What are some good whodunnit films?

What are some good whodunnit films?

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where's the "all of the above" option?

I bring salvation

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I am always bottom right in these political leaning charts. And yes he wasn't a pedophile, but the kikes need to be taken down.

Please and thank you


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He's still alive

Shouldn't top left and bottom left be swapped?

pedohebephilic paraphilia is just a fancy way of saying "being a straight male"

Its who that group blames for it, so no.

Aren't authoritarian leftists (which American kiddies LARPing as antifascists actually are) generally the people screeching about Trump?

Do you genuinely not know your left from your right?


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The whole chart is wrong. It needs to be rotated 90 degrees clockwise.

I'm basically in the leftist libertarian corner and I think it was some billionaire or politician we aren't very familiar with, not Trump or the Clintons.

I'm talking about the Y-axis.

>but the kikes need to be taken down.
Epstein was the only Jew named and he was killed lmao. Clinton, Trump, Prince Andrew, all not Jewish and all will never have to answer for what they done.

Nice cope

In the upper echelons of power, wealthy Jews act as the connecting nodes of these networks because they tend to be financiers and accountants. This also means that they're the first stop along the way when you really start following the money.

Conveniently, this allows those with power to scapegoat Jews-as-a-whole to divert blame.

This. Convenient scapegoat. Anyone who doesn't think rich whites are just as capable of perversion and corruption are deluded.

Go build your white ethnostate and you are going to be disappointed when you see this evil still exists among the rich and powerful.

>centrist opinion is that it was a suicide
Shit image

Yellow is unironically right

>having sex with a hooker makes you a "sex trafficker"
>having sex with a 17 years 364 days old who WANTS to be there makes you a pedo


No one who is actually right-wing believes it was The Clintons. It was obviously Mossad.

F, godspeed anons

I think it was the trafficking girls around the country part that made him a sex trafficker.

Yeah, user. It was the hooker. Not the taking kids to a private island part

reading all the headlines i thought he was trafficking babies, turns out youngest was 14. Thats legal in a lot of countries.


It was Mossad. What's more likely, that some rich civilian bumped off the guy who blackmailed them, or that an intelligence agency with a storied history of staging assassinations as suicide and whose behalf he was working on decided to cut him loose?

Yeah they were old enough that his "clients" could be duped into thinking they were of age, that was the entire point.
What, you thought he was trafficking kids just for the fun of it? It was a production line for blackmail material.

The Usual Suspects (obviously)

Blue, green and yellow are not mutually exclusive

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why do you leftypol trannies worship the jews and hate the white race?

>What are some good whodunnit films?
> Post politically charged image

Fuck you, and your transparent attempt to add (yet another) /pol thread on a non-/pol board.

Oh and 'Murder by Death'

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