>the president of the united states
The president of the united states
Does he ever do anything to support the white men who voted for him?
I mean Party in the USA is our national anthem
Cut taxes and illegal immigration
Top kek, he's just trying to ruin her reputation by association. 6d chess
Literally uplifted rural white communities who fell into unemployment and opiod addiction (thanks Obama) by increasing labor demand with a more centralized free market economy that focused on internal supply side Economic policies and tariffs which make outsourcing manufacturing more costly.
Neither a Trumpfag or a fan of Hannah Montana but he's right. When was the last time Thor's brother worked? ID2?
How can you not like this guy?
Yea Forums: we'll believe anything
I'm a left leaning centrist,and I don't hate him, but I don't like him either.
What has he done to deserve praise or hatred?
/reddit/: if it doesn't fit my narrative it's simply not true
>I wonder who could be behind the ANTI-MILEY from the last few years
how about if it's not true it's not true, you goddamn nigger moron
>he thinks the tweet is fake
>Sep 19, 2013
nigger moron
>still NO WALL
How do Republicucks cope?
>created a more centralized free market economy which boosted the economic growth, drove up labor demand, and improved overall standard of living
>returned troops stationed in oversea conflicts that have no ROI for America
>gave the middle class a voice again after the Dems sacrificed their platform in favor of identity politics
>attempting to delimit illegal immigration from Mexico, which drives down wages and disproportionately disaffects the lower class/least skilled workers in America
>provided the most funding out of any president to historically black colleges and universities
>dabs on the left
we can't let this clown get the nuclear codes
Sounds like a pretty good guy so far.
Got any sauce, so I can go back to it when asked about Trump?
>her bosses
I love how they just assume her bosses are jewish. I wonder why that is...
>the president of the united states
For you
Wheres that wall hes promised?
I wish I could be like Trump when I'm in my later years.
Is this real ? Did trump really side with a bisexual cheating slut over a male ?
Who did the tax cuts benefit user?
Genuinely surprised a billionaire is posting on Yea Forums
We never wanted a wall in the first place. Just stricter immigration laws. The wall was a meme created by the left wing media
>shout out to haters and losers on 9/11
Liam can always work as Chris Hensworth's stunt double. The problem is Chris Hensworth can't get success outside the MCU and Feige want to replace him with Natalie Portman. I don't know, maybe Liam can borrow money from Peeta. He must have some disposable cash from being the midget carrying weed on James Franco's parties
wtf I want open borders now!
>he says this phrase a couple of times a year
Miley should be deported to the island of lesbos.
Basic supply side economics and the concept of tariffs support the economic growth and labor demand. The rest you can google. Ironically, illegal immigration hurts minority communities the most. The guy even tried to put together a prison reformation to keep minorities out of prison for petty crimes. He's a nationalist but ppl conflate him for a racist. Which is funny, because if actions speak louder than words he could be considered one of the least racist presidents. I highly recommend reading "The Case for Trump" by Victor Hanson. In retrospect, people will probably realize he was one of our better presidents who got a lot of flack thanks to our polarized political environment.
Why did they break up
That tweet is older than half you faggots on this board. This smega creamed pudding pop post isn't tv related. Fuck off.
Too much cheating from Miley's side. Liam didn't swallow the pansexual meme
Yeah I'm thinking he's based
We have a billionaire here folks.
>We never wanted a wall in the first place. Just stricter immigration laws. The wall was a meme created by the left wing media
The cope of the trumpshits.
>all those seething mofos commenting on a tweet from 2013
talk the best game on twitter
Still waiting on my underage sex slave and benefits from the tax cut. I voted for him and derail posts into MAGA threads daily. Not sure what else I can do but wait. Gonna ask my mom upstairs
Uhhh... Blimpf is a poopy head incel
I unironically wanted a wall, but he's still the most anti-illegal Immigration candidate we have. Until the left provides a competitor, it's Trump 2020 for me.
I mean those farmers he fucked with a pointless trade war get special farmer welfare so I guess it works out for them.
>centralized free market economy
otherwise I agree with your overall statement
> wall-let cope
Keep moving the goal posts soon you'll be on another field
Liam wanted her to settle down and have his kids, he was willing to forget her past.
