YouTube has it’s lowest search traffic in 12 years

What happened?

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Because everything just gets recommended to you so there's no need to search.


1.Because it's already a household name
2. there are apps


youtube already knows what I want to watch so I rarely have to search for anything

yeah it's very eerie how their recommendations are so catered to me. Whenever I'm bored I just refresh my Home page and see what pops up because chances are I will be interested in it.

The problem with this is it just goes off what you've been watching recently and recommends a load of that so you get stuck in a rut until you search for something else off your own back

Wait I thought this is the Google search stats?

It's bigger than ever, but people are not typing in "youtube" on google to get there as much.

It is. Also forgot to make it worldwide

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I only like 4 channels now and I can't say which ones because I'll be called a shill so this is what you get

you just have to strategically open videos in an incognito tab if you don't want them affecting your recommendation algorithm. Honestly they should just build functionality like that right into the website.

unless you watch a bunch of 'far right' videos. They've fucked with the algorithms so if you're watching a bunch vids with Eric Striker and Ryan Dawson, you'll get recommendations for moderate conservatives like PragerU and Jordan Peterson. They've managed to get rid of the rabbit hole effect for politically incorrect topics

because most new users are unironic Boomers who don't understand that all media ever made is at their fingertips so they just click on what they see
I still haven't found any of these apps that work as well as just using the site in the browser

Who the fuck Google searches for YouTube?

The search function does not work, you get a 'theme/'genre' top 10 videos matching no key words.
Plus all the promoted videos like Gordon Ramsey, some hot sauce shit or whatever is getting pushed.

That doesn't work

t. uses incognito as default

recommendations just keeps giving me videos I've already watched over and over again. it stinks.

Not necessarily because it also recommends videos that other people with similar interest clicked which can be very different from what you've been watching. Think of it like a venn diagram, so if you and another group of people both share an interest, it will recommend you videos on their side of the diagram. I've seen my recommendations evolve consistently over time and they are much different than they use to be.

Because people don't google 'youtube' as much as before?
Because they just go there directly without any search engine?

Because if you search for anything that might be in some way related to news, the first 60+ results will be mainstream corporate news channels uploading their videos to youtube and other "priority" (big corporate) channels. Most people find new videos and subscriptions through the "recommended" tab that still works somewhat.

This is also why we need occasional youtube threads on Yea Forums

It is almost impossible to discover something new and interesting using youtube search, the algorithms have fucked us all

Mods don't like youtube content here sometimes. Doesn't make sense really, there's really no difference between youtube content and tv shows

You know what I mean though, for example if you watch a bunch of Simpsons clips and a few episodes of a podcast on the same day all of a sudden that's all you're being recommended (plus whatever YouTube is pushing)

Am I the only one with shit recommendations or something? I almost never find anything interesting through my recommended section.

>searching up shit that is in the news of youtube of all places
just get your meme videos from reddit like you do anything else, zoomer

It works for me.

i for one welcome chinese overlords

Not television or film related

>block cookies
>recommended videos are actually related to what I'm watching
>unblock cookies
>half the "recommended" videos are things I've already watched
>the other half are completely irrelevant
>1 video is related to the one I'm already watchiing

youtube fucking blows

the internet feels so small now

Nah it's like that for everyone. Youtube has this mentality of "we know what you want more than you do". Which is why they hide your subscriptions etc. I just added a shitton of extensions to overcome this and click not interested on everything containing flashy basedface thumbnails. After doing that, after a while it gets slightly better, although still shit.

I've got rid of all the beanboy thumbnails but its still clogged with shit thats related to one video I watched 3 years ago while drunk.

If you don't follow the recommendations and you have to search for shady stuffs on your own, you are on a list, you are an extremist and you are a terror threat to society.

>everyone mentioning recommendations

has anyone else disabled recommendations?

always seeing something matching my interests was driving me fucking crazy. I could never just watch one video, and everything I watched would be replaced with a new recommendation, making the site impossible to leave.

now my History is topmost and so only things I've already watched show up and I can actually use Youtube again instead of being used *by* Youtube.

the better search engines work, the more we're confronted with the fact that most options are boring because human mediocrity has remained the same.

>the internet feels so small now
Honestly this. I miss the wild west days were everything wasn't so extremely moderated. Even Newgrounds had open racism and gore everywhere. Now even porn is completely cucky.

Every aspect of life is slowly turning into a network TV show designed by an HR department.

