Only male actors have to undergo rigorous physical traini-

>only male actors have to undergo rigorous physical traini-

Attached: training.webm (606x584, 939K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Me on the left


I wish she would kick me in the balls desu

god i wish that were me

Why does the dummy look like Trump?

He legs look like they snap kicking a foam pillow.

God I wish that were me (on the left)

Iook at those noodle-like legs


based femdom posters

The form on that kick is really fucking bad. I could do that same kick now and I haven't trained in years. Wtf?


That's gonna be a yikes from me, m'lady

because Trump is a dummy

So strong.

Attached: 1560186843593.webm (1920x1080, 2.45M)

with that skeletal body this bitch would be better as mantis

You called that training?

unbased and redpilled

>incels think women can't be strong
say that to my face, faggot.

Attached: 1535323505588.webm (1280x720, 997K)

how big is her shenis?

That could not be worse if she was trying to do it badly on purpose. God that makes me mad.

>dat flatness
My god she's perfect

Attached: 67671335_913105049081871_5417420221037954360_n.jpg (480x480, 38K)

>women consider this rigorous training

great form

>yeah that's right, swing them
>swing them harder now
>don't lift, swing
>swinging, that's the key

I'm assuming it was all done for the camera and to impress the average DYEL normie. Those dumbbells are clearly waay too heavy for her.


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 152K)

the problem is actresses who really do, they give them characters B or C, Biel, Atje, Pom are good examples

Attached: biel as abigail.webm (1920x1080, 993K)

I sure hope she's practicing technique because those kicks look weak as fuck.

she's using them like kettlebells

nope, that's distinctly incorrect technique

but it doesn't matter
because hollywood movies never show the actual action anyway

Unless those are her last few reps and she's training to failure she has no excuse to have such shit form. Fucking fire that crosshit "coach".

>when you try and curl 20s even though 15s are your level

We've all been there

Attached: 1510856955168.png (400x300, 162K)

It's like watching an 8 year old get whipped with a wet noodle.

there's zero technique there.
also, technique is largely where power comes from.

Tfw Gal will never whip you with her wet noodle

She will never whip your wet noodle which is worse

Attached: 1536902713780.jpg (400x320, 17K)

even a woman who works out will probably be weaker than a man who doesn't

sorry, it's just biology

well well look at the training experts pulling up with their fancy bro science

shes been taking test and other enhancers. Its changed her voice and sounds to mannish. gross. imagine her monaing while you are fucking... unless you're gay it will turn you off.

Attached: joe rogan-2.webm (480x360, 1.17M)

t. Crosshit coach

Bruh do you even lift? That ain't shit what she is doing. Where are your dumbells bitch?


Wow. I'm so impressed by her kicks with zero fucking force behind them.

>this far down in this thread
>no roll webm

disappointing tv.... disappointing

shes cute


Attached: pinhead.webm (1280x530, 1.4M)


what the fuck

>tfw too smart to be an actress

Attached: 1486284587610.png (500x590, 19K)

Look at that sloped Neanderthal forehead


Bitches head is so small. She is like 80% face.

So many hours in the gym, all for nothing.

Attached: Brie Larson.png (1200x630, 917K)


I refuse to believe there is no natty regimen that would increase her tone and muscle mass past this. She's posing for the studio so she can claim to meet contractual obligations.

Why else would she be in this bogus shot with 12 plates? She's just a lazy thot playing typical jew ticks.

that shit will tear you appart

Attached: 1475145677584.webm (546x504, 1.12M)

female training is a joke. just look at that footage of her struggling to push a jeep in neutral, something the average teenager can do.

Yeah. Women can't do this natty, no matter how much creatine, whey, and iron they consume. At the very least she's on Tren. The voice is typical of that.

ur a joke

Attached: 1546957181090.webm (640x800, 2.72M)

I love Gal.

Pretty decent kick, too.


Attached: jewish-hollywood-girls.jpg (1311x1748, 805K)

Whatever you think of female fitness potential, only delusional soiboys and roasties think Gal or Brie aren't at the bottom of it.

u mirin?

Attached: 1499876375068.jpg (1009x1222, 214K)

>t.lanklet incel.

I mean we shitpost, but bad form can fuck you up for real.


