Is Fredo really the “N” word for Italians?
Is Fredo really the “N” word for Italians?
no. Chris is just a massive faggot.
It's Negro.
>born in America
>upper class
doesn't matter if it is, he isn't Italian or any kind of minority group
lmao chris cuomo is a connected with fbi/cia
Is not whop or guinea the nigger for Italians.
His code name is fredo.
No, because the 'f-word' doesn't stand for FREDO!
>Cuomo was born in the New York City borough of Queens.
The mere fact that it is openly trending on Twitter w/o being hidden is fact enough that it isn't.
Give it an hour. It will be declared dog whistle hate speech
No. WOP. Means With Out Papers. In 2019 terms it's undocumented immigrant.
Eggplant, Moolie, or Terroni are the names you are looking for.
cuomo the christmas donkey
>Americans thinking they’re “Italian” because their great grandmother happened to come from there
They’re so fucking retarded lads.
whoa we got a real I TAL E AN over here
based fredo cashing in on this nonsense
>threaten to throw someone down a flight of stairs
>keep your job
>>CNN supports
but for how long?
I'm an "actor" on cnn
How many generations fake italian is he?
look at this disgusting racist dessert
No its Guinea
No, it's greasy dago wop
Pretty much this
ayyy that ain't no spumoni
mama mia... its another New Orleans
Moolie is actually a derogatory term used for black people BY italians
>any of you italian?
>i got a little yeah
>n word (hard R or not)
>r word
>b word
>c word
>f word
>fr word (new one)
Just invent a new language (or stop being triggered by words) mutts
>Italians think Africans are "Italian" because the government gave them a piece of paper saying they are.
Why are CNN personalities such faggots?
Everyone's a tough guy but no one actually ever throws a punch, bunch of white boi pussies
and it means eggplant
to be fair that's only a semi-freddo. if it were a full freddo, someone would be in big trouble
no that's moolie
THIS guy is saying shit like "punk ass bitches"? Lmao
having a permit to stay in a country is very different from having a passport from said country, are you retarded?
...and yet, complain about immigrants coming here.
New language called Anonous starting now.
Nigger is now Makoosi
Nigga is now Makkosa
>Cuoma identifies with a particular ethnicity and culture
Fucking racist fascist cunt get him out of there.
Yeah hello he's one of the medias guys they can literally do whatever they want. didnt the NYT hire some cunt as an editor whos twitter was full of "muh white people" shit and they were like "ya we know fuck you"
>implying there are no Africans with Italian passports
Oh right I forgot, they're not Africans anymore they're Italians now!
because they have a piece of paper from the government that says they are!
Italians literally can't tell the difference legally!
I would like to see your face when you find out you're american because you have a piece of paper
Yeah, in the real world, if you go up to someone and try to antagonize them, most people will support you when you talk shit back.
I find it funny poltards feel they can harass and start shit with people and then cry about police and social protection when the person fights back like a little kid running behind their mom's skirt.
>America isn't a real country
No shit sherlock.
American as in united state citizen
>Italians think Africans are "Italian"
You don’t know much about Italy and Italians do you?
We're only doing as we're told.
Does he sound like that on tv? He is playing it up badly.
What's a United State citizen?
Where do they come from?
What do they look like?
What language do they speak?
>rep. Maxine Waters
Any evidence he was being harassed? His claims are retarded. He made up an insult so he could feel offended.
All I need to know about Italians, is that they believe Italians that moved to another country a hundred years ago, are legally less Italian than Africans that got off a boat today.
>halfbreed mutts thinking they're anything but rabid dogs
>What's a United State citizen?
el abomonacion
>Where do they come from?
el abismo
>What do they look like?
ellos tienen cuerna grande con una vientre redondo
>What language do they speak?
Absolute STATE of this mutt. Italians that moved countries a hundred years ago are dead.
