Who will play her in the inevitable biopic, Yea Forums?

Who will play her in the inevitable biopic, Yea Forums?

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Even in China frogposters are dumb

>Even in Hong Kong*


She's not dumb, just blind.

looks lile fbi/cia infiltration

Why do Taiwan and Hong Kong hate China?

Aren't they all basically the same country?

Everybody hates commies once they taste freedom

>Escape from H.K.

You could have married her and given her a green card, but instead police shot her in the eye. Good job.

At least now she can wear an eye patch and look like some sort of sexy ninja assassin
There's always a silver lining

How long till Winnie the Pooh sends in Tanks to drive over them and then flush the remains into the gutter ? I mean thats all the chink goverment knows how to do in the face of dissidents

Taiwan is literally its own country, the Republic of China. One day the Chinese nationalists will rise again and topple the filthy pinko government in Beijing. Hong Kong tasted 150 years of prosperity and liberty under British rule, so now they're naturally opposed to their entire way of life being ruined by People's Republic of China dragging them down.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

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Is that the white nationalist from from the underground cyberhacker website known as 'Yea Forums'?

>Taiwan is literally its own country, the Republic of China. One day the Chinese nationalists will rise again and topple the filthy pinko government in Beijing. Hong Kong tasted 150 years of prosperity and liberty under British rule, so now they're naturally opposed to their entire way of life being ruined by People's Republic of China dragging them down.

Depends. Some countries recognize Taiwan, some countries (PRC) do not.

Formerly Hong Kong

cursed post

Taiwan is a country made out of the anti communist faction that fought mao in the chinese civil war.

Wtf all my PC fans are going crazy

Obviously PRC does not recognize Taiwan, they want to annex it. But it has its own functioning government and is 100% an independent nation, its just that on the international level its almost completely unrecognized because PRC throws a tantrum whenever another country acknowledges that there might be some Chinese living under a non-commie regime.

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>Why hate China? Don't you want to just be part of their big happy family?

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I hope these people can achieve security for themselves and their way of life.

this tech is literally everywhere, i don’t get why you’re shitting on China specifically for it. England, America, everywhere

The KMT literally love China now

Holy fuck

sounds pretty base-


why are those two guys walking out into the intersection like that?


The current president of Taiwan is from the DPP which is anti china for the most part

everywhere else is to lazy to make it tied to a number that defines your whole life.
In other countries employers will search for a facebook in case you did anything heinous in your past and that's it.
In China, literally everything is tied to your social credit.

wtf I have schizophrenia now!?

it's impossible to stop the chinks now. Nearly 20% of the world population are chinks......

the future is bleak

Depends on who makes the movie. American production companies won't touch it, for fear of angering the Chinese market. Chinese film makers are owned by the state so they'll cast some ancient, monstrous hag and she'll be written as an evil terrorist seeking to tear down the government and sow chaos.

we just need to nuke them, easy fix

I remember reading that juggalo make up bypassed face recognition software, the future is juggalo

>just nuke the cokcroaches and rats bro
yeah that'll work

I've learned that people from Hong Kong call mainlanders "locusts"

Seems like an apt comparison tbqh

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they also have nuclear weapons, best case scenario is a nuclear war between india and pakistan

they do but not nearly as much as the U.S
The U.S could destroy both China and Russia and still have enough left over to take on any other nation who wants to talk shit.
The problem is obviously the states would take some damage of their own, and the ethical implications would cause unparalleled rioting.
Still, it could be done.

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why wouldn't you hate china?

Jackie Chan please go. Your commie overlords are not as benevolent as your propaganda tells people they are.

>they shot my eye
I guess the riot police never miss huh?

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But Jackie Chan is from Hong Kong...

Where’s Bruce lee’s Relative from Hong Kong 97 when you need him

>despicable ME keychain
She’s just cosplaying as a minion

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Hong Kong used to be in England

He denounced the protestors and voiced support for Beijing

We need to go to war with China. They will greet us as liberators.

Yeah, so despite having been born into freedom and having profited from both Hong Kong and America's prosperity, he supports communist bugmen.

