand-in that had a similar build to young Russell wearing a wig but the face is CG'd.

>all this seething
Gets me hard

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Why did they make JGL look like Willis but used no makeup to Willis ?

34E cup.

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It is, but it's very clear from her costuming on the show they were trying to downplay her boobs because she was meant to be younger. But there's numerous times it fails.


Bad pussy really does a number on a man.

Thought he looked better in Ant-Man and the Wasp, a little less "posed"

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>We only have $5 for the ageing scene
>Sir, faceapp is only $3.99 on the app store

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Looking good, son

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what an ugly little goblin woman


I went into the movie blind, so I had no idea Kurt Russell was going to be in it. My first thought when he showed up in the car was that they'd gotten a guy who looked like a young Kurt(maybe a kid I hadn't seen, like Eastwood's son who look deceptively like him from certain angles) and given him the 80s hair and clothes to make some intro joke about Starlord thinking of his dad like a Kurt Russell type dude, same as the David Hasselhoff gag. I didn't realise it was CGI and it was only when he started talking that I realised it really was de-aged Kurt.

Judging by how far they've come with the technology I can't wait to see the kind of shit we'll get when I'm 80.


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wait for The Irishman

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Is there any example of making an actor look younger that worked? Every example I think of from Breaking Bad to Better Call Saul to Dexter looks like shit.


Brad Pitt in Benjamin Button

>Life cannot be contained, life breaks free, life finds a way

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he still has old wide head shape

Ed Norton in American History X where they show the old clip from the news but it's just Edward Norton dressed like Bart Simpson

reminder that the two towers came out in 2002

>thinking Willis would sit through a makeup session

This is still the best one

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I never thought the kid from Silent Hill would grow up to have gigantic milkers.

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>Hal shacks up with a new family

A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one.

She seems to hide those E cups herself unfortunately, she should show them off in every role


'member Surrogates?

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that's her? damn puberty was good to her


looks fine

he looks like a failed korean plastic surgery

I swear I used to see threads for it all the time but idk which board

This, I DIDN,t even know that was supposed to be anthony hopkins character.

Maybe you're just a moron..

What the fuck were they thinking?

Waste of dubs

>somehow looked worse than The Last Stand's from 2006 which was pretty much the first to attempt the modern digital deaging

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He looks like 2013-era Bret Hart, like not full JUST but the track is set already

thats called beeing a chad user
but you wouldnt know headlet

The beginning of Space Cowboys. Especially the voice acting.

no u faggot

different actors though. pretty good casting too, getting the guy who would later play flint on black sails as eastwood's character. the voice thing was totally distracting though, also that blue sheen. don't know what they were thinking with that.

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how old is he supposed to be here?

early to mid 20s

bottom right is joe rogan

the eyes and the mouth are weird

>plays literally Young Everyone
apparently all actresses now looked the exact same when they were 5-10

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t. russell

it's what Kurt Russell went around saying after the movie came out, maybe as a joke, probably out of vanity.

tiny mouth

I thought that was a different actor

worked for Shipka

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>For the time this was pretty damn good
No it was not. It was widely mocked for how terrible it was as soon as it aired.

>'member Surrogates?

I mean, he was a computer program, so that explains his uncanny look.

retard that's not what it is
it's not genetics, it's age

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Literally always looked like shit.

So am I the only one that thought young dexter was a campy gag on purpose?

besides the point

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Horror directors couldn’t even create something that unsettling if they wanted to.

>Same with Kurt Russell.
The guy playing young Kurt Russell wans't even Kurt Russell. What Disney does is creepy as fuck.

I liked it a lot. Got me thinking that maybe they didn't have the budget to CGI him or get a convincing lookalike so they said "fuck it" and gave him a wig, which is actually just fine, the point is that it's not him in current moment. I wish more shows did that than try so hard, I get what you're trying to say.

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I thought she was a different actress.

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I really like how the did it in Malcolm. They just put a wig to Lois and Hal and they didn't give a fuck about anything else.

