Do you think Vanessa Hudgens career will be revived with Bad Boys 3?

Do you think Vanessa Hudgens career will be revived with Bad Boys 3?

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I wish it would be revived by my dick

she was pretty hot 10 years ago

>had perfect forearm hair and other body hair
>lasered it all off

on my face

god, this webm makes me want to murder her on that boat as a somali pirate, making off with her needless wealth to die of AIDS back home, a king among my people

God I want to worship her little spic asshole

>Bad Boys 3
Christ, not another one

most based post i've ever seen

I dont think that movie will revive Will Smith's career, much less Hudgens'.

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She has all the ingredients, yet she does nothing for my dick. There's something off about her.

>Bad Boys 3
>No Michael Bay

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Is that recent?

Maybe you're gay.

I feel the same way, I think it's her chin or something.

it depends on how much cocks she can gargle at the same time


Shes dumb. And the the dumb youd want.

Like the tall guy that cant play basketball. Shes gifted, but she has no savvy, no grace, she's pure thot. Imagine being that good looking, being trained by the Disney complex as a performer, actually desiring fame and yet still being too mediocre.

Good enough for high class prostitution I guess.

pudgens seems like she'd be a fantastic fuck

>vanessa is still kinda hot, but pretty much dead careerwise
>meanwhile zac efron turned from chad kid to über chad and made some kino here and there too

Damn she made a big mistake letting him go.

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He let her go if i remember correctly. After her nude pictures leaked.

how can someone who should be good looking be so unattractive?

bunch of gay fags in this thread

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bros what is it like to be attractive

I don't watch movies made after 2007 but I think she's cute, whoever she is.

>Almost 40 years old
>Barely remembered for a movie she did 15 years ago


people look at you when you walk down the street and don't stop when you meet their gaze

Pudge Hudge is pretty much perfect.

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>this is considered a 10/10 in the United States of 52%.

Attached: basedandredpilled.webm (1440x508, 1.75M)

Why did you have to post that?

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Kino belly

post the gif you knwo which one

holy fuck she is obnoxious

Attached: Kino Breakers.gif (455x536, 2.92M)

Built for M Y cock

This gif makes me weep with overwhelming desire

god i wish that was me
i wanna be a girl like that so bad

God that bounce.

based and piratepilled

>not even pudgens anymore

bring back the tradition that only professionals dance and amateurs are ostracized


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now she's Vanessa Smudgens, as in smudge her asshole and pusy in and around my face

She's dodged the wall pretty well so far though

Shut the fuck up you stupid tranny way to ruin yet another thread you’re like a plague

>She's dodged the wall pretty well so far though
watch Arctic

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people smile at you. It's the only thing I like.

That's Polar and she was supposed to look haggard


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Wait so one of them is a trap ?

What other body hair?

ain't she way too old for that cringey flirty teenage shit?

God I wish I was the laser

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What a blast from the past. Remember jacking off to her leaked nudes a lot

Thanks for the memories OP

She's hot but why is she dancing like she's retarded?

Why are people not posting her multiple leaks of tiddies?

so much this

Just kill yourself lol no one loves you

because she is retarded
it wasn't obvious before cause she was young


never watched Spring Breakers, should I watch it today?

Same here. She is obviously attractive but there is just something off about her.

Is it because she doesn't have a penis?

she unironically looks like a nigger tranny. every time I look at her i cant help but think that's a black man in makeup.

rent free

would grab ass from behind / 10

>154.9 cm (5 ft 1 in)
>50 kg (110 lb)
Imagine how fun would it be to manhandle her tiny body. I'd just walk around the house looking for things to bend her over and fuck her on.

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She probably likes that.


Is she really 154cm tall?
I'm 177cm tall, I bet she looks like a midget next to me.

She should play Catwoman in the new R-Bats movies. Contrasting clean-cut Bruce with a streetwise Latina would be fun, plus shes tiny so she'll make batman look that much bigger. And then there's the Catsuit appeal, which speaks for itself.

>5'1" 110lbs.
wew that would be splendid

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Does she get blacked in it?

Imagine a woman literally a foot shorter than you. She's so tiny. Even heels wouldn't help her much

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that fucking filter makes me want to cave her skull in. Every thot on those dating apps has these

I bet you would look like one next to me

sexy little minx loves the cock you just know it

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god i want to see her get bred by a BBC

You want to know how I know you have never had sex?

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the seething hatred towards a attractive female ?


