He would be perfect as Adam Jensen in a Deus Ex movie. Someone shoop the shades on him and prove me right

He would be perfect as Adam Jensen in a Deus Ex movie. Someone shoop the shades on him and prove me right.

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too much face

it's been a hot minute since i've seen dredd, how's his gruff american voice?

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How about you shut your fucking face

>He would be perfect as Adam Jensen in a Deus Ex movie.
You are right. Do it, make the show.

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I gots chu covered family

where is dredd 2

>in a Deus Ex movie
Squenix doesn't have the decency to finish Jensen's story and you're talking about film adaptation.

Adam Jensen's voice actor does movie roles.

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I'm calling it now.
This guy is MCU's Wolverine.


He would be but I wonder if he's too old now. The cunt deserves a good role.

I can see kit harington playing him

nooo noooooooo

Yeah but no one can see Kit unless they give him platform boots and a stages to stand on. Maybe he could play one of the nano-machines.

unironically neck yourself

>he dont wun it though

He was already in Thor Ragnarok.

There's already been recasts in the marvel movies.

This. And too old

Piss off Kit, you're not getting the role

it is mine by rights

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You dun wan it

Bumping for this