Is Orange Man good or bad?

Is Orange Man good or bad?

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he was the catalyst for the end of America, so good.


Orange Man Bad

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I'm surprised with all the Russia tomfoolery they haven't called him Agent Orange yet

he is based as a human being, but kinda cringe as a politician, though still better than hillary

Rest of the world was laughing hard at America when the only choices they had was lying old hag or lying orange man

Not great, not terrible.

Orange Man good

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>Russia interfered with the US election
>CIA interfered with HK protest
>China interfered with African politics
Kys shizonigger

I'd like him a bit more if he didn't tweet like an autistic high school girl every thirty minutes.

Orange man is....
just a puppet for elites to control the U.S government and avoid taxes

>prove me wrong
you can't

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Same. I wish it were every ten minutes.

He does too far desu

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The best of two bad decisions by a long shot

Am I late for the daily cry about Trump thread?

He's a dumb illiterate narcissistic egomaniac. He is also a terrible business man that only has what he has cause he was born into it. That much is clear, whether or not you have conservative or liberal political values. The main point of disagreement surrounding him is whether or not having the republican party in charge justifies him as a necessary evil.

orange man morally grey

like some shit he does is cool some shit isn't

The Orange Man, like any aspect of nature, is neither good or bad. He just is.

Imagine being this triggered

Ameribros, did he ever get that wall paid for by Mexico?

Love the flow.

Bad, but his haters are so obnoxious that I'll probably vote for him again anyway

Dont have a stroke now

He's been called Agent Orange on reddit since 2016

It was pretty based of him to kill Epstein.

He's great, PURE KINO president.

go back to /polcel

Kill yourself boomer

He's a complex character, neither good or evil.

>tax revenue up
>tax rates down
>GDP growth higher than expected and in fact higher than Obama said was physically possible
>wage growth increasing among lower and middle classes for the first time in 40 years
>falling carbon emissions

Yeah I'm thinking he's based

He's been a professional outrage farmer years before his presidency. Ever since his reality tv days. The media spun him into a boogeyman. All he ever was and is, is simply an old rich dude who's talented at roasting other people. He's simply using his outrage farming skills to distract Democrats from his new policies.

Not American, but I think he's very entertaining at least. Whenever I see a weird trump-related thing in the news I have to look it up to see if it's satire or not, and most often it's not.
I thought there was no way he was going to win, and when he did I thought it wouldn't last, that he's do something that would get him impeached within a year and that he would lose all of his supporters when they realized he'd lied to them.
I vastly underestimated the effectiveness of the US legal system and the level of retardness that his followers posses.
10/10 president, made me lol and get to watch the USA kill itself

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He is an arrogant dumbass i wouldnt trust my dirty laundry with.

He also does a really good job at running a country.

I guess this says a lot about politicians in general.

I still can't believe the DNC chose to invest so heavily into Hillary as their candidate. Of all the people that ran for the Democrats, she had to be the worst option possible.
I think Jim Webb would've been a much better pick.

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the russian election scandal probably traces back to russians shitposting on /pol/ and facebook about trump lmao

I love Melania!

jew puppet

Orange man chaotic neutral

It literally does

>all the Russia tomfoolery

That shit that didnt happen?

Orange man good

Get fucked spook faggots.

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why is the left so anti-semitic these days?

He's alright. At the very least he's funny af. Only cringe faggots dislike/hate Blumpf.

Orange man fun

Yeah hence "tomfoolery"



Orange man doesn't lie. He just says things you don't want to hear. Things that make you uncomfortable. Real world is a shitty place. No rainbows and unicorns.

Unless he's telling you its rainbows and unicorns, right?

NPC take: orange man bad
Non-NPC but still incorrect take: orange man good
Ascended take: orange man kike

>he is based as a human being

Are you aware of are shady, scumbag stuff he did to the people who worked for him when he was just a real estate mogul?

I don’t go on Reddit so I’ve never heard it