>women are we-

Attached: 1522104221239.webm (640x800, 1.27M)

I only meant female star training, as compared to male training demands.

At least Gal did look a bit stronger and firmer in the movies, Brie looked almost exactly the same as when she started despite months and months of intense training. Or so she says.

That guy you're replying to can't lift two plates and has a 30 BMI.

Attached: Maxwell is not a real surname.jpg (965x736, 85K)

>rigorous training for women
>gain 2 lbs of muscles overall
>rigorous training for men
>gain 100 lbs of muscles overall
HOW DO THEY (female) DO IT?

god i wish i was the floor

Attached: Action Stars Template Final.jpg (1500x1100, 926K)

By not taking steroids would be my guess.

You can't have equality if you are not equal in roids.

Apparently you can now.

>haha women are like sooo weak am i right fellow males??
>*fails to do 10 pullups*

Attached: 238 @ 55 kg.webm (720x716, 819K)

what a retard, almost crushing her foot

>across 10 or 12 plates
The fuck are those plates made of? Rubber?

>sumo meme

You have never seen the inside of a gym, have you?
youre not even trying

Is she striking the dummy's head with her toes or her instep? Because It looks like she is hitting him with her toes, I think you're suppose to strike with your instep if you do a Tae Kwon Do style roundhouse kick to the head. Must be because she is wearing shoes.

>youre not even trying
What am I not trying?
Of the two gyms I went to so far, the metal handle alone was 12 kg and adding two metal platters of 10kg each on each side would already net me 52kg in all.
So again, what dumbshittery is this where you need so many platters?

Oh wait, nevermind, i misinterpreted the image name.

she weights 55kg dumbass, the weight on the bar is 238kg. red weights always weighgt 25kg, blues 20kg, greens 10kg, blacks 5kg


deep voices are a turn on bro

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I would take a kick to the face in exchange for the fraction of a second I would be able to sniff her foot.

Attached: chimps.jpg (250x252, 18K)

What if my opponent has arms? What do I do then?

don't tell me that impressed you

how slow would you have to be not to dodge it?
how weak would you have to be to get dropped by this kick?

why didnt actress gal gadot gain any muscle mass in this rigorous physical training? its been 5 years since bvs filmed. she has upcoming super hero work, where is the muscle? hmm? no?

>lifts a pussy amount of weight
>mixed grip
>makes a mess
That's women athletes for you

women should be sof and cuddly and petite and fragile and in need of protection not big and stong and bulky

Attached: 1557334076125.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

Absolutely based. You deserve more replies.

I like small girls but love me some snu-snu.

>Telegraphed with her left foot and wind-up
>Lowering her guard for "counterbalance" that actually weakens her force
>Throwing her hip upward instead of horizontally
>Kicking upward instead of across or at least at an inclined angle
>Hitting with her toes
I'm not even a heavy martial artist or anything but fucking hell, Gal.

6 pull ups? is this a joke?
I can do 20 reps with 24kg ankle weights tied to my body


What the fuck is that guy doing there? Cheering on her terrible form?

Why are men like this? You take perfectly innocuous things or actively anti-sexual things and make it about wanting to make it sexual.

Your gaping wound where your penis used to be doesn't make you a real woman.

how do you get into personal training celebrities? I bet that guy is a millionaire and he's complete trash

I work a desk job and basically never exercise. I'm in my 30s now and I haven't lifted since I did high school sports. I'm maybe a little bigger than the average man, height and weight-wise, but definitely not by much. 60th percentile at best. I have been in a few fights, but not in over a decade, and I've had minimal self defense training. The only real edge I would realistically have would be aggression.
I estimate that I could easily dominate 999 out of 1,000 female athletes in a fight, and that is probably being generous.

Legally it does, chump.

do you think her trainer gives her a good licking after they're done with their session?

uhm..Thank Mr Skeltal?

>I work a desk job and basically never exercise. I'm in my 30s now and I haven't lifted since I did high school sports. I'm maybe a little bigger than the average man, height and weight-wise, but definitely not by much. 60th percentile at best. I have been in a few fights, but not in over a decade, and I've had minimal self defense training. The only real edge I would realistically have would be aggression.
>I estimate that I could easily dominate 999 out of 1,000 female athletes in a fight, and that is probably being generous.

