this was eye-opening for me.
how can we fix this?
this was eye-opening for me.
how can we fix this?
advertisers pay more for ad space in NBA games because more people are watching
so the NBA is more lucrative than womens sports, and they proportionally pay their players more
>so the NBA is more lucrative than womens sports, and they proportionally pay their players more
I don't see a problem. I mean if she was as good as curry she could play in the men's league and get paid like he does. The problem is she's just not as good.
221k for some obnoxious roastie that would be upstaged by any moderately talented 15 year old boy is already insane. I hate women so much it’s unreal.
This is just. Sometimes I can't. Even.
Bet this bitch can't even cook.
Love from khazakstan
nice selfie
>moderately talented 15 year old boy
lol the delusions on Yea Forums are insane. I bet these highly trained professional women would at least give NBA times a hard time, if not beat them. The NBA teams have never dealt with the playstyles of the WNBA teams, whereas the WNBA teams do know how the NBA teams play so I wouldn't count them out.
If women athletes drew any dimes, then they would get paid like it.
$221k is crazy money for shit that nobody watches.
221k is fine she plays ball at high school level
begging you all to not reply to that obvious bait post
Do burgers watch women's apehoop?
$221k is top end minor league money.
NBA players should give half their salary to WNBA players in the name of equality.
Maybe if they got rid of all butch dukes and played in bikinis they’d be paid more
pretending to be retarded also makes you retarded
weak bait
she should unironically get paid more, at least 100-200k more
Women as a group would have to actually start watching women's sports and generating interest.
Why are these NBA players paid so much? No one watches baskrtball. Hiw the FUCK can Curry earn more than Mahomes?
Need more 10/10 tomboys competing
Less players on the roster to divide the pay by, NFL has huge rosters by comparison. Also better players union.
Women shouldn't even be allowed to play sports or earn their own salaries.
based on what?
Thats 221k too much
Incredibly based. Couldn't agree more.
That's alot considering the low ratings. She makes 4 times the national median income for doing leisure activities.
Allah smiles upon this post
So he earns $4.6bn a year? Assuming by 2 quarters they mean 30 minutes to make it a like for like time comparison.
based on these nuts, lmao gotem
>do something that you like but that nobody needs or wants to pay for
>get $221k per annum
jesus fucking christ i should've gone sports route instead of bothering my shit with education
? Y'all know I'm right, lol. While I agree WNBA players might not be able to easily defeat NBA players, they sure can surprise them.
262k for half a game = 524k per game
524k per game times 82 games per year = 42.9m
and i looked up his salary just to check and he gets paid 43m even basically
Did you know WNBA players play with smaller balls?
brit brain, everyone!
Imagine participating in a competition that no one watches, financed by companies just to either promote feminism or appease feminists, and think you deserve more money.
WNBA teams only lose money, this whole situation is a spit on the face of more capable male Basketball player that could play a second or third division.
there are probably more people watching steph curry play two quarters than there are people watching the WNBA in an entire season as well
not true
>how can we fix this?
make the femoids play in the actual NBA.
you guys didn't get it
Do NBA players get paid per game or a gauranteed weekly wage?
yeah, mine
WNBA is a net loss every fucking year
You can’t fix a shit product
cut women's pay in half
>how can we fix this?
go to WNBA games
arent most nba teams also running at a loss? i remember mark cuban saying something like that
No. We want equal pay and we want it now. If you disagree, you are a racist, sexist, homophobic Nazi. It's 2022, i think it's time, you Trump.
if she wants as much as Curry, then go to NBA.
get more people watching so advertisers pay more money, have them play basketball in bikini or something
even women don't care about it. that won't stop it from pushing it though.
>No. We want equal pay and we want it now. If you disagree, you are a racist, sexist, homophobic Nazi. It's 2022, i think it's time, you Trump.
she'd make 7 figures on onlyfans
now post how much revenue they generate
What needs to be fixed?
All 7 figures are zero
Based Knight Hospitalier
Don't worry, I got it and chuckled at those guys' retardation.
>we deserve more pay even though our business operates in the red every single year
Was trying to think of a real world equivalent but it isn't there because something that loses money every single year since its inception doesn't get to continue to exist
Holy shit you fucking canadian Trump shit !!!
Did you just make that image all by yourself just to reply to my post?
Oh my god so funny and original !!!! If only... bastard bitch
Merge the leagues. Gender is an outdated concept.
agent zero already solved this problem
Public transportation.