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/USFL/ PHI v NO Gamethread #1
Aiden Perry
Other urls found in this thread:
Brandon Gonzalez
Adrian Baker
doot doo doot doo doo
Michael James
William Martin
game starts in a hour
Isaac Wilson
Cameron Carter
/ouryear/ Breaker Bros
Adrian Peterson
need stream pl0x
Jayden Nelson
Who are the good guys, bros?
Henry Baker
literally the first reply of the thread you stupid fucking asshole
Alexander Flores
it's over shitguls fags, breakers got a meme game and you have aids from interracial brotherly love
>texas 1-0
>filthy 0-1
Anthony Williams
hey you, yes you fucking philly cunt. Step out of your concrete jungle of faggotry and talk to me like that , I'll hog-tie you, slit your fucking throat, and bury you in the fucking desert and plant a cactus on top of you.
Jose Bell
Stars obviously
Jaxson Butler
buck breakers
Cooper Gonzalez
>another rain delay
Christopher Thompson
You two fight this out, Imma watch some foosball
Robert Long
>reversed image for no discernable reason
>now it was 'evil' in the corner
Parker Wilson
Just turned on USA and it says it's the game but it's fucking Law and Order
Kevin Wright
This wtf
Joshua Anderson
Start the game damn it
Chase Gomez
rain delay
happen in the hou-mich game today
Bentley Cook
I don't know who to root for. I think the only thing I know is that the stars have an ugly ass uniform. So I guess I'll go with the breakers.
Gavin Morgan
Fuck just gonna get drunk I guess and annoy my family
Brody Adams
Same here lmao fucking USA network they must’ve forgot
Carson Hill
First game got rain delayed which is pushing this game back as well.
USA is running Law & Order to fill the time before the game comes on.
t. knower
Jonathan Bell
Anyone got a REAL game link??
Samuel Russell
They should replay La Femme Nikita instead
Henry Long
Don't forget they are all playing on the same field. Probably why the delay.
Easton Torres
What a pissant league
Austin Nelson
The Gambler/Panthers game started 55 minutes late because of the weather.
Ayden Brown
>they are all playing on the same field
So, why not put it on some larger town then?
Sebastian Parker
>at family's house
>getting ready for easter dinner
>watching football
>turn on the next game just in time for the whole family to hear "he ejaculated on my stomach"
Nicholas Roberts
David Reyes
>Comfy AAFposting in 2019
I hope we can get almost as much fun as back then
Joshua Williams
Now THIS is football
Michael Taylor
Hunter Rogers
The xfl died for this ?
William Carter
St. Jude is the goat.
Has goat numbers
Has goat intangibles
High Game IQ
Student of the Game
Ryder Myers
>never forget
Nicholas Wilson
Reminder: My BOTES would bootyblast EVERY USFL/XFL team
Henry Fisher
I got the Breakers. Idk they just feel better
Grayson Garcia
FleetxBreakers Broship
Brandon Martin
Where’s that lil 5’6 220lb rb from the xfl ?
Kevin Bennett
I hope someone posts the blonde...
Owen Gonzalez
>3-5 record
Erm... botebros?
Nicholas King
It seems someone is overrating their chosen club...
Adrian Jackson
Fuck it. I'm watching Boston legal. Someone call me when these vaginas get their perfumes in order and decide to do their job.
Dominic Ortiz
Still no game ?
Joseph Bailey
Can't see shit from the link, any other stream?
Liam Williams
1 hour dealy. Prolly starts at 5/ET
Sebastian Cruz
Link works for me but the game isn't on yet. Try buffstreams maybe
Henry Foster
god, television is irredeemably abysmal
Benjamin Nelson
Cameron Adams
They don't have to try and make it good anymore since no one but mega-boomers have cable now
Joshua Watson
So far the league has been trash
I'm a top juco player and i tryed out fro a bunch of usfl teams and they cut me.
the league doesn't care about talent they only care about ass kissers like perez and paxton
usfl gonna fail
Aaron Clark
Now it's fixed, thanks a lot
Josiah Collins
Xfl moggs this
William Thompson
Starts in 5 min im guessing
Aiden Adams
So how bad is the rain that is delaying the game? This isn't baseball.
Christopher Harris
Cooper Bailey
Wyatt Johnson
David Wilson
Hunter Green
Camden Sullivan
Based JUCO poster
Nathaniel Hughes
hoping all the north teams lose
Ryder Davis
jej there is absolutely no one there
Samuel Sullivan
it's Easter Sunday in the deep south lol
Jeremiah Phillips
>empty stadium
Ethan Fisher
Whoa breakers got smooth unis
Hudson Fisher
Fucking Micky D's color scheme
Owen Hill
Isaac Howard
holy shit this league is so scuffed