Crystal Palace under 16s just demolished Arsenal under 16s 5-0.
Crystal Palace under 16s just demolished Arsenal under 16s 5-0
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Time to get into hockey
i didn't know spotemgottem played for crystal palace
Nice of Palace to donate their kits to disadvantaged youths in Africa.
Most of them won't see 25. Mandem in the streets
because crystal palace are based in croydon, the niggerest of all london boroughs (besides barking maybe, not sure)
Because they develop earlier (physically) and thus take all the top youth spots. They all get EXPOSED as the frauds they are as soon as they hit the big leagues. It's sad though because a lot of genuine white talent gets overlooked at the youth level because
>muh pacey ngubu
Why are there so many niggers in London to begin with?
Muh windrush
Looking into this maturing earlier meme. What do we do about this?
Lefties need votes to keep their constant corruption and masochistic policies
Fact check: it's the U18s and it was played 2 months ago.
Because they're much better at age 15
Death is too good for these people
big up the mandem
based their u18 goalkeeper is Canadian
In Portugal they say the same, the President who is a marxist said that immigrants built and made Portugal, must be a western psyop.
>The London South Blacks beat the London North Blacks 5-0
Useless information
what a Palace would be without it's kangz
Yeah sure, merit, nothing to do with an agena about injecting finggers and normalizing them in white countries, mr kalergi
Where are the English players?
They're not wrong btw. Until the industrial revolution, Birmingham consisted of 4 houses, a well, and one small fish and chips shop.
He's not wrong technically.
where are the British Players?
Which was built my immigration of white English people, not millions ofimmigrants.
Because we have a native birthrate below replacement levels. We also have a consumer-orientated services based economy, so without the consoomers to consoom our economy would shrink and if you're a globohomo tory capitalist greed merchant you're incentivised to ship them in by the dinghy-load to keep the gravy train flowing. Have you ever listened to black "music"? It's all make money, spend money on depreciating consumables. Exactly the kind of people they need for an economy like this, thick as pig shit and void of any financial sense.
stealth nonce thread
He's the only one that believe in them.
The future of England is FUCKED
Great Replacement
look at all the seething itt just because of black people merely existing and being good at sports. i cannot think of one race of man that generates more seethe
Jews, Englishmen and Americans.
>i cannot think of one race of man that generates more seethe
Jews. Literally every other race in the world seethes at jews, and it spans both right and left wing too.
Just remind fucktards who promote this insanity that the best time in history to be a british low or middle class subject was right after the black plague.
is crystal palace a black area ?
>white immigrants from Ireland, Staffordshire, Worcestershire and Warwickshire arriving in the early 1800s is the same as dindus claiming they wuz knights n shieet
when did the cunt ever say that?
Crystal Palace the neighbourhood isn't so much, but the club is based in South Norwood in Croydon, which is EXTREMELY black. Probably one of the blackest parts of all of London.
I could genuinely see Palace being the first English team to field an all-black starting 11 in a few years time. Not intentionally, but practically the entirety of their academy is black so it's probably inevitable as they bring more of them through.
>I could genuinely see Palace being the first English team to field an all-black starting 11
didn't Arsenal do that in the early 00s because Wenger was upset that there was a requirement to have English players in his English team?
The industrial revolution turned the working class into slaves.
There is nothing wrong with African teams dominating. I guess they can't do that since white colonialists all take their best players
Not a single *nglo.
The absolute state.
Why do people get so buttblasted when they see blacks in sports? you already know they have the genetics to do well, so why watch it?
Football is the folk sport in England, they love their local clubs and are very passionate about it.
Not seeing a english lad, playing proper 4-4-2 Brexit Football is like you seeing Chick-Fill-A selling onions meat or something.
>those are the 2011 results
can't wait for the 2021 results to come out they will be glorious
Just have a son and force him to train in footie 60 hours a week throughout his childhood if this is such a big deal for you. Shut up
Apparently they have a 1.96m striker who just dabs on everyone week in and week out
>black talent went viral at the age of 14/15
>makes debut at 18
>breakthrough season at 19
>hyped up at the age of 20-21
>gets huge contract
>suffers a series of hamstring/knee injuries by the age of 22
>looks dogshit by the age of 23
>declines in 24
>stays at the club until 27 because the club can't get rid of you due to your high wages
>gets shipped to Everton
>some autist on Yea Forums makes a ynr thread about you
Are you thinking of dele alli
These people don't work they are on benefits. So if that's how consumerism works then why didn't British government just hand the benefits to British working class to consume?
No 10 Junho na Madeira.
In a speech in the celebration of the Day of Portugal.
Football is working class sport and in London there are no white working class, just brown kids on welfare who hang out in streets all day so that's why teams like Palace are full of them especially since they are from Croydon which is biggest immigrant area with most crime in UK.
If you go to Northern England you will see the that all footballers and young talents are still white because no immigrants settle in North, it's a white working class industrial area.
Jews think that if they genocide whites, they'll stop being holocausted every 10 years, so ever since WW2 they've been doing everything they can to replace white Europeans with third worlders.
didn't know the jews gave black people fast muscle twitch fibers
London has become gentrified as shit, so many ethnic minorities have started to move out and rich white hipsters moving in. Brixton is a primary example of this
Is this true? Even though i live in the UK i am not familiar with the North but here people say this often that the Norf is mostly white working class however whenever i see clips and news reports from somewhere like Manchester it's full of blacks and Libyans and somewhere like Oldham and Leeds full of Pakistanis and Indians
That's not true, it depends on the part of London, South West more white workibh class and same in some other parts like Enfield. Croydon isnt the part with most immigarnts, it does have a lot of black people though. But still a fee white working class and have white in general, but with more money
The North is noticeably more white in my experience, especially Newcastle but Manchester and Leeds seem to hace pockets of large immigrant communities
London is not part of Britain
>didnt know jews bred the best slaves with each other
now you do lad
>i live in the UK i am not familiar with the North
build the wall
Effing N-words
in the working class North West you have paki enclaves that consume whole areas in towns like Bolton and Blackburn
but then you also have Wigan, Warrington etc which are pretty much all white
but journey to the middle class North West, the Lake District etc, and everybody is white