Was he an incel?

Was he an incel?

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No. Rorschach was a sex-after-marriage kind of guy.

He was a single mom's son

Knowing what his mother was like, I'd bet on him being a volcel.

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I know guys a lot uglier than him who get laid on the reg. As a top-tier hand-to-hand fighter he could have dominated lots of social situations, and that pulls mad pussy.

He may have been celibate, but it was hardly involuntary.

Rorschach's problem spawned from mental abuse, he grew up watching his mother being battered and treated like a trashy whore so she could provide what little he had growing up. It's not hard to see why he had an estranged relationship with females.

what's the difference

Psycho-sexual untreated traumatic child development.

But his mother WAS a trashy whore.

where did he even learn fighting when he spends all his time sulking in the sewers?

Took boxing courses at university. Also a street fighter. Natural talent as well.

One chooses to not have sex, one has no sex involuntarily. Hence the "in" in incel you dumb nigger

I can’t remember how he fights in the movie, but in the comics he’s basically a rabid animal. He probably learned to fight on the streets in his youth or whatever. Karate is just a meme.


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His prison sequence shows he's actually a very resourceful and patient combatant. The bar scene shows how he's able to apply just enough force to get what he wants.

He beats up literally everyone but Voigt, who is a better fighter than 99% of the human population. You don't get that kind of result by going spaz in every situation. Somehow he learned to fight very well. By the time of the comic he's a vigilante with almost two decades of street experience.

Seems to me he's volunteering for the job.

Voigt was such a letdown in the Snyder movie, Homelander's actor would have been much better

He is a redhead so... yeah

In the comics he was a nationwide college boxing champion or some shit. American sem-professional sports regulations are not my strong point.

One that is still completely pointless, as strong and understandable as his motivations may seem.

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He's sort of both incel and volcel because he was so fucked in the head. I don't think he necessarily wanted a woman but he probably wasn't able to form a connection with one either.

sex after marriage > you > never have sex

SEETHE harder cucks

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I'm stealing this

>where did he even learn fighting when he spends all his time sulking in the sewers?
He was an award-winning gymnast in school


>callls people cucks
>his "sex" is jacking off to Japanese cartoons