Attached: boomboom.jpg (480x360, 30K)

The only thing jewesses have going for them is khazar milkers. They hired a flat-chested, man-faced jewess to play a big titted superhero.
What did they mean by this?

No, it's not a joke. I'm guessing maybe 1-2 percent of women would be able to do a single pullup. So doing 6 is actually pretty impressive.

lol you're not far off with this one to be honest.

she is 55kg
the bar is 238kg



Attached: 52941290_2.webm (640x562, 1.15M)

>At least Gal did look a bit stronge
>a bit
yes user, we know millimeters exist

Why have you not joined the Jewish Army yet, Yea Forums?

Attached: Jewish army.webm (640x640, 2.86M)

wow, 0 complete pullups


Attached: Brie Larson Pushing a 5,000-Lb. Jeep.webm (288x360, 1.22M)

Is she pushing that uphill? Holy based we don't deserve her

that's a Bob dummy. They've been producing striking bags with that cast for decades.

because you are deranged

Yes, it's a small incline.

Gal Gadot is a biological male.

>almost fails
I have you covered

Attached: 1564710465104.webm (400x500, 2.75M)


because Gal gaDOOT is anti-trump, not a secret really

Attached: gal_Gadot dancing.gif (214x194, 527K)

Imagine being an insecure incel and seeing that a woman could literally knock you out with a kick in the head. How does it make you feel?

>seeing that a woman could literally knock you out with a kick in the head

Those are pretty pathetic kicks desu.

Attached: joeroganbackkick.gif (320x240, 565K)

Have you noticed how the camera covers only this angle? someone could be helping her without being seen

Attached: 1531559963870.webm (636x360, 1.83M)

If this is the kind of training women do, no wonder they are getting blown the fuck out by limp-wristed trannies on hormone-blockers in all female leagues

>that setup
Was it autism?

>unabashed pro-Israel cretin

gonna need a source for that

Like a tranny who is murdering women the best of women in the women's league of combat sports even though i can't even qualify in the mid tier of the male league

absolute based, redpilled, feed, and seed

Mixed grip scares me ever since I saw those videos with the bicep tearing during a deadlift

she does it so fast that I probably would have already kicked her twice in her crotch

I don't think that was training, just a "I'm supposed to be training but I'm bored let's go do some stupid thing normalfags will be impressed by and post it on the internet"

Imagine being Brie's personnel workout slave
a man can dream

>people posting women deadlifting
>not one webm of them spraying piss all over the floor as they lift
feels bad

Attached: 1565027673989.jpg (1136x1157, 126K)

In my case, I just point out that Biel has much better legs doing much less

Attached: 41691619_.webm (384x480, 1.13M)

This is painful to look at in all the wrong ways


Nice jumps at the bottom

You just need to get laid.



no, I don't.

Attached: Semites.jpg (1342x675, 286K)

I wish the high kick meme would die. Its an incredibly stupid move to pull in a fight. Unless you're a champion martial artist you probably can't get any power behind it and even if you are a great martial artist it still leaves you incredibly vulnerable to counter attack.

Attached: cro cop.jpg (1200x800, 133K)

How many of the yentas have their original noses?

Also mila is a fucking mess. Not a good cherry to pick.

weird how the car is already moving when the video starts


God yes, the babushka bomb really exploded hard in her face.
Right as Kushner started putting more Khazar brood into her.

this wonder known as Jessica Biel

Attached: arw j biel.webm (640x800, 2.51M)

Nah, they go behind the gym and stalk and bully chubby dyel guys. And they don't even bother to shower before it.


>Some 40~ yo IG thot
uhm.. okay dude you do you

Are you retarded?

Attached: file.png (93x162, 24K)

Bre, i don't have time to follow every insta roastie out there, much less an old one like her just chillax.

certainly he/she/it is retarded

holy fuck im gonna get in a gym

>Comes to Yea Forums
>What are actresses?

>that voice

Not him but you can't blame a dude for not knowing the Bielister, she's not that relevant in the industry or even hot.
Pic related is undeniably recognizable and better in every way for example.