At age 26 she couldn't stop being a cheating, bisexual slut.
This is definitely NOT based.
I guess what I mean mean is
centralized = bringing back labor demand to the states, free market economy = tax cuts across the board and for corporations and reducing regulations on businesses.
Obviously it's not a fully free market economy because he uses tariffs, but that was the best way I could define it without going into a bunch of detail.
The 2020 election will be the most defining event for American reputation in the next decades, you know. If the mutts elect Trump AGAIN nobody in the real world would look at you (all of you) as normal people.
inb4 "We don't care"
Of course you do, mutts. Of course you do.
Hey man, give me a better candidate on the issue and I'm all yours.
>special farmer welfare
But user, that's communism.
The entire Murica is such a bizarre low life really show now. It would be sad if it wasn't so entertaining.
We literally don't, especially if you're part of his base. He's an isolationist, and that's part of his appeal to many.
I will not STAND for "party in the USA". It is an anthem of hate. Every time im at a club and that sinister racist music comes on, I pull down my pants and shit on the floor in brave protest.
He subsidizes them with import taxes. And China is taking the biggest hits. Farmers believe he's playing the long game, which is why they advocate for him. But their biggest reason is that the left constantly shits on white rural blue collar Americans, so there's nothing for them of interest in that party.
>supports Israel
>sucks the dicks of Russia and Korean dictators
Isolationist as fuck
god bless our president
I'm just now starting to realize the rest of this shitty planet cares more about us amerifats and what we do than we do ourselves
I dont think you people could be any more pathetic
Also, gr8 Coming to America cosplay in that pic
>inb4 "We don't care"
you don't understand...we love to be hated. either way we're gonna get what we want rent free.
Certainly more than the other candidates. Context is key in election season user.
It's just that people outside of Murrica actually know what happens in other countries.
you sure like pretending you do lol i can tell by your generalizations that you've got your finger on the pulse
>low taxes
>more jobs
>deport non whites
>shut down border
>increase America’s global power with military/oil/trade deals
That’s all I want
t. Hater and loser
I mean, if some shitheel eurotrash wants to hate america and stick it to americans the solution is pretty simple: Stop consuming our products.
Fuck off from the internet
Stop watching american tv/movies
Stop buying american merch
But instead its easier to act the battered but cynical housewife. Seriously, the rest of the earth is fucking pathetic
Didn't he also tweet about Robert Pattinson in the past?
>first President to set foot in North Korea
He's just an asshole to other world leaders who he thinks gets more attention than him.
>Literally uplifted rural white communities who fell into unemployment and opiod addiction
>(thanks Obama)
>by increasing labor demand with a more centralized free market economy that focused on internal supply side Economic policies and tariffs which make outsourcing manufacturing more costly.
You do know Trump doesn't understand any of those words or concepts, right?
Yeah, none of that happened. I mean he promised that, but it hasn't happened. Those places are still drug infested shitholes filled with some of the most pathetic, ignorant people on earth. Bring back the draft, send them off to actually serve their worthwhile countrymen.
>bring back the draft
lmao what on earth
Are you fucking serious?
I wonder why others care about your mutt asses...
>Stop buying american merch
>Fuck off from the internet
>Stop consuming our products.
You have any products that are not Made in China? Like what? Capeshit and rap music?
The Case for Trump, by acclaimed historian Victor Davis
>thanks Obama
Obama literally claimed manufacturing jobs are never coming back to America during his presidency. It was this disenfranchised group that Trump focused on most.
>trump doesn't know
He knows something, because it's working. There's economic growth and reduction of unemployment. White blue collar people want jobs, not gibs. The globalists are all for outsourcing, and Trump aimed to delimit that with tariffs and increasing labor demand in the states by reducing taxes. This is Econ 101 really.
Everyone above $33k a year is getting to keep a lot of money.
Stay mad neets, we don't care about you or your food stamps.
This ignorance and vitriol is exactly what lost you 2016. Carry on.
>worthwhile countrymen.
>t. blue haired diversity officer part time champion of the working class
What, your place isn't filled with things that have a "made in america" stamp on it? Surely everyone has good ol' red-blooded American Made electronics and merchandise.
