>tfw no qt Asian protester gf
Tfw no qt Asian protester gf
why do the police use rubber bullets, paintball and airsoft guns on protestors when most protestors aren't wearing correct eye pro?
Because they are retards
Just fucking use real bullets
Isn't it against the law not to wear safety goggles.
>feeling guilty some evil, neo nazi russian troll got what he deserved
reminder that cripple girls have plenty of orbiters and bfs but cripple men do not have any gfs
So what
What they need are the scoop machines from Onions Green
Goddamn filter
"Soilent" green
Because you can always fuck her with lube but a broken dick will never get hard.
t. chinks
Your dicks are small lol.
I wish I was a jap...
What makes here cute? Because shes asian? 70% of her face is covered.
That's yellow fever
>presents herself nicely
>likes memes
are you a faggot
*ring ring* *ring ring*
greetings user, would you care to comment upon the terrorist activities taking place in the Chinese territory of Hong Kong?
Silly old bear.
She's thin and Presents herself nicely
Never could pin it like that but it's like girls in the U.S. don't even try to look pretty on top of being overweight
Kek. Now shop Whinnie on his face.
>girls in the U.S. don't even try to look pretty
why bother when you've got troves of betamales on tinder willing to give you attention and a handful of Chads that'll fuck anything that moves
Social Credit Ratings have been adjusted accordingly. You have chosen unwisely gweilo imperialist dogs
abe looks tired
oh, so tired
I want to give mr Abe a hug