Why are they so cocky when all they've ever done is disappoint themselves?
Why are they so cocky when all they've ever done is disappoint themselves?
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Invented the game and cultivated it's beauty.
It's literally coming home in 7 months
I don't know but I love it. Maybe it's retardation brought on by bad diet and 3rd world genetics. Hard to say
mentally ill country
the english are the only ones with a bigger ego than muslims
On paper England is the best team in the world. They always manage to bottle it but this is still their best chance in decades.
Dont care.
agree with these, especially the diet part.
>posted from las malvinas
Because it's fun and pisses off Euroids
If you lived here you’d understand. Delusion is the only thing keeping me sane
>THAT flag
>THIS (no, seriously) THIS topic
i don't think they are per se, but , their media aparatus is out of control, sensationalist, and it both feeds misguided individuals and gives them a bad name in the world, which is why everyone rooted for italy in the euro final
Life without ever surrendering to hope is just existing.
that's part of the fun. We'll leave the pessimism to the Germans
Is England me?
This is what I don't get, they won a WC recently and have a great new coach and they still have no hope, what's up with that
On paper the best team in the world is France, followed by Brazil, Argentina, Belgium, Germany, Spain and the Netherlands. England is somewhere in the second tier with Mexico, the USA, Uruguay and Croatia
Would add Wales, Peru, and current Canada to this tier too but yeah agreed
a sentient being actually typed this post
Science has yet to prove sentience in americans
Why do you do this to yourselves? It always ends the same way, you know how it's gonna happen, but here you are, again. You are gonna embarrass yourself against the United States, you are gonna barely eek out of the group stage and you are gonna lose in a poorly played match in the knockouts where someone like Maguire is gonna bottle it and proceed to get sent off.
>all they've ever done is disappoint themselves?
Other than Basketball we've won either a world cup or Olympic gold in basically every global sport at some point
>This is your brain on morbid obesity
They're literally one of the favourites for the next world cup until they go out in the Semis against Fronce.
It's more fun. Can't imagine being some boring sod going into every tournament thinking you're going out in the group stages
Not for your women
when has this ever happened under southgate. we're not living in 2010 anymore.
They at least get a reprieve during the hopeful build up and early stages, imagine how bad it'd be if Bazza was miserable the entire year
aren't they the current cricket champions?
cricket isn't a sport, it's an inferior baseball
He’s right, you can delude yourself into thinking otherwise but it’s quite literally factual. For whatever reason England is a step behind the real european and south american powers. I think it’s because they’re all inbred
Add Denmark to tier 1, Wales to tier 2, and Peru to tier 2 and it's exactly correct imo.
You can't put football apostles like Croats and Uruguayans in the same sentence with usa and mexico.
Why is US the only nation like this? You would never in a million years see some Welsh guy discussing shit like this. When wales or Scotland play England, they expect to lose but hope for the best. But now you get Americans who act like analytical experts thinking the US have a chance to beat England “if they play their cards right” lmao no. There’s no reason to believe that at all, England is better in every single position. England could call up a team of un-capped international players and still decisively beat the US team lmao. Its like they just can’t accept the fact that in football they are not a good team and nowhere near being one of the big teams.
It’s like they really do not understand how football works. It’s not really something you can just watch for 2 years and instantly become a knowledgeable fan. Like when I look on r/ussoccer some of the shite in the comments is just hilarious. The points they make thinking it’s relevant when it’s just not.
part and parcel of being a low iq inbred squatting in a third world buffer zone
england is not the best team in the world, that's france but france NT is 90% made of africans so they have a 50% chance of chimping out and losing due to /weakmind/
england is top 5 though I reckon
Because its coming home
Cassius Dio
simple as
The Germans are a sad, joyless race
Just a bit of fun mate, try not being so miserable in your shitty life.
I think they’re just memeing desu, there might be a vocal minority like there is with any fandom on the internet these days but most English people would admit they’re a step behind the real soccer nations.
As for the vocal minority, I think they get confused because they see the premier league as the best league in the world, which it is right now, and think that means England produces world class talent. But in reality the top teams in the world only have a couple Englishmen that contribute
The difference is winning 4 world cups vs 1. Reaching 13 semifinals vs. 3.
You've only won 1 world cup too though
>seppo opinions
didn't read it mate
Poojet canuck
>the real soccer nations
we get to celebrate winning without ever actually doing it
it's coming home
Nationwide humiliation fetish
>I think it’s because they’re all inbred
This. Our NT has far too many Irish players.
you have only won 1 world cup
west germany was a different country
simple as
countries that have english as their first language are filled with subhumans. if you have spanish as your first language you're an intellectual
The best thing ever did was learn English. Now I can laugh at retards like this. Grazie Nigel
Germany really only has Brazil as its worthy rival. Noone in Europe is even close.
British ex-pat doesn't matter
cam on England
Score some FACKIN goals
i travel. every other major football nation considers England one of the 3 best national teams right now. this is standard belief across all continents, globally. and it's demonstrated with results in recent tournaments; Euros final, World Cup semi. the only European nation who achieved more than us in the last major tournament, hasn't qualified for the World Cup. so on raw statistics, England is the best European nation at Qatar, with the greatest results in recent competition.
Oh no! greentexted le shiggy
implying! The substance of my post is true, the rest of the world knows this, you know it. If all you can do is question semantics then you’re admitting defeat.
>The substance of my post is true
How is it true? What are you basing it on? Going by the last two international competitions, we're the best country at this WC.
You now realize Canada
decisively qualified and the USA did not. Win your group 50 stars
If i say its true it must be! Not sure about that lad
people used to make these threads about liverpool. and then they won everything
same thing will happen, the talent is there
this really rattled them kek
I’m basing it off of success at international tournaments, not transfermarkt values. England haven’t won anything since 1966. In what world do they deserve to be put in the same basket of nations that actually win trophies? I cant believe you’re the one trying to paint me as irrational, it’s bizarre
Do you order a meal in a restaurant and spend the entire time waiting for it talking about how disgusting you think it's going to be?
>I’m basing it off of success at international tournaments
Glad we're on the same page, so you must expect England to win then.
an unfortunate truth that's tough to admit for England
what relevance is the performance of different squads in different eras? did we overrate ourselves in the 2000s? yes. we're obviously not overrating our current crop. at all. we are a top 3 international team right now, this isn't even debatable.
brazil going in with no regard for mutt life
I hope Inglaterra cucks França
England's theme
The problem is that if they win they will just dismiss decades of poor results, and I'll have to hear from anglos that they are better at Futebol than us.
o novo maior aliado?
>I’m basing it off of success at international tournaments
>Belgium tier 1
I never said that