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I always found it funny how they just didn't give a shit about trying to make Tom Hanks look younger in Forrest Gump. The guy looks exactly the same from college to being a father in his 40s.
For a film best known for its cutting edge CGI it always struck me as weird. They could have at least got a different actor to play him in his early 20s.

I feel like that's what the Dexter one was going for. Half-serious half-campy joke because they barely changed anything.
A more extreme/obvious example is Danny DeVito in It's Always Sunny

>didn't bother watching GotG2
>but knows that the previous poster was referring to that movie without mentioning the title

What episode was this?

Don Draper in Mad Men

>I mean, he was a computer program, so that explains his uncanny look.
Except every other game character looked like an actual person, and he had the same creepy fake face when seen young in the real world. They could have used the game element to their advantage but trusted the tech too much.

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there was a cut scene where david is talking to weyland in his pod - just before vickers pushes david in the hallway - david was supposed to jack into weyland's dream/suspension state and he would be youthful on a large boat with tons of girls and stuff

Yeah its called " im retarded and calleverything a fetish" fetish

>mfw I got into some long argument with an autist who insisted this was groundbreaking

wtf is he supposed to be saying here?


Why are you bothering with this lie? It was done with CG'd Kurt Russell, same as every other one. Don't make excuses just because you weren't able to criticize it like you wanted


Silent Hills

You must be joking, blind faggot.

For 2008 it looked good

You're such a gay little redditor.

> Hasn't even seen the movie

Opposite example:
>see Exorcist for the first time like 10 years ago
>wonder how Max Von Sydow is still alive because he already looked so old in 1973
>find out it was all just makeup

The make up alone is impressive, but his old man mannerisms and performance is the best example of "acting elderly" that I've ever seen.

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Any more buzzwords you wish to throw out there or is your stupid opinion enough?

I would've just made the whole scene more surreal with shots of her out of focus or from the back of the head with a body double. Sopranos already had weird supernatural shit that made no sense.

that would've been better

this one was always shit in theatres, but Russel and Douglas were fantastic

what happened to his jaw, was it contaminated by the poisonous vagoo?

oral sexed wife with HPV and caught throat cancer

how old was he at the time vs the character's age?
yeah but why'd they take his jaw, couldn't they settle for the throat

Bazinga! XD
Kurt Russell was in the ads, don’t be a dolt


ugly goblina

Old Cap was one of the few times when CGIng an actors face didn't look like total shit.

>I thought the director was going to hire Robert De niro for this role!"


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I don't know. Maybe he just sucks at aging. I'd imagine getting cancer and treatment ages you extra hard though.

>how old was he at the time vs the character's age?

40 irl vs. 75-80 in the movie


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It's a funny point because they found a child Dexter that did look the part. But teenage Dexter and college Dexter were way off.

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>how old was he at the time vs the character's age?
Around 44, character was close to 80

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Giant fag

I mean given that literally was a CG scene in universe

for me its James Bonds' plastic surgery in You Only Live Twice. He's supposed to look Japanese.

pic related

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Literally faceapp but on motion

Pretty impressive. In the Godfather, they did a nice job of aging up Brando, he was only 46-47 when they filmed it.

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This was terrible in motion, its a shitty CGI mess

Just looks like Sean Connery with an allergic reaction

You could honestly give the CGI a pass if not for the dialog being so obviously recycled

Is that supposed to be Don?

Based, just squint and look Asian.

I think what made this jarring was people knew what young Bruce looked like and imagining him with a full head of hair that wasn't wispy looking threw them off.

I think he did that for that whole half of the movie too. fucking hysterical

The weirdest part is that this scene was completely unnecessary too, it adds nothing to the plot at all when the episode just cuts to Livia's death later.

Holy shit, I forgot that was Sydow! Man that’s some good makeup work!

This one was good, he acted younger too rather than just looking it

Speaking of riceface.

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I thought the oldest golden girl was really that old initially

How is she still cute

this is just a picture of seth macfarlane

He is one of the best actors to ever live.

