>Robert Williams out for the Celtics
>Ben Simmons out for the Nets
#2 Boston Celtics vs #7 Brooklyn Nets Game One Gamthread
my nuts :)
Who ever wins this game wins the East calling it now. Go nets
Fuck you, you stupid bitch. Nets suck, you suck, I fakked ya mudda.
Don't keep us waiting Durant.
tic tok celcucks
is kyrie going for 40 or is he gonna let kd kill em
guy is doing witchcraft
Let’s go Nets!
He's fasting and this game is mid-day. He's gonna be gassed.
inceltics are gonna win
nest dont play defense
ngl, the netties have me a little tiny bit worried. But KD and kyrie won't play all 48 minutes the whole series so my celties should come out on top
>boston avoided the 1 seed all year
>still would up playing the nets in the 1st round
Ice Trae melts in Miami
One lightskin nigga down, one to go
Gayson Gaytum you next
And imma slap your gay looking double lightskin ass son too
Im sorry but Jay Z music is so bad
Not bad, but overrated
if you don't like the story of OJ then you don't know shit about sports
>Linkin park in the background
Praying on the Nets downfall
are you THE irelandie or a different Ireland user???
The Nets are the bad guys, right?
RIP it's almost like the league doesn't want to make money. What time is it there potato boy?
They're both bad guys
Is the game delayed?
milsap is gonna average 30 this series
But who is the badder bad guy
This. But KD and Kyrie are based so I'm rooting for them.
no idea who that is, so probably different, Celtics fan for obvious reasons
based, thanks! How long have Sky being showing NBA games for free on YT? Is it for the whole playoffs?
He built his entire career and legacy off of stealing from more talented artists
boston is probably doing some gay convoluted intro
they show selected games on sky and YT as part of their Arena package :)
I want to do lewd things with that Toyota milf
This NBA Presenter on Sky is so horribly wooden
who are the good guys?
we about to witness KINO
all this talk of KD Kyrie, I think Drummond could be an x factor here
Nets, Inceltics will never be the good guys
I didn't realize Bummond was on the nest
can confrim
Pls don't sexualize my future wife
fuck the inceltics
Tatebrick in merchant mode already
Nah you will be
Celtics. Kyrie Irving is evil.
Why are they playing Triple H music lmao
Seth Curry is such a good role player
Nets and it's not close. Kyrie is the great personality of our NBA era and KD is the truest hooper of all time. The inceltics team is a bunch of soulless zoomers.
can the NBA go back to home teams in white jerseys and road teams in dark jerseys already? hasn't the novelty of this shit worn off yet?
people always talk about Trae Young being ugly but he just looks like a Mexican. Tatum looks like the mystery meat ugly goblino mutt to end all goblino mutts. Hope his corpse smears a mountain like Kobe.
Theres' only one way to answer who really made the Warriors dynasty.
racist ass
I agree. Celtics especially should only wear their white and green jerseys.
Old man Harford is feeling it, it's over for Netscels
i just want the nba to intoduce cutoffs
tatum is a handsome mutt, trae is an ugly mutt. simple as. if you say trae looks mexican...well that's because mexicans are mostly ugly mutts
unpopular opinion: if the colors don't clash, both teams should always wear their colored jerseys.
Bucks are destroying both of these teams
How much of Biggie's rhymes is gon come out his fat lips?
You think Marcus Smart is soulless?
>kino revenge series that everyone is excited for
>refs decide to make himself the series mvp
every fucking time. just. let. The. Niggas. Hoop.
actually no he should get out of there before the boston vampires suck his blood dry
rob will too
Jaylen Brown bricking
Why people who grow up in Boston such animals? How are all the 'prestigious' universities located in such an abject cesspool?
>Nets rebounding
>Ben Simmons out for the Nets
why is he still out and do nets even have a chance?
Every game has the refs show you which side the fix is in for. Refs clearly gonna try and get a celtics here in
user that is how you get rid of witchcraft
I mean he looks better on tv the fuck's going on there
Too much adrenaline rn everyone is playing sloppy
his spine is apparently fucked somehow but kit looks like he's getting healthier and is playing a bit in practice
huh KD?!?
It's Baltimore with more people. Same way Chicongo is Detroit with more people. horrible shitholes all around
It’s getting rigged