Leftists in Silicon Valley are ruining the internet because of TDS

if you're signed in then no it's not going to work even in incognito mode

Yeah, where are my comfy selfmade homepages from people that just want to share their genuine interests?

youtube loads slow on my Microsoft edge browser...

a lot of indie game devs have great interesting websites, but they have to be tech literate otherwise it's all just wordpress shit

search results are dogshit, any keyword search throws up promoted crap. eg. today search Hong Kong, get Trevor Noah. just fuck off

This. It feels like I go round in circles.

I type youtube into google along with search terms but that's because I'm also just going to go through the videos on google

and now the us president wants to force site owners to allow the us government to remove content from sites without needing to inform users of that fact

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Not to mention the incredible amount of ads. jesus christ it gets worse literally every month.

netflix was just a notable mention in 2014 fuck me wonder what that would be like today

>youtube already knows what I want to watch so I rarely have to search for anything

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Who searches for youtube? You just type it in and it's the first suggestion, then it takes you straight there. It's the second biggest site on the internet after google

Google designed it to be slow. Google: edge youtube slow

They filter their results to hide the good stuff, so people just share links now.

I feel like some of the people I subscribe to get hidden when new videos come up. Probably because I refuse to click alerts.

I avoid google these days. They are politically biased, they filter download sites.

Good. I don't want to watch gay political shit.

it's amazing how different the homepage looks before I put adblock on and sign in
I can understand why a lot of people don't "get it" when that's what they see for the first time

I haven't typed "YouTube" into Google for 12 years

Yeah same, I try to stay as far a away as I can, don't have a YouTube account and don't plan on it.

If you ignore all the shit like gaming and prank videos YouTube is actually an amazing website

There is so much old music and TV shows being archived that would otherwise be lost or locked in a vault somewhere

It genuinely warms my heart when there are comments from old men on stuff like jazz records where their mind is blown that they can see and hear these old recordings again at the push of a button

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it is when your janitor is from Yea Forumseddit like all the other ones posting about this shit

>old music and TV shows being archived that would otherwise be lost or locked in a vault somewhere
until Google decides to shut it down for not being profitable and bring out google video 2.0

I've already burned dozens of albums that are either incredibly rare or unreleased material

this. Now a lot of people are foolishly using Youtube as an archive for stuff that they would have saved themselves, so now if Google decides it doesn't like something it can just take it off Youtube and nobody will even notice.

Forever gone are the days of Angelfire/Geocities/Tripod and Top 100 site lists.

>watch nothing but obscure black metal demos

YT can't even make me a decent playlist

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The search engine is trash. I just use bing or duck to find videos now. If you try using YouTube's, they give you unrelated vids from big corporations and mainstream media sites.

Neocities exists.. but it needs OC

Why would you google "youtube" instead of just typing the word into your address bar


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It's always weird when I come across an account I've subscribed to and see that there's HOURS of new content that has effectively been hidden from me unless I explicitly search it.

Like what really is the fuckin point of subscriptions then?

Whenever I finally get recommended something remotely interesting I end up seeing a thread about it on here, even if it only has a million views and is from an obscure youtuber, it's weird

confirmation bias

they evolved into youtube videos, twitch streams, and blogs

and now all of those are corporatized cesspools

>orange man good

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people have caught on that the search function is rigged and you can't find shit now

Closest thing I have seen is the new videos where its just a guy in Wales walking a straight line, it feels like edgy youtube of old days.

>open up YouTube
>please, no more, I have no interest in this
>tomorrow fire up YouTube again

Do I spy unsolicited opinions on Israel!?

>just started to make money from yt

i love that channel, even his browser gaming

No one searches

try actually watching stuff that interests you
>watch 1 episode of 8 out of 10 cats
>recommendations filled with it now

Boomers. It probably just means they're dying out.

Google/Youtube keep playing with the algorithm to manipulate its users so people have stopped using the search engine.

I used to have recommendations for
All my subscribed channels but now it’s just 1/3 of the stuff I want to see and 2/3 of crap I don’t care about or never watched. It’s mostly just scenes from a random show like the simpsons or family guy

Are you a phone user?
I've been seeing those complaints for years, sometimes from the content creators themselves, but it's never happened to me, and I've strictly been a desktop guy for over a decade.

they censor everything good and promote all the dogshit like "epic pranks" and video essays about cartoon shows

>in the mood for history kino
>watch history video
>look over at recommended to find more videos
>50% trending glowknife garbage from niggers trying to game the algorithm
>50% videos from unrelated channels I subscribe to
Fuck off youtube, just give me videos related to this one

I found every episode of 'have fun - will travel' on youtube , quality shows they will never re-air on tv

>t. chromecucks

Phonefags, do you experience where when you go deep down your recommendations you get 1 video from someone you are subscribed to and then 2 random videos that are crappy music videos or some shitty late night show?