I'm an American citizen. Was born and raised here but my father is an immigrant from Italy. He's been here since he was 14, and doesn't have an accent. Technically, I could consider myself an "Italian-American", but I don't do that shit, as Italian-Americans are a different fucking breed of people to me. My uncle (dad's brother) married an Italian woman whos family has been here for longer than my dad's family. They talk and act like Chris Cuomo. Loud, obnoxious, ignorant yet opinionated, shallow people. They use all the "italian" slang like "gabbagool" which is just Italian American butchery of my father's beautiful language.
There's something about America + Italy that creates this kind of behavior and culture, as my Italian relatives in Italy don't behave this way, and my experiences in Italy are warm and comforting.
Btw, I've never seen The Godfather. Never heard of Fredo being an insult. Fuck Chris Cuomo.
nigger, retard,....cunt fuck what are the rest?
Fun fact, there are italian people whose surname is nigger (in italian of course) and no I don't mean black.
because it's not an Italian insult. It's an insult to him as in saying he's the lesser brother. Chris can't take the truth that's he's a nobody.
Trump is such a troll and i love it.
We need to start calling white people, asian people, hispanic people, niggers. I want to kill the word nigger so bad.
Chris is mad that he doesn't get to be a special privileged victim. Im half Italian. I've got cousins in Calabria. My great grandmother was born in Italy. My grandmother speaks Italian and actually experienced a little bit of racism.
Fredo Wap Deigo Fredo Wap Deigo Fredo Wap Deigo Fredo Wap Deigo Fredo Wap Deigo Fredo Wap Deigo Fredo Wap Deigo
Those seething replies
itt: way too many mouth breathers not being able to understand ethnicity and nationality are separate things
you can't because you'll be called racist by black people. No matter the context, using the word is a hate crime.
>There's something about America + Italy that creates this kind of behavior and culture
It's called black people.
The guinea is a persona taken on by the Italian to survive in urban environments where he is forced to live cheek by jowl with aggressive former slaves that hold legally protected status. Blacks don't respect culturally sophisticated white people, but they do respect grotesque loud caricatures that celebrate criminal figures and speak in obscure slang the same way they do.
The Italian American is a negrofied Italian.
shut up racist we're one race and soon one nation so you and cuomo can fuck of to jail with the other Nazis
Like the other guy said, it's basically modern blasphemy. You can't say it no matter the context unless you're black.
ITT: amerimutts thinking they belong to an ethnicity because their grandmother visited there one time
Only if your name is Al Dente.
Obviously Cuomo is just trying to seem “down to earth” and “cultural” but he’s just another white-mutt wealthy talking head on TV
pezzo di merda che non sei altro ma tu sai chi cazzo sono io? porcodio te lo dico chiaro e tondo, mi hai proprio rotto il cazzo mi hai capito? Non me ne frega niente di quello che hai da dire, che cazzo di ragionamenti fai? Sei assolutamente un deficiente, è qualcosa di irreale. Non so nemmeno perché ti sto rispondendo, porcodio quanto mi fai incazzare. Incredibile, davvero. Questa board è trash. Dio CANE
Bitch, faggot and fredo?
>n word (hard R or not) : nigger
>r word : retard ?
>b word : bitch ?
>c word : cunt ?
>f word : fuck ? (wouldn't it be a f-bomb ?)
>fr word (new one) : fredo
am I rite guise?
fucking 'muricans
Yes, of course. Racism is taboo in our culture. The big mental jump people need to be able to understand is that things can be bad without being the worst.
Whats worse. Having your child get cancer or someone telling him to go back to where he came from?
What if a kid grew up getting bullied by X race in school, and now he doesn't like them? is he wrong and ignorant? sure but are we really supposed to hate his guts and call him hitler? come on now.
People need to stand up to this shit. Social media public shaming is making it very hard I understand but I do belive we can change the culture. Stop respecting people who complain about the word nigger.
I've got a personal anecdote involving a black ex gf and the word nigger if anyone would like to hear it?
Stop being such a redditor and just give us a story you nigger.
I wonder how many Hail Marys he's doing right now
Is there an actual derogatory term for italian people?
european-american ethnic culture died with white flight
There isn't because we really don't care
Yeah, "dago".
