Who is the best female super hero and why is it Captain Marvel?
Who is the best female super hero and why is it Captain Marvel?
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I honestly want them to all circle around me, hold me down, and take turns squirting and pissing on me.
Besides having kids and cooking, women are useless
Fuck no. It’s Zatanna
If you insist on live action, it’s Mera
LMAO what a curvelet
Wearing a baggy suit
Black Scorpion
god, she's so fucking hot.
Do you think she knew she was legitimately the least attractive person in the room?
A man with discipline and principles, I salute you sir.
gweneth paltrow steams her vag daily to keep it fresh and there's jade eggs and magnets and shit in there
it'd be like a treasure hunt
I agree, she's the best
Based and redpilled
>>Photoshop her head onto someone with an ass.
Make your Photoshop job less obvious next time you faggot
she cute
Aquaman made more money than Captain Marvel
Reminder: there are faggots on this board who actually think she's unattractive
>disneyshills still wasting time on this talentless hag
Shouldn't you be preparing false flags for the Joker movie? This bitch is a lost cause
>if you don't like her you are a le fagget
>her jawline is like a dude's
>flat like the earth
I like that she didn't over act
>>Face can't be seen
whatever you say, faggot
>Evangeline's power is becoming a tinkerbell or a giantess
holy fuck
> Who is the best female super hero and why is it Captain Marvel?
I'm starting to think it's because Captain Marvel is played by Brie Larson.
>makes a joke about heels being uncomfortable like every woman in the past hundred years
>shitrag site uses it as a girlboss moment
yeah, still a waifu
Shill all you like, she’s still gross and overrated.
I also think this
>the female squad come together to protect the gauntlet
>thano gets the gauntlet almost immediately
what they mean?
She's a fungus witch.
Brie is cute
Pretty sure she was just making a light-hearted joke.
It's everyone else who is acting crazy over it.
Aquaman made more money than Captain Marvel
Brie is very cute
Yes, keep going
if you wouldn't take Queen Brie's foot fungus in your mouth, then you're not a truly devoted fan
*blocks you're path*
Go away
She's unattractive to play Carol Danvers?
See the pictures and judge for yourself
WTF is happening !!!
I agree. How can you say you love Brie, if you can't even lick her (formerly) diseased feet? I totally would.
Humans don't look like cartoons
fuuuuck how do you go out in public like this. she has to be borderline retarded
And I'm thinking Brie is more than attractive enough to play Carol Danvers.
>female Superman
Scarlett & wasp >>>>> everyone else.
And I'm not just saying that because they're hot.
if i were a close friend of brie larson i would say this
for a few years you will be captain marvel so check out the comics and have a body of work like that frank cho version
but she preferred to be thin and the world made the biggest troll in a celebrity of the last 50 years
>and disney will make more miscast with jean gray, ororo and black cat
That's literally all you have. Sad.
This shit is so cringey!!!
What do her thighs feel like?
that's a dude
So powerful
absolute mommy
Legs and ass user
I am talking about Carol Danvers
How brainwashed by negro culture you have to be to find that oversized cartoon ass attractive?
Like a touch of Valhalla heaven.
lmao what is messi doing there?
I want to rescue princess Hawkwind
>implying larson has any ass
lmaoing at your life faggot
This is your ignorance.
Heroes of comics are mirrors of athletes
That's why the term super
Wonder Woman's and body Ms Marvel (Cap Marvel) and leotard come from these athletes
Female athletes have this body
If you are going to enjoy capeshit, do your homework or be humble and learn
Just keep ignoring the photo evidence then if it makes you feel better
Based and high test
Hottest Woman in the MCU
You can land a plane on that forehead
I can only enjoy capeshit if it has Brie Larson in it, and I prefer her to look cute instead of like a baboon.
Captain Marvel's body of work would be like this.
But some user posted the photo of MCU.
producer Alonso and his wife is a short-haired skinny blonde.
So while Alonso is at MCU don't expect to see a natural blonde Valkyrie, Captain Marvel or BlackCat with these proportions.
lizzie is better in every way. they both have no ass so i don't really care. Also Liz has no foot fungus.
Very dry treasure hunt.
If you really like her you will like to see her being a true artist and being muscular in a role
Skinny in another
And with 200 pounds and unrecognizable in another role
This is what a true artist does
I like both
>lizzie is better
Sorry but Brie is more attractive than Liz Bogdanoff
Brie had nine months of strength training for the role. That's exactly the right amount of true artistry for me.
don't she have enough cash to treat it?
9 month of training?, she didn't move that much in the movie.
Too much bogpill
Not enough CUTE
She wasn't athletic before she was cast as CM, and she needed to feel strong to properly play a superhero.
Brie is very pretty
With the power of Brie, you can even bend time and acquire checkable digits. Repent!
And also very cute
brie is not cute
this guy fucks
adding to my CUTE folder
post more cute Brie
now post more sexy Brie
She is not Mary-Kate or Ashley you dumbfuck.
qt smile
>All comic adaptions need to be purfect!!!!
Why don't you go to the DC fanbase, where you can praise visual comic accuracy but ignore shitty acting all day.
Still tickled from that poll? It was nothing personnel really, just Yea Forums speaking it's mind.
2nd place isn't that bad for an ayy lmao after all.
I ask you to what end?
Guys I want to marry Brie Larson
If you do that, are you supposed to change your last name to Larson or Desaulniers?
I already have a swedish last name so Larson is okay by me.
>and take turns squirting and pissing on me.
Both are pissing you retarded faggot.
Evangeline has nice running form.
If i ever were to marry this cutie (God please make it happen) i'd change my last name to Have Sex
>the natural lubricant from a wet pussy is piss!
Braindead virgin
Captain Marvel of course. Starlight is close second
Dawww she made a new cover
She made two youtube.com
But I prefer the older ones. She's beginning to get cocky.
>Thirstily hungers for a 6/10
>Always tells people to 'have sex'
What do the Brie-cels mean by this?
Bitch still thinks she can sing? lol
Could you BE anymore cute, Brie?
Hey dudes i kindly want to get to know (you).
You don't know the true me either!
Is "know" here used in the biblical sense?
She clearly knows a lot about trolling. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if she trolls these boards in her spare time.
I know brie is a cunt.
>moms hobby is taking pics with literal goddesses
cool hobby actually
What is she clapping at bros?
Brie would unironically make a great Hera if you're familiar with the character.
Probably some white dude getting an award or something.
Why are women so funny bros?
Yep, I'm thinking she's Culkined™
So the memes about her having no derrière are bs? That's a pretty nice rump
Brie and MEW should have made more movies together.
Yes and no. It's never been very noticeable, but it's not as flat as it looks on that one photo
Imagine the smell in that room
Captain Marvel is a QT 3.14
America's smell
As CM costumes were difficult to put on and take off, Brie had to spend all day in them. In one of the interviews she said that due to that they smelled very bad.