Attached: (634x861, 98K)

Sounds like a stereotypical tranny, she needs to lay off the male hormones.

Stop jerking off to tranny videos, bro

She's juicing. Sad.

can't really argue with that

Voice like a tranny. I hope getting big legs was worth it.

Attached: I smell bullshit.webm (1080x1080, 1.11M)

i got more muscles JUST from jerking off

Sounds like someone is in "that time of the month"


she probably has a huge clit.

fpbp always

Not sure if it counts as a clit anymore...

What's the point of a fucking trainer if he's just gonna watch her do everything wrong?

Supporting Trump requires a mental illness

>all that training
>every one of her action scenes were horribly performed.

The absolute state

Is that a tranny? Holy shit that little gremlin is fucking ugly.

Attached: 1564682316824.png (1024x1096, 172K)

this seems bullshit. i don't get the impression that she alone is pushing that. someone got that car rolling for her. no way you push car that big with so little force while being that sticc

based,include me in the screencap

Based and nigger-pilled

fucking a girl right now with a big clit and her voice is a girl

Dilate more

at what point does it stop being a big clit and becomes a small penis?

yeah but also very yeah

I've seen men with a more feminine body

god i wish that were me

Attached: 1553589051507.webm (640x854, 1.67M)

For me, it's lighter weights and higher volume.

Attached: 1384269040252.png (1064x983, 1.55M)

fuck off boomer biel is irrelevant these days

Her form is awful, she is begging for a right hand punch to the head and she is doing what I used to do before warming up ie. fucking about.

Yeah that was kind of my point..... Are you okay?


Attached: pants.jpg (318x500, 37K)

>Block with left arm and instantly punch her with left arm because she didn't keep her right up
I thought Hollywood could afford good trainers?

>get a jeep with manual transmission
>clutch crawl it while the thot pretends to be working hard
Makes sense.

Is there anything she can't do?


Cure toenail fungus

Stupid. Small children can push a can in neutral.

dumb and dumber

Holy shit i forgot all about how she fought off foot fungy which is basically incurable for everyone else. Based as fuck is there really anything she can't do?

I was dating a chick who had toe fungus and she just gave herself two hangnails and they grew back clean. It was pretty brutal.

meant to reply to 2bh

>mfw had it on a couple toes for decades now

Sometimes I wish I could wear sandals like a normal person.

Attached: 1293752234961.jpg (521x448, 75K)

You need blood flow to heal anything on your body or it'll rot. Do your toes feel cold all the time?

I think they are filled with sand.

based fuck niggers

Jewstenbaum's lifts are much harder

> Based as fuck is there really anything she can't do?
Not give me erections whenever I think about her.

being american is a mental illness



>using momentum
lmao just use a lighter weight

>all the blows are in the back

When actresses do put the extra effort in it shows.

Attached: Antje Traue.jpg (1376x774, 966K)

Attached: prefecked.jpg (496x443, 94K)

fpbp and redpilled


Very based

>it's not kipping if it's slow

>At least Gal did look a bit stronger and firmer in the movies

she was 4 months pregnant for the WW movie so I don't think that's possible.

>picked the single webm where she doesn't piss herself

No, saying you're a woman does

Attached: changing_your_gender_for_insurance_reasons.png (1576x1394, 443K)

what in the fuck is that even supposed to do

who is this mutt?

Finish the story, shitbird.

Attached: 1551107916849.jpg (495x362, 17K)

>it’s a /fit/cel thread
Go outside and play team sports, you fucking spergs.

>25lb (at most) rubber dumbbells
>bitch has to use her whole body to swing them up

Kill yourself racist


Attached: 1280_alicia_vikander_instar_ed2dffcf441_EMBED.jpg (640x960, 85K)

Does that happen? Do women in these events strain so hard that they piss and fart all over the stage?

This girl is running so much gear her piss starts fires.

This bitch has uses more juice than a kindergarten recess

It's a single leg box squat you fatso. pretty standard plyometric box exercises. It exercises your hip flexors, quads and hamstrings. it develops balance. it is extremely hard on your knees but biel is maybe 150 lbs soaking wet.

that's rigorous training?