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I totally agree with this. If only Powerless hadn't flopped she could've been integrated into the DCEU somehow.

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But I have, so I guess you don't


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Your father doesn't count.

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don't you talk shit about my daddy, he said I was his special little guy afterwards

quite pungent my dear

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fucker made me laugh

God speed, user

Lets cave her skull in together user

I love zac efron for this
the man has 10/10 face and voice, more money than he could spend and infinite supply of pussy thanks for being a heartthrob for a generation in HSM
and he decides that it's not enough and has to go out and work out and roid up until he transcends humanity
he's the best
i watched his Ted Bundy movie last week and thought it was pretty great although i don't think he was simmiliar to the real guy at all

based autistic sherlock

this is the perfect female form

you're insane.

zac efron refusing to transition was one of the greatest tragedies in human history.

he would have made one of the most attractive trans women of all time.

How tall?

Don't tell me..... 191cm?

It was revived and died.

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this. fapped a gallon to her back then, but now there's younger, sexier, fresher stuff


Becky G

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would you even believe me if i told you ?

Is she having a seizure?

Fuck gotta watch power rangers again

She was in Power rangers ?

Sin Pijama and LBD are better if you know what I mean.

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In the newest movie yeah she was the yellow ranger

Post more of this cute latina.

Yes. Just don't say you are over 2m tall.

i am over 2 m tall, in fact i am from a part of the world where 188 is considered average

You can see the amount of dicks she rode ever since she was 12 just by how she moves kek

can we start banning these eurofaggots who keep using the metric system?

Ok, but just a couple.

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hey me too

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what the fuck is this retard doing

Isnt she over 30? Doubt she will ever see a revival. Which is good in my book. Dont why Hollyjew ever casts chicks over 30. No one wants to see that.

You can't tell me this is attractive.

Attached: vanessa-hudgens-1.jpg (1333x1907, 464K)

I can, and I will.

I don't talk to trannies or niggers so my question wasn't directed towards you.

her mom is filipino
product of dysgenic wmaf relationship.. plus filipina genes. even if black women have something off about their face, their bodies make up for it. same is true for latin women though i think their bodies are more mediocre than a qt black woman.

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yeah but he keeps being a manlet

Could he get any more based?


well that killed my boner


I'm 6'5" and nearly every girl I dated was 5'4" or below. its pretty damn fun

I don't care. As long as she gets naked more. HNNG!

still hot, but aint getting any younger
time to look for greener pastures


This is a 10/10 anywhere in the world, faggot

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What's this expression meant to convey?

Based Becky G poster strikes again

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are all women secretly boat sluts deep inside? There's literally nothing appealing to me about hanging out on a boat.

fucking kill yourself reddit tourist

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dude, same

Fucking hell Yea Forums

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shes joking... feels so good when jokes

What did you mean by this?

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She looks so soft... Brehs...

Delete this.

>Camilla for poorfags

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Cute Chinese girl smiled at me when I picked up my order last weekend. Felt good. Think I'm developing the Yellow Fever.

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Only a faggot would say no to this bodytype.

needs licks

post more of her feet

dem soles

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it's REALLY hard not to click on hudgens threads

>mfw foot and anklet fetish

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it's really hard when i click through hudgens threads

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High IQ contribution

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Saw her nudes a decade ago, who gives a shit about this woman now?

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Apparently you care enough to post.

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my dick cares

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tasteful thickness, she's too short though

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>do a line of uncut Columbian
>take one big sniff of her bent over like
What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?

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She's a talented actress but I figure she refused to suck Harvey's tiny jewcock so predictably, not much has happened for her. Zac wouldn't allow jewsuck.

Attached: Vanessa+Hudgens+Harvey+Weinstein+81st+Annual+4ngXNaknTsAl.jpg (594x447, 91K)

I looked up her history and she was the fucking girl in Polar.
I had no fucking idea and still can't put them together

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>uncut Columbian
They cut it before it's exported here to begin with
Not to mention the "pure" shit is still made with gasoline and fucking sulfuric acid

>sulfuric acid
Legit didn't know about this.

shes my catwoman

alright now that you had the chance to do your book report do you wanna answer the question

Was my choice between hot latina ass and literal poison not clear?

Only Harvey has the power to do that.

I was surprised too, I didn't even know she had that kind of range

Attached: vanessahudgens1077.jpg (3000x2090, 2.29M)

You was clearly a pirate in a past life, my nigga.

Based and arggh-pilled.

Prime kino hudgens