The cucks do this with Irish ancestory too, pretty sad desu desu.
Oh look another country that thinks Africans fresh off the boat are Irish, but the descendants of Irish people that happen to live a few thousand miles away aren't.
northern Italians call those from Sicily and Calabria (i.e. the cousins of those in America) "terrone", peasants basically
Hanging on to the smallest bit of ethnic heritage no matter how insignificant is pretty important to North Americans (Canada/US). Understandable when you live in a multiculutural and multi-ethnic country where immigrants are valued more than citizens whose families have lived here for generations. Pretty dumb to call yourself Irish if your ancestry can't be placed back to Ireland for several generations though.
Looking at his stupid sheepiish fucking face makes me sick.
No. Italians have been considered white for over a generation at this point and there are white people are forbidden to claim racial victimhood status of any kind in the current year.
EXCEPTION - An Italian could claim victimhood if slighted by a person with a Northern European background because they are "whiter."
>its our job to #gothere
Fucking cringe
Calling Cuomo, an Italian-American, an Italian name (based on a character from a movie about Italian-Americans) is every bit as racist as calling Trump a German name, Drumpf. That dago faggot can go fuck himself.
At least the Italians had language and appearance barriers assimilating to America which explains why they kept hold of their culture for so long. The Irish had about ten years of hardship before they created the police force.
That thing applies to italians, spanish and portoguese too, how lazy.
Italians are hugely sensitive, try saying they aren't white and you'll get 20+ seething replies about how amazing the roman empire was before it got cucked by common barbarians.
putting ananas in pizza is the n-word for italians
ok hopefully mods dont 404 while im typing, ill try to be succinct.
MY ex's family was from South Sudan. There was a civil war in Sudan between the Blacks and the Arabs. Arabs are dominant in the region. Her family is influential there and so they were able to flee the country and come to America. My ex had survivors guilt.
Anyways shes in college running track (east african girl go figure) and this ignorant ass white girl says to her one day "whats up my nigga". My ex asked her to apologize and the girl refused. She talked to the coach about it and the coach also did nothing. She resigned from the track team in protest. When she told her father about it he scolded her severely. She had a full scholarship in track. And his perspective? His brothers, literally brothers, died in a civil war in which arabs were actively trying to exterminate his people, and his daughter couldn't tolerate being called a nigger? He basically disowned her afterwards and her life started to spiral.
I'm leaving out a million details here but ill answer questions.
based and ahead of the curve
Who in their right mind would ever admit to being Italian?
how to make italians mad
call the garbage that italian-americans eat real italian food
Why would you fuck a nigger?
because they’re all faggots
Disowning her for complaining about being called a nigger is a bit much. Otherwise I understand his reasoning.
kek funny how off camera he immediately devolves into some greaseball dago screaming about muh gabagool.
>He was our weak brother
The godfather isnt real
The thing about it that makes me enraged is that this culture made her feel like she had an obligation to be offended. Like if she didn't stand up to this perceived injustice she was some kind of a traitor to black people or something. A lot of this is because she's African, not black. This culture tells her shes black even though so thats her tribe that was assigned to her and she has to have some kind of fucking obligation to it.
I hate, hate, hate, hate, the way Americans perceive race.
The least faggot personality at CNN is the literal faggot ironically enough.
sounds like you wanna get thrown down some stairs, punk ass bitch
>I'm an actor on CNN
kek that's probably the truest thing I've ever heard this libtard say
what's the fucking point of this stupid video?
>Italian movie
>''Ey you gotsta try the veal in this joint, it's the best in the city''
I don't know that he really "disonwed" her. That's her version of it. Her and her family had other issues. There is this weird cultural thing where the oldest girl is supposed to stay home and help the mother and she was pretty rebellious and headstrong (one of the reasons i liked her). It may very well have been that they fought about it for a few years and then reconciled.