They didn't even bother to try and make Don Draper look younger when he was serving in Korea

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At first I thought this was old Jared Leto from Mr. Nobody. I've mostly purged Prometheus from my memory.

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Yeah, this bit was a mistake. much like Tron 2 as a whole

What mad men episode is this?

Why is he considered handsome even with that jawline?
I never understood why women find him handsome.

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>nobody posts Bad Grandpa

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trek has a history of truly hilarious aging effects

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People praise Snyder's visuals, but some of the makeup and wig work in Watchmen is so jarringly artificial. Tricky Dicknose in particular makes it feel like a parody skit.

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Where is old Harry Potter? C'mon.

Know that you mention it it does seem weird.

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Can’t believe they expected us to think he was 13 years old

The fake alien squid ending would have been more believable than that ridiculous nose.

JGL's eyebrows needed to be lighter. everything else was okay.

>The fake alien squid ending would have been more believable than that ridiculous nose.
Well said.

Why did they even age him there? He was already in his 70's

why do people hate that episode? i thought it was hilarious. not the same quality as before but still made me laugh.

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Just watch ariel winter in modern family

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Kid who played young nuck in Boardwalk was spot on
Once upon a time in America is my favorite film, and I think the kid who plays young Bobby is terrific, same with connelly, but the woods kid doesn't match. And Bobby in old man makeup kinda looks off but I think it was somewhat intentional, old woods was made to look more theatrical on purpose and McGovern not aging is such a brilliant, beautiful idea in the context of the story. Still Bobby in makeup is better than whatever Irishman is going to look like, cgi de aging is soulless, I'd rather have questionable makeup than perfect cgi.

Samuel L Jackson in Captain Marvel.
Haven't watched the movie, but it looked alright from the trailer

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Say what you will about that actor that played Young Woods, but that shot of him when Bobby walks out of the dressing room and the music swells is one of my favorite shots of all time.

those are the best, like the young Kelso scene in Scrubs.
You can only do it in comedies tho

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it's literally female Ezra

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but with massive tits

>Like Sam Jackson, other than looking a bit older he's barely changed so his deaging in Captain Marvel looked good
His face was a LOT thinner in the 90s. Go compare him to Pulp Fiction and his CGI. It's uncanny as shit, and his face is fucking shiny in CM.

That's not for the age he is literally in yellowface and supposed to look convincingly Japanese in story. It is a hilarious watch.

Because women dont give a fuck about your jawline.
Have sex.


Ezras on HRT now and growing titties. Soon.

Foxy Enid...

that nixon always reminded me of pic related

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what the fuck were they thinking? He looks straight out of 2001: A Space Odyssey.

legitimately didnt know that was leto until recently and refused to believe it due to the voice

I think it's mostly his voice and dressing nicely. He's still not bad looking at all so those other things still bump him up to Chad status.

Why is it easier to make someone looked older but so hard to make someone look younger?

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One is adding, the other is taking away

compare the emperor palpatines in the original trilogy and prequel trilogy. his head is fucking huge in the prequel one.

all hollywood old man makeup ends up looking the same and also like no old man i've ever seen irl

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The makeup sucks in the PT, looks like a Halloween mask, while the OT's makeup actually looked like a creepy ancient man

because it always looks like an actor in 20 pounds of makeup, old people tend to get thinner and frailer unless they're big fat fucks

this had me fooled as a kid.

fat fucks also end up looking younger because the fat stretches their skin and reduces wrinkles

Aren't they supposed to be robots?

>actually looked like a creepy ancient man
I wish he actually was. I was disappointed that he cooked himself with lightning. I thought he was some super old lich or something when I was a kid.

Which is why old Cap looked good, they had Evans in some makeup, but used CG to make him skinnier and more frail and to complete the wrinkling (as opposed to piling on "wrinkly skin" prosthetics)


>Sopranos already had weird supernatural shit that made no sense
elaoborate please? i thought it was just gritty gabagool gangster schlock? i might actually watch it now...

