Bro I'll be over in a few pic a good movie

>bro I'll be over in a few pic a good movie
What do?

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Whip out my Blade Runner final cut and Blade Runner 2049 blurays.

Master & Commander 2: Command harder


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Vanilla Sky

Harry Potter, Star Wars, MCU. The holy trinity of good franchises


based kinoman

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Fellowship of the Rings

Fight Club. (it's chadcore how can I not pick it)

Pokemon the movie

The town


gigachad, my man, I got Osmosis Jones on vhs ready to go

incredibly patrician post

holy shit im omw bro

this nigga right here know what's gud

turned off my VPN just to say based

Fight Club is literally gay. Fucking faggot. The homos are laughing at all your wannabe chads for watching such a sissy movie.

High School Musical

you better pic a good movie

watchmen ultimate cut
if he doesn't like it for whatever reason(he will like it)
>i just wanted to spend more time with u bro