Getting personal, she was being very self destructive when I broke up with her, after months of trying to get her to want to fix her life... she just wanted to self destruct so bad. Fucking survivors guilt. When we broke up she cut all ties which I wasn't expecting and I have no idea what happened to her. I hope shes home with her family and safe. I really cared about that beautiful nigger. First girlfriend I had. First time i felt the affection of a woman. And yet I can type the word n-i-g-g-e-r without hating blacks. Strange huh?
I speak for just myself but I would find it hard to argue given that there had been successful invasions and colonization of Sicily by African populations, can't remember their name, the ones that left a system that picks up rain water.
but what if you don't use grease?
Shit sucks.
>Italian movie
The guy thought his name was Fredo. You’re a faggot. And a Fredo.
At least it ain't a nigger or spic. eh eh?
Yeah man, but I cant possibly understand how it feels to be called a word because my skin is white.
Go fuck yourself liberals. I'm ready to go to war with you people and your fucking backwards ideology. It's evil and it hurts people.
Btw, in the half a year we dated, there were at least 20 people who told us "we were a cute couple". Cus I'm white and shes black. FUCK YOU PEOPLE
> making Dems think they’ll get red flag laws
> rubbing their dumb faces in it
You're getting dangerously close to actual television and film discussion. Wise up.
>ba da bing
>zab al yone
God it's so cringe when Americans do this, especially when they're not even from NYC which is the only place has any remnants left of actual diasporic culture
Every roastie ever:
>I'm actually part Italian XD
You'd think the constitution would have been written in Italian for as many people here who claim to have italian ancestry
>spends years of airtime spewing shareable talking point propaganda asserting everyone with light skin is "white" to make their failed philosophy make sense
>suddenly Italians aren't white when their dipshit Newspeak logic is used against an Italian
Thanks for clearing that up gamesmaster
The coach could have solved this super quickly by just telling the white girl to apologise because the team won't work if people are upsetting each other.
Takes like 5 minutes, top.
john cazale proving to be the goat once again
imagine acting so well your character becomes a slur
>Eggplant, Moolie
These are terms Italians used to take the piss out of blacks. "Egg plants" because they're skulls are shaped like them (narrow at the top). Terroni is exclusively used to shit on Southerners.
>An Italian could claim victimhood if slighted by a person with a Northern European background because they are "whiter."
That looks to be what happened here, though the reactions are not nearly as extreme as if that had been Don Lemon and some guys had called him a "nigger faggot" or something like that. Americans have retarded standards for racial equality.
Of course. That's why I said I'm leaving a bunch of stuff out.
I supported her decision to talk to the coach. The coach should have done something. The girl should have apologized. You shouldn't go around calling strangers anything offensive, let alone African immigrants nigga. The white girl is an absolute retard and I even saw her one time on campus and told her she looked and acted like a 14 year old.
The only thing that happens when you get offended is that you are giving someone else control over you.
>Italian guy trying to claim special class status like a Jew or black
If they can speak the language and are at least a quarter Italian, I don't see the problem.
No problemo. I have a degree in humanities and feel it is my duty to share the wisdom that was imparted to me by my most learned professors.
But on the flip side, what if that white girl got expelled over this shit? That may have been what they were afraid of. That and the media. Everyone in this country is going crazy. Everything is literally black and white. Good or evil. Cant just say sorry, shake hands, and move on. Everything is a scandalous catastrophy even fucking WORDS
>That looks to be what happened here
Right and that's why this whole stunt is even being tolerated and why Cuomo hasn't been canned. You can bet if it was some black guy calling him Fredo and he flipped like this he would've been out of a job faster than you can say mamma mia.
Only burgers get mad over stupid bullshit like this. Must be something in their water.
t. Italian from Italy
Why do people get offended by any racial slur? Its just a fucking word. Also
>racial slurs against Europeans
lol no. Its like calling a white person 'cracker', no one fucking cares.
anons give this here lithuanian a slur so we can be victims as well
Terrone is only for someone from the south of Italy.
>I have a degree in humanities
Should you be posting while flipping burgers?
be careful user
go back to resetera you silly bitchass nigga clown
Let's see
Sorry no "Fredo"
lmao he truly is fredo
That's why everytime they call a nigger African-American I burst out laughing. Nigger you're just American, get over it, you were never in Africa, you don't know shit about Africa, you speak no African language. You're American.