I don't want to spoil it but it has some spooky Catholic and ghost stuff.

McCoy's supposed to be 137 years old there.


because shes winona

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>no one posted it

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This entire section of a movie was on the comedic level of the spy mask in team fortress 2. The ninja training beforehand was also hysterical.
Was this movie meant as a response to the 1967 Casino Royale or were they serious when they made it?

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The creepiest itt.

i know a lot of people call this the best nu wars, and in most ways it is, but this and the tarkin shit was so fucking soulless.

Did you milk her? I'm presuming it was a girl.

different actor

>Edward Norton dressed like Bart Simpson

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>Did you milk her?
no I was way too shy as a kid and wouldn't have had a chance to anyways

>I'm presuming it was a girl.
Yes and strangely enough she had two midge parents but was taller than most of the girls in the class.

you fucking stupid kid

jesus christ i hate kids

they never know anything

Mighty Canadian milkers

You could've at least asked.

When I saw this in the theaters, I honestly thought that they had gotten a RDJ look-alike. I was trying to figure out if the guy was just a great impersonator or if they had synced up RDJ voice-overs to the guy speaking. It didn't occur to me that they had de-aged him. Like others said, it looked good in motion.

she said she wanted to grab my ass in middle school because she said it looked like a girl's ass
not sure what she meant by that

You're a moron. It was such an obvious piece of shit.

They should've just spliced in his footage from Less Than Zero and had his Howard discover him sucking dicks.

RDJ was a slightly odd looking kid anyway.

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They used his old face mold to make him look like an older version of the character, it still applies to this thread. Didnt hear you bitch about

And a guy literaly turns into a house

>most of the MCU deagings looked awesome!

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thank you for this comment

can confirm this

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The house is very particular on who hangs out on his stoop

Until he discovered the power of beards

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I agree Westworld did a very good job considering how many shots they had of him. It was a younger actor which was conveyed whenever he walked around briskly.

Looks more like a CG Tony Soprano than Deniro.

That had a more symbolic significance though. The whole idea that all people are connected to all other people across many lifetimes, many ages, many cultures, etc... There's only so much they could do before a person is unrecognizable and the concept of characters being connected no longer works.

Still looked like shit, but so did Hugo Weaving in yellowface, Doona Bae in whiteface, Halle Berry in yellowface, etc...

Only thing I'm confused on is he doesn't look THAT much younger, he still looks like DeNiro from at most, the late 90s. I thought they were actually making him young like Godfather Part II or at least Raging Bull era.


my first thought isn't "wow deniro looks young" it's "wow this looks like a ps4 game"

Every time they pull this guy out of his crypt, I think of the magic of hollywood.

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same jewish visage.

*same cute visage

Jodelle isn't jewish

I just realized Seth MacFarlane laughs like Ian Malcolm from Jurassic Park

She is tho

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She's Christian though

Ethnically Jewish is not the same as religious
She's Christian by faith but has Ashkenazi genes and it's obvious just by looking at her

Hilarious how you say "it's obvious!" but mysteriously the other 75% of various genes is invisible to you.

I understand your point but he is correct about her having a distinct Ashkenazi look to her face. It's cute.

She has the Audrey Hepburn nose, that's pretty European

They're not tho, she looks exactly like her European breakdown to me.
I'm not dunking on your waifu mate, I think she's cute as hell. I have a folder.

Ok Ashkenazi pro, one of these boys is 100% Ashkenazi Jewish, go ahead and tell me which one it is.

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so are her giant E cups in fact...khazar milkers?

You know it cuz

uh, shit

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The best kind of milkers

reminds me of The Natural. in the opening, there's a scene where he's meant to be like 19, and they shoot it at night, but it's still pretty ridiculous as redford was probably 40 at the time.

Move over fags, George Lopez show had the best deaging FACT!!!

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Mick O Flanagan, the fourth man. 100% Jewish.