Easter Edition
putting britain into a grandmal seethe!
Yo fuck eggs
I personally have no problem with female hockey commentators. Just aslong as they're hot as fuck
>h-he may make 100 milliond dollars but at least I have my hair!
okay finland
Shhh dustin is sleeping
Pics from last nights game. The plan was to eat at Yard House but the wait was super long so we just went in the arena as soon as it opened and ate burgers.
guess ya hate that one
>Stars beat the Blaze in OT. Steelers will play the Dundee Stars in the QF
I hope the kings make the playoffs they're gone completely under the radar for me
I just leave TCM running in the background all day
>royals lose to chiefs last night
>don't go to playoffs
>don't get swept by the winterhawks
Wildchads if we get eliminated round one I'm going to shoot up my workplace
I had never sat behind the net like this before.
> if
Alright boys its time. No cheating.
A kindergarten shooting would certainly be a change of pace
My house has no Cadbury eggs and I’m disappointed
only if they are dressed up like cheerleaders
probably because they suck and will be the worst team in the west and get blown out by colorado in 4 games if they even make. they are only in a playoff position because the pacific is so bad.
your seat but much further down (about 5th row) is the best one. Love hearing the hits loudly
Came close, didn't score tho.
Don't fuck these eggs
Too lazy to do it but I have a bingo at bottom row
He’s reaching a high level
back office is mostly comm and server space; IT fuckers use it mostly
busy recently cause there's a remodel going on around here somewhere
>the power shut down recently for a couple hours
>someone still took the time to put the movie back on
I don't know why people insist on sanity; I've personally never seen it work in practice
do zoomers even have facebook
Your guna love my nuts
Tv one doesn't belong on there imo because modern women base their personalities on watching netflix fotm shit
It looks like you had great seats
i didn't ask about any of that
>no shut out for Miami
Victory, lads
and yet..
Better chance of Kings winning than a Canadian team winning
Kings can lick my salty balls
thanks for reminding me why I treat the swedes in this thread like garbage. i'd stopped recently but I guess I'll start again.
They were pretty good. We were in the very last row of the section, so no one sitting behind us, and my gf's seat was in line with the stairs so she had no one blocking her view and didnt have to stand up when someone wanted to pass. We actually didnt pick our specific seats, I got a deal through work and just picked the 200s.
But I will eat them
seethe cope dilate
Maybe fuck them a little
Fat fucks like you shouldn't be posting in a hockey thread.
they do look french canadian
Why aren't the Panthers in Miami?
fat Canadians Matthews?
nice buzzwords faggot
Because they are, OK? shut up
Facebook one is outdated.
Panthers goals scored by game this year:
0 goals - 0 times
1 goal - 4 times
2 goals - 9 times
3 goals - 15 times
4 goals - 16 times
5 goals - 14 times
6 goals - 9 times
7 goals - 5 times
8 goals - 1 times
9 goals - 2 times
Scored 6+ more times than they’ve been held under 3 lol
because white people dont live in miami
Canada is a commie shithole
Looks to me like it is
>no shutout against detroit
we arent winning the stanlee kuppi arent we
I’m 1997 and very few people younger than me use Facebook. They all love Instagram
>the kings have really flown under the radar this season despite being in a playoff spot since november I love hockey but never look at the standings
let's go kitties
I wish my workplace gave me discounts on sports tickets. Oh well, I’m satisfied with my current job
I'm more of a east coast nigga cause timezones
>drouin jersey
probably only 5 of those sold worldwide
>Easter edition
the previous thread was the Easter edition, you're Easter edition 2
>Vegas bad
Watch hockey
triple dynasty, lad
Your fighting Destiny itself
Vegas is bad, you buttnugget
I'm a boomer and cut down my facebook friends list years to about 100 years ago and it is still filled with people I literally hadn't seen or spoken to in 15 years, not even when I added them to facebook. people wit 1000+ friends on facebook were always viewed as retarded.
>less than 300 Facebook friends
Yeah but if you have over 300 Facebook friends you're a Kansas-based grandmother named Gladys.
A celebration of sorts?
shut the fuck up
the leaf forgets that nobody rated the kings this season, like at all.
Why should I care about what's going on in the Worstern conference?
Canada sucks. They'll never win another Stanley cup cause the entire country is a commie shithole that won't give just wages to their NHLers
Oh boy, I can't wait for more hockey...
>fuck you, off season
That woman loves America and is the representation on what white people should all be
Easter Part 2: Jesus strikes back
the pacific standings were supposed to be
According to all hockey experts
Apparently our health and benefits officer negotiated the deal with the team.
I don't cope
There isn’t a Canadian man, woman or child I couldn’t heem with ease.
literally said the only reason the kings are in a playoff spot is because the pacific division is garbage see
It's the least they could do for our essential workers
Stop giving the Swedecuck (You)s you retard.
Bret the hitman hart
t. 350 lbs
weren't most of those supposed to be projected points and not the expected? nobody expected calgary to suddenly stop playing like a corpse. nobody expected the canucks to just fucking die under travis green either
>being a white man can't seriously be your entire personality, right?
Jfresh predicted it that’s why I’m subscribed to his patreon
what else matters?
How much you can deadlift