Birmingham Stallions 28, New Jersey Generals 24
Houston Gamblers 17, Michigan Panthers 6 (3rd Q)
Philadelphia Stars vs. New Orleans Breakers, 4pm EST
Tampa Bay Bandits vs. Pittsburgh Maulers, 8pm
Birmingham Stallions 28, New Jersey Generals 24
Houston Gamblers 17, Michigan Panthers 6 (3rd Q)
Philadelphia Stars vs. New Orleans Breakers, 4pm EST
Tampa Bay Bandits vs. Pittsburgh Maulers, 8pm
I hope to christ it survives. I'm a NJ resident and I hate how all of our teams are NY teams except for the devils. God bless the generals.
Pregame Thread up
I can support this
FUCK YEAH, two cities Yea Forums hates.
Are the NJ Generals the official team of Yea Forums?
>thirty minutes early
Weren't you the dumbfuck who made a new general a hundred posts early yesterday?
>too bad it won't survive
Then again, who does?
>best logo
>best name
>best team
>most heart
>most winning franchise
>most fans
>best fans
>absolute trash
>>best name
I don't get this, first of all it makes no sense, and second of all if anyone remembers "Coach," he leaves Minnesota in laters seasons to coach the expansion Orlando Breakers, which also made no sense.
Breakers > Maulers
Deal with it.
Also, the Breakers have the second best logo as the seagull puts them on both the nature disaster and bird team.
texas cock still longer and thicker
at least Maulers is original, don't you have some soccer stadiums to build and abandon
>a fucking hammer
Fucking USA is playing law and order in NJ. Where the tuck is the game? Fios guide is saying its USFL.
if only there were some sort of way to watch it on streaming
>be Houston Gamblers
>becomes spee's favorite in week one
Based G's
In a league with sloppy offenses a dominating defense is all you need. Can't wait to see them in Houston one day.
The first game was delayed due to weather I think, it starts at 5 now the next game
based teambuilding
>Yea Forums's team
Same, "Breakers" is fucking retarded
Yeah, this league isn't going to last. The level of play is just so horrendously bad, it's not even ironically enjoyable.
I am used to watch my Lions :) on the screen. I can deal with it.
They've all been in quarantine for two years, ut them some slack.
We're just looking to cap the 8 weeks the AAF lasted.
Will it survive?
Debut had decent TV ratings.
>breakers helmet doesn't wrap around like the classic one did
Those helmets look like the Hamilton wojak with the tire tracks on his head
>34 people in attendance
gotta compare it to the three today
Just search for TV ratings on google.
>1.5 million watching it live
A good start
Who has a stream to watch tonight's game?
There were another 1.5mil watching on Fox.
3mil bby
Not sure, I looked at nflbite and buffstreams but didn't see any
BASED viewers
Here you go, buddy.
go Bay
N-Norfsisters... I don't feel so well...
Thanks brudda. Found another one as well just in case
You know the drill
Hope they bring the fleet back
expansion when???
for me, it's the houston gamblinos
Maulers will win. Got a good feeling about them
t. NJ
Game is postponed due to weather
sup brehs how's the meme league going
I miss the fucking Iron, sent the yeet fleet all the way down to the sea bed.
the level of play isn't the same but at least i dont have to hear about faggots and niggers every commercial break. And you gotta love hearing the micd up players talking shit in game.
They were hitting hard and the flags were kept to a minimum. QB were getting hit and refs didnt freak out
actually sounds pretty comfy
We gettin’ Monday night foobaw
so far so good imho
once teams get more timing we might get to see good football
buck breakers