>being unable to man a grill while operating your handheld funposting device
>Italians have been considered white for over a generation at this point
I don't think people have ever considered the Italians, the Greeks or the Spanish fully white; they just like to when it suits in order to claim their achievements for western civ. Meds inhabit a category all their own.
t. Italian
I've never heard this as an Italian slur. It's been used for a family of any ethnicity to describe the idiot brother.
Cuomo is an overreacting faggot who is probably roid raging.
"Lithuanian" is basically already a slur.
>We need to start calling white people, asian people, hispanic people, niggers. I want to kill the word nigger so bad.
Are you retarded, nigger? We have been doing this since 2003.
anyone listen to rush this morning?
Absolutely delusional. All European derived people are de facto white in the 21st century. Even some non-Euros manage to slip in. You have no idea how broad the definition of "white" is in Los Estados Unidos.
It's anglo-saxon multiculturalism, it makes you think you're something you are not while the others keep the delusion going. It's quite potent.
>a person with a Northern European background because they are "whiter."
The delusion. Germanic tribes are NOT white.
>t. Italian
sure thing mutt
>every italian american movie
>this ignorant ass white girl says to her one day "whats up my nigga". My ex asked her to apologize and the girl refused
Christ what a ladycuck. It's just a fucking word, people say stupid shit all the time. If they treat you with respect it's more than enough.
Anything can be offensive.
I'm an Italian living in South Tyrol and my German friend or German people called me "walsch" (a famous German insult towards Italians) a couple of times, since I'm not a little fucking bitch I can take it, it doesn't really do anything to me.
You're making yourself the victim. It's just words, not violence.
The Italian peninsula has played host to:
>Hellenes, Gauls, Romans, Etruscans, Sabines, Vandals, Goths, Lombards etc.
All Italians are mutts by nature And it only makes us stronger!
The best check for whiteness is if you're allowed to make fun of someone racially
Turns out Italians aren't white, as far as amerimutts are concerned anyway
Can someone translate this wopspeak for me I can't understand him
Based IRL shitposter dabbing on spaghettiniggers
I think I'm Italian because I watch the Sopranos almost twice a year
>that fake wop accent
Tell me more good sir
I've been arguing this with my normalfag friends. If you say it enough time it loses meaning
Yeah, your german friend. It perfectly fine to call people you know whatever the fuck you want.
But what I'm saying is you shouldn't even go around saying "whats up motherfucker" to strangers. That's rude as fuck.
Technically speaking, Europeans have the largest proportion of Neanderthal DNA of any race. The Neanderthals were driven to extinction by humans. I and my fellow white people demand justice for our past trauma.
italians are literally black+jews
americans are so funny
I misread your post slightly, you said german strangers and friends.
Youre definitley not wrong. And that white girl isn't evil or anything, but I would still consider it rude.
Ill tell you what, what if a German stranger called you Fredo or Ital-nigger or whatever, you said you thought it was offensive, and then they REFUSED to apologize? Its their right sure but do you think that would be rude?
Its like saying yo mamma so... and then the kid is like, my moms dead bruh.
>Romans think Gauls are "Roman" because Caesar said they are.
Romans and Gauls were both Europid though. Your analogy sucks ass.
fredo isn't the italian n word, it's jabroni
oh no... that sucks
Banging cocktail waitresses left and right
No, Fredo Cuomo just got butthurt and is trying to invoke the journalist victim card.
Italians are all fucking mutts anyway, a genuine Italian could be a nigger and it wouldn't make any difference
Yeah it's rude but in the end what the fuck does that do to me? Absolutely nothing, they're just words someone said.
>what if a German stranger called you Fredo or Ital-nigger or whatever
I'll either ignore him or play the same game, depends on the situation.
>and then they REFUSED to apologize?
I hate apologies, I never ask for them nor accept them. As I said, I just look at how people behave, if they respect you with ACTIONS then it's fine.