She's kissing the dummy with her toes for some reason, I've never seen it done like that
either use the instep for practicing the movement on pads and dummies, or use the ball of the foot for when you actually want to damage something

They are clearly rubber coated iron 35 lb dumbells. This is how we know you don't lift- not being able to eyeball dumbells.

I know the webm you're referencing.

I saved that like 2 years ago, never realized it wasn't complete
give me a few minutes

They're obviously nano-carbon tubal infused smartbells with a deuterium core surrounding a room temperature semi-conductor made via an atomic anvil, each one weighing more than a health baby elephant

If you can't tell that then you're no true scottsman

Based boomer

Kek true boomer speaking

Have you guys ever been around women? They're as weak as children.

why is this so fucking funny

where does he hide the penis

>clearly a specific weight
>not markings clearly showing this specific weight
This is how we know you need to dilate.

Attached: Men Are Stronger.png (768x870, 401K)

Attached: DTF.webm (640x360, 384K)

I checked that n-word combo

Attached: Dubhand.jpg (87x94, 3K)

imagine what it smells like lmao


Attached: changing_your_gender_for_insurance_reasons.png (1068x1668, 348K)

thanks fren

Attached: 1564974700025.jpg (939x722, 89K)

thank you, new Gadsden edits are always appreciated

Attached: miia_dance.gif (457x340, 1.12M)

dummy looks like a buff trump, was that intentional?

amazing post

> kicking a dummy is rigorous training

niqqa punches like a praying mantis

It's 0 pullups, she's kipping.

Attached: god i wish that were me.jpg (682x630, 56K)

Attached: Thud Rose.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Compared to male MMA this is like watching two retards fight.

Attached: 1560345504036.webm (726x256, 1.68M)

This is almost as depressing as bumfights.

Attached: 1564857042562.png (609x616, 329K)

why do women do this? why do they suck the fun out of everything men try and do?

>that part where her foot almost pulls her top down

Attached: 1559435158250.gif (260x260, 2.01M)


Attached: Trash.png (2550x1650, 377K)

if you can't ascertain the difference between and you're a DYEL. is a legit core exercise and she's doing with proper form.

what the fuck is she doing

Why don't you win against a limp-wristed tranny in sports instead of spewing empty words out your mouth like period blood?

Attached: E4A9BF86-4BB9-4E86-9EFF-C7F33577AE0C.jpg (413x395, 115K)

she's a literal femdom socioapth, totally dominant


samefag cringe

>stack on more and more bumper plates
>make actress feel good about themselves
>get paid, recommended for more work
Based lying PTs

Fuck Jews

are you that tranny? I feel so much estrogen here

Attached: best girl.webm (632x476, 2.99M)

she's like a chihuahua, a lot of barking, one kick and it's dead


notice his left hand isn't even hitting it

>>only male actors have to undergo rigorous physical traini-

Attached: SNAP CITY BITCH.webm (640x360, 1.15M)

cry more ahmed

poor girl

Referee knew exactly what might have just happened. Are they trained as paramedics now?

Actually pretty impressive for a woman.


this is a man

Reacting to him acting rather than well.....acting.
>oh how am I supposed to react right now?
>fuck it just look over at him
Granted it may be because she's not a native English speaker or something.

Attached: 1565473274823.jpg (615x678, 100K)

Because it's orange?

>high school spider-man is lean, what a pussy!

>>lifts a pussy amount of weight
150 kg you fucking blind retard
she looks around 60kg, even for a man at this body weight this would be a highly impressive lift

Don't you have a public space to shoot up you incel weeb fuck

Imagine if you were an ancient neolithic warlord, and she were trying to steal your land. You'd fire an arrow at her and that shit would glance straight off her forehead.

It's one of the strangest human skull shapes I've ever seen and I'm not sure if it's because of the muscular structure or the skull itself. It appears to form a competent human so whatever.

flattened from years of headbutting Palestinian children

Is she ever walking again?

Well at least it was for a good cause.
Sorry you left it wide open.

Now show me a Marvel actress training like this.

I'm sure Scarlett and Portman train hard in their knees

What a legend

formerly chuck’s

Attached: 1558008110060.webm (640x800, 1.75M)


Attached: gocrazy6.jpg (412x440, 55K)

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
the only threads of Gadot reaching the limit are those where we make fun of her