Not surprising. Chiang Kai-shek would cream his pants over modern mainland China, probably more than Mao ironically enough.

just because ants kill other bugs doesn't mean you would like to live with ants

If you own a smartphone you better get ready for that

this is how a bending robot sees everything


This massacre and the fallout is going to be incredible kino. Can't believe we waited this long for Tiananmen 2.

despicables, ie deplorables, fight for freedom

Because he's a nationalist, seethe harder libtard

Frogposters look like that?

It's fine as long as you rescue her before the other eye gets taken.

zoomer faggot

kys Hope you're not white.

Welcome to 4channel boomer

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Looks like she didn't lose the eye. .

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If you think the CIA isn't doing this, you're stupid.

Fucking kek. You were here to witness JCU Origins: Frog Plissken.

looks cute, are there cute girls in HK?

but dude in these times how bad can it be? like what kind of laws will be enforced once they will be a part of china? blocking Google? I would say that's a plus.

yes, the Chinks with their executions and internet censorship managed to let it leak but the U.S who couldn't stop an australian rapist from leaking all their shit somehow hasn't let that one slip?

how legit is this? anyone with a computer and any video editor can do this. and what techs are involved in this? kind of hard to think that the chinks have it and any of the first world don't

wasn't there a recent uproar about the government getting access to user info on facebook?

This is “Person of Interest” levels of creepy.

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My wife is Thai but has a Chinese face. She based

sounds like you got a bargain, higher tier asian for lower tier price

china is the testing ground for these things. they have complete subjugation of their people so they don't have to worry about it. other countries have some humanity left which is why it's not done here.

Dredd was such a good film.

Good one Xi Jinping

One of the snowden leaks included a system that allows instant access to all public and some non public information about practically everyone, run in conjunction with sever other five eyes nations.
Like typing in someone's name and having all their credit info, all phones and computers including access to cameras and microphones, location, associates etc.
And this was for EVERYONE. You added a name to a list and they would log up to 6 months of data from all those sources and more which you then had free access to in addition to live feeds.
This is all public knowledge and yet the average people seems to be under the impression that this is some fictional scenario.

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>tfw no frogposting half blind chink gf to protest with


thats like the opposite of based

What is the highest tier of asian ? Japanese or Korean ?

I'd wife them all

still curious what are the techs involved though. do the cars have chips or are they identified by their plate numbers? with super fast internet the vehicle aspect of it seems useful. If you can have a software recognizes the model and number you can redflag vehicles using fake plates.

I believe you mean Snake Pliss-chan

He sold out to the commies though

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t. seething discord tranny

>all of them are disgusting tier
yellow fever fags btfo

shut up Karen

probably ai. i don't speak chinese so i don't know what the words are but they're probably identifiers like man/women, car/bus, etc.

>a composite image of women ends up with an average looking woman
Big think

T. Dumb frogposters

>tfw when no cute chink gf

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T. Ji Xingping

>dat spaniard
opinion discarded

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How do people find wh*te girls caked in cheap make up and $300 anime wigs attractive? Feel like they smell like latex.

Samoan women are ugly as sin, no wonder the men are all giga chads

Best post here

She didn't even actually get shot. Whole bunch of people are dressing up like this cause it happened to one girl

>They only have enough nukes to destroy the world 5 times over, we can destroy it 50 times over!

woah so reassuring

Yeah, any identifying data that can be obtained by advance ai can be useful like color of shirt, height etc. It'd be easy to locate someone by filtering certain things out. Not sure why that image was scary, it's not like it's looking up who you are and your social medias.

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even better

If he was a true nationalist he would support Taiwan you fucking retard. You are defending commie bugmen.

This faggot was just on Yea Forums with the same image

>omg I saw this on reddit too!

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they will. it's only a matter of time. next they'll install chips and you'll have to chip into every building or area. one step closer to losing all freedom.

how the fuck do you know this is from r*ddit

If he doesn't do what they say they're gonna execute his son for smoking weed.

the he'd be like a martyr for like the cause, maaaaaaan

Jap, Koreans are knockoff japs.

He clearly just said he saw it on reddit. Can't you read retard?