"driven to extinction"
They were "incorporated" into our culture. (Fuck Im doing it again) Neolithic transeuropean culture. Ive never even sharpened a rock why am i identifying with cave men?
This whole reaction seems like something a fredo would do. Or like what you would have if you mixed fredo with that other guy, the hothead brother. What was he called?
Hey man thats what I tried to tell her.
Actually you know what, I fucked up the story. Most of this happened just before we started dating, so there was only so much advice i could give to her. She had already quit so. And more importantly she was in a bad place mentally. The nigger badword was really just a catalyst for her to self destruct but still. Its retarded that this country made her think that way.
>If you say it enough time it loses meaning
Its the complete opposite, every time you say nigger it gets more powerful and racism grows stronger. Its why they try to shut it down so much
Lolno. Meaning dilutes with time and use.
Historically its been the complete opposite for nigger, it just exponentially gets more racist and forbidden every year
lol thats funny. I'm imagining people chanting nigger to summon some Cthulhu-esque ancient evil racism demon.
Is it just me or is this video kino?
At last you have found the meaning of my work
dude what about harry potter and voldemort? ever think of that?
It hasn't. Nigger was much more offensive in the 60s when men were being hanged. Now we've got math teachers openly puzzled by it and calling his students nigger affectionately without understanding why its bad. If it wasn't for the constant desire to keep racism as a taboo subject, Finn and Jake would be saying nigger in Adventure time cartoons.
trust me, real niggers, real people, dont give a fuck about it. It is straight up because of the retarded backwards thinking people that work in media that have kept the word taboo.
hahahah it makes total sense!
Swamp nigger
Thats just a case of him falling for nigger vs nigga meme which was just a Jewish bait and switch trick
youtube is cleanzing this video because of the ethnic slur.
>it's like the N word for us
what? I bet this is a exclusive mutt thing and real italians don't even know this exist
i was wondering whether or not google would come to fredo's aid. are they really deleting it though?
Nigga vs Nigger is literally a perfect example of how language changes over time and how words can lose meaning. literally.
Although it is possible that the jews designed the english language because if you look at old medieval tapestries Richard the Lionheart is actually black and the jews and blacks are in cahoots.
>his punishment was 10 days leave without pay
Nowadays he'd be instantly fired without question and black listed from any future employment
What the fuck are you talking about?
You clearly exist in the tri-state area which is the only region you'll find that phenomenon, because surprise surprise, that's where all the remnants of actual diaspora live.
It isn't even a known slur to actual Italians -- or, Hell, to ANYONE.
Cuomo just got his panties in a twist and couldn't respond effectively.
>or, Hell, to ANYONE.
What, you never seen the fucking Godfather?
How can Fredo's name be in insult in the fucking movie?
Why would you not?
Because its like calling someone Judas if Judas was also a weakling cuck
I'm pretty sure Queens is a Jewish area now.
People that do this are jokes.
Most Italian Americans are from southern Italy. They are loud, obnoxious, ignorant and downright stupid. That has nothing to do with the American negro. Nothing about Calabria or Naples is "sophisticated" or "white". Youd know that if you ever read a fucking book
Nobody cares about your reddit post you dumb fuck
Can't believe that I'm saying this about Chris fucking Cuomo, but BASED
Don Lemon is a faggot and a tremendous dumbass.
Chris Cuomo is the N word for Italians.
People say that because it sounds better than just calling them negros, niggers, coons, big lipped beasts, darkies, shitskins, blacks, etc.
>you come to me, on the day of my daughters wedding and ask for a fredo pass?
No, but Chris Cuomo and everyone else at CNN should be lynched for treason.
good post
>it's like the n word
This guy is equating slavery to a name from a movie
Caesar never said that Gauls were Roman.
Roman citizenship was not opened up to all inhabitants of the empire until shortly before it fell.
Yeah, thats why we call them niggers
He's a member of a marginalized group (Italians) so he's allowed to do things white people are not.
chris cuomo is a fag but the other guys are gigantic pussy fags
imagine getting BTFO by chris cuomo of all people
every time
They really don't though. Have you met an actual real Italian that lives in Italy?