Yes. Recommended is ass.

They changed their searching algo. It's really hard to find what you're looking for because sponsored content gets pushed to the top. I've given up on it unless someone provides links as there is no point wasting time searching through that sewage to find what I'm looking for.

Twitch is shitting on YouTube, all the kids are there now youtube blew it when started catering to boomers and tried to "mainstream" it, promoting corporations and tv channels instead of regular people

That's every search for me now too

Some of the first results are literally "unrelated videos" promoted by youtube, the rest are unrelated playlists.

>watch one dragon ball clip
>all recommendations are DB shit

>watch something slightly political
>yt starts flooding me with Jordan Peterson videos

twich is going into the dumbster along with youtube

What if you don't want to watch a bunch of morons yelling over game footage?

this, it's worth putting up with the shit for the rare music

Shitpost on Yea Forums, I guess

The algorithm became too good now all it recommends is what the viewer has watched before and its impossible to find new material.
Also the whole part where they exiled all the funny youtubers like papa franku.

Normies who don't know how an address bar works.

That's not search traffic. That's just people searching the term 'Youtube' on Google.

Youtube is growing too quick for Alphabet to handle. They lose hundreds of millions each year keeping it up and it's only going to get worse as more people get 4k video.
They only keep it because of the data mining and mass data collection.
If you notice they have been pushing the subscription youtubetv hard on everyone.

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That's what happens when normalfags all rush to the same small set of walled garden websites. The result is these sites now dwarf everything around them and make them irrelevant. In the past Youtube was first among many streaming sites, now it's THE streaming site and everything else has to have a niche to survive.

I got sick of ads so now I use leech websites like invidio to not have to bother with youtubes annoying shit.

Youtube is actually dying at this point. I think there was a recent study done on user participantion. Videos, commenting, viewership etc. For the first time, right around 2016 (the first adpocolpse) are plummeting into a pit. The jews have singlehandedly destroyed youtube in their quest to shut it down. By the end of the Trump admin, there won’t be a youtube anymore.

Use an Adblock user

I do, and it's still worse than a leech site like pre-death Hooktube or Invidio. Youtube itself is garbage.

Thank God for Not Interested option. I'm subscribed to 400+ channels, and have probably that same amount on hidden.
Still doesn't stop YT from bombing me with WatchMojo and Looper videos every time I use it on my phone.

This. If you stay in one or two hobby realms of interest it isn't hard to never miss a thing through recommendations

You almost definitely watch cringy youtube political commentators if you get those recommended to you. All my youtube recommended stuff is related to movies, anime, video games, music, etc. And it makes sense because that's what I search for and watch.

Reccomendations fucking suck, I want the "up next" section back. I'f I'm watching a video about something I wanna see other videos related to it with tags. descriptions and various other algorithms. Reccomended just gives me shit I already watched

Because it’s been corporatized which everybody is sick of. God damn am I sick of corporate media consolidation.

Zoomers watch youtube on their phones. Only boomers have to google it.

Youtube is literally more popular now than it's ever been in it's history. It was growing when Myspace died, it was growing when Facebook died, and it's still growing now that twitter is dying. For some reason YouTube is immune to such losses.

theyve fucking deleted all their good videos

I usually watch stand up or comedy podcast and I still get Colbert and that one ugly mutt recommended to me all the time.

For me the recommendationw fucking suck. I see that "honest trailers" shit that must be one of the unfunniest shit ever I hate it. And other crap like that

when you watch a video you don't like, hit the dislike button
if you just close it it's gonna taint your recommendations
this has been the case ever since recommendations existed, newfag

Just use "-site:" to exclude portals like youtube, facebook, wikipedia etc from your results.

yeah same, it's all ML man, the algorithm knows you better than you know yourself

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It's slow in every browser but chrome. Google literally throttle it in all the others to give themselves an advantage.

>boomers unironically still browse youtube

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You'll watch what google tells you to watch and you'll like it pleb. Have you seen this latest fallon clip? Isn't he funny? What's breaking on msnbc today?

>unironically having a Google account

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If you've watched videos posted here that other anons have also watched you're probably being recommended their recent watches.

Vagrant holiday

>the internet feels so small now
>proceeds to chastise anyone who says they visit any other website or board than Yea Forums, or even threads on Yea Forums he doesn't like

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>Search a channel name I like (I don't have an account)
>Used to get a list of their latest vids
>Now get a list of their most popular vids from 2 years ago

who needs to google "YouTube"?

mobile phones, smart tvs etc. no one googles youtube.