Are you serious?
they're too poor to buy or even know about our products :/
Narrow it down for yourself and just focus on the physical things. Stop buying products relating to them. Consume whatever products and entertainment your no-name backwards country produces instead.
Turn your back completely on america.
Or dont, and instead wallow in your own shit and cry at our glory
Fucking delusional...
How about lower it to include everyone working full time and put an upper limit of 80k.
>inventions = Murrican products
Jesus Christ, no wonder you support the orange clown. You're an idiot.
>you are dealing with "them"
There isn't anything in your retard infested country that wasn't made in China, more than any other place on Earth, you clown.
>Stop consuming our products.
As soon as you let go of your global monopoly.
Daily reminder that "billionaires" is a codeword for normal non-retarded self sustaining white middle class people not on welfare.
>le ebul millionaires are the reason I'm a poorfag with a worthless art degree
>oh noes, I am poor and my coffee barista job like totally sucks! I have an idea, lets increase taxes! Haha those evil rich people will just give ME their money haha
>feel le bern xDxD
>huh, why did all prices suddenly increase?
>huh, why did I lose my job?
>It's the fault of le 1%! They should give me MORE MONEY, why even do societally necessary work like plumbing? Eew shit is disgusting, that work should like totally just been done by someone who like, like shit or whatever HAHA. I just kinda wanna work on my steampunk comic book idea I have. The government should like totally just give me free money so I can focus on WHAT I LIKE TO DO which is writing steampunk stories
>YangGang YangGang xDxD
>Huh why are all these corporations leaving? Huh why is nobody around me working? Euhm guys, YOU are supposed to working.. I'm not, ofcourse, but YOU are. Somebody needs to be working for me
>o-ok guys, I will take whatever job I can get, I do need to eat guys..
>Huh, what do you mean there are no jobs left?
>Huh, why am I living in Venezuela?
How about purging leftists and eliminating deficit?
I honestly think America is a joke now and can't wait until it stops being No.1 but at the same time I don't think China is a better solution
Why is he such a retard?
Good bootlicker.
Right back at you.
but why the hate? we'd love to have you
>this is AMERIFAT culture
all the hemsworth brothers are libshit hilldawg supporters as well as foreigners
Miley is a conservative from the heartland and her father is one of Trump's biggest boosters, it follows he would be on her side
thw world police needs to disband. let these pissants get eaten by commies.
>s-save m-me state I am useless a-and can't do anything without burreaucratic dick up my ass
>n-no you are bootlicker abloobloo
I don't hate you or Americans or America. But I think your current political system is just as fucked as anybody else's and you're either an idiot or a sociopath if you support it.
Bootlicker of who? Self sustaining people? Yeah, you're right. I prefer self sustaining people over people like you.
And now Rob's batman.
Trump loved DKR.
It all makes sense
How come leftists don't understand basic economics? It's like their kryptonite in these discussions. Did you guys just migrate here from /r/latestagecapitalism, or was it your sociology professors who led you astray?
>father is first generation murrican
>mother is an immigrant
>two of three wives are immigrants
>daughter converted to judaism
it's hard to support... otoh it's easier to just not makes waves
He was the only candidate in 2016 that didn't want to import millions of immigrants for no good reason.
That is what you get when any effort or value is automatically considered to be stolen.
He means himself. He wants to date miley
You got that from Vickers, Work in Essex County, Page 98, right? Yeah I read that too. Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us or do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter? Or is that your thing, you come into a thread, you read some obscure passage and then you pawn it off as your own idea just to impress some frogposters?
Of course that's your contention. You're a first year grad student. You just got finished reading some Marxian historian, Pete Garrison probably, you’re gonna be convinced of that until next month when you get to James Lemon, then you’re gonna be talking about how the economies of Virginia and Pennsylvania were entrepreneurial and capitalist way back in 1740.
That's gonna last until next year, you’re gonna be in here regurgitating Gordon Wood, talking about, you know, the Pre-revolutionary utopia and the capital-forming effects of military mobilization.
>strawman: the post
Cool argument you got there, bud, be a shame if it was a load of nonsense.