>in the movie
And by the way, Italians don't give a shit about The Godfather, it's purely an American thing.
>Most Italian Americans are from southern Italy
>Nothing about Calabria or Naples is "sophisticated"
Also wrong, there are excellences of the Western Culture in both places. Want me name a few?
They're just Americans.
No you retard, they are african americans because their genetics point to that common lineage they all share. If a nigger was born in any other country they would be considered african using genealogy.
>And by the way, Italians don't give a shit about The Godfather, it's purely an American thing.
Have you ever been to Italy? Because you're talking total shit, Boomer Italians worship il Padrino
>mom italian
>dad italian
>hurrrr durrrrrrrrrrr you weren't geographically born in europoor so you aren't italian hurrrrr durrrr
Why are europeans so fucking stupid and ugly and less superior to America?
Spot the dumb burger.
I live in Italy and was born here. No, it's not even close to how things are in America.
>American, Canadian is a race
Fucking retard kek
You will never be white, or italian ;)
Silly Americans ruining piz-
So you only call natives "American"? Everyone else you call European-American, African-American, Asian-American etc.?
Natives are obviously Siberian-Americans ~
Because that's where they are from you fucking moron. But noone considers American a fucking race, it has no genetic markers. Kill yourself.
I'm Italian. I don't consider "Italian-Americans" to be from Italy, I consider Americans. Or as I affectionately like to call them, stupid burgers.
They still have italian ancestry though you absolute fucking moron. Race has nothing to do with where your from. And if you are calling us dumb with arguments like that, then you are really delusional. It's one of the dumbest things I have ever read on this site.
And also
Seriously I bet you are a fucking mutt who is so mixed as fuck as all italians are that you don't even look white. Fucking dagos lol.
>still have italian ancestry though
So? They're Americans with Italian ancestry, you stupid burger.
Not a thing, read a book.
>with arguments like that
What arguments? I never tried to make any, I just call you what you are, a stupid burger.
>race doesn't exist
>yet we can identify genetic markers that are only prominent in groups of people (which we call race)
>conflating race which is based on genetics and your present location (based on your logic an white person from japan is japanese), yes this is how retarded you are
Fuck italians are stupid. I bet your skin isn't even white you wop. God you are so stupid.
>which we call race
Yeah, the name is wrong cause it has nothing to do with the scientific term.
Average uncultured burger.
I don't even know what scientific term you are talking about. I genuinely can't comprehend your posts as they are typed like english was your second language. Again race is LITERALLY based on genetics. No the place where you reside has no bearing on your genetics, as race is inherently biological.
I'm sorry you're so stupid. By the way no white person considers italians white. LOL
1. American defines your country, not your ethnicity, so you should have never replied to me in the first place.
2. >In biological taxonomy, race is an informal rank in the taxonomic hierarchy, below the level of subspecies. It has been used as a higher rank than strain, with several strains making up one race. Various definitions exist. Races may be genetically distinct populations of individuals within the same species, or they may be defined in other ways, e.g. geographically, or physiologically. Genetic isolation between races is not complete, but genetic differences may have accumulated that are not (yet) sufficient to separate species. The term is recognized by some, but not governed by any, of the formal codes of biological nomenclature
Both his mum and dad were born in the US, lol. Dumb mutt.
chris homo
chris chomo
Wow another 300+ thread because europeans are fucking retarded and don't understand that Americans put ancestry before nationality. Europeans actually are so retarded they think Americans would pretend to be from third world shit hole countries instead of USA the greatest and most superior country that has ever emerged on earth.
Chris Cuomo's birth certificate is an apology from the condom factory.
>all manlets
>Americans put...
Yeah, Americans are dumb, that's what we've been saying from the start.
I knew italians weren't white.
>Americans put ancestry before nationality
>Americans would pretend to be from third world shit hole countries instead of USA
can't even keep it consistent for a single post, eh mutt?
I love the seething comments from the libfaggots.