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Watch beige frequency

This chinny cunt got all the good MMA streams shut down off r*ddit
Fuck him.


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Glad you asked!

Brendan Schaub is the greatest fighter of all time. He dominated the heavyweight division before branching out to conquer the entertainment world as well. He used to be known as "The Hybrid" because he totally encompasses what it means to be a mixed martial artist. Early in his career he relied on his raw athleticism, but he refined his technique as he progressed as a fighter. Some highlights are when he picked up a clean knockout of the legend Mirko Cro Cop and actually landed the first D'Arce choke in heavyweight history on Matt Mitrione. I could go on for days about Schaubs record as a fighter, but I think it really speaks for itself.

I'm sure you've heard of his podcast before, The Fighter and the Kid ( TFATK really showcases Brendan's whit and charisma and there is also this little goober named Bryan Callen (the kid). Bryan acts as the foil to Schaub. The show features witty banter and fantastic interviews. Big Brown really creates a relaxed environment and puts his guests at ease. The interviews are like conversations between childhood friends catching up. If you need to find the latest episode, you can always check the top of the iTunes chart ;)

I can't he but be inspired by the man. If you want to know anymore feel free to ask. We all love him around here!

>nothing that makes me upset should exist

Schaub is god. Cheetos fingers haters have no work ethics

Wish Bryan would start his own solo podcast. Stopped listening to tfatk because Brendan is a fucking Moron

The audience deserves credit for laughing

Why are heemtards so inept in defensive skills

Seethe harder hater, y'blockbuster

Attached: cpt_schaub.jpg (1190x1185, 232K)

Late to the party so, it's really bad? i thought he's funny when hes with theo von.

is this the best the moors have to offer?

It's bad. He's funny with Theo Von because Theo roasts him and there's a back and forth. When Schaub has to come up with it all by himself it's really, really bad.

lol this dude can't even fight

Schaub is one of the few people who I genuinely hope dies of unnatural causes every time I hear their name. I would be overjoyed if I learned that he died in some gruesome and painful way. It's hard for me to think of a more annoying and undeserving celebrity persona in the whole wide world. He should still be paid peanuts to accumulate more brain damage. Fuck Joe Rogan for making everybody suffer this fool.

Come on, there a lot of celebrities who are worse than schaub

Like who? I can't think of a single one.

onions wheaton for example.

Where do I download stand up from???

>in this thread a lot of sad, angry and lonely individuals
Truly and I mean this have sex

Attached: whats your problem .jpg (1080x1283, 230K)

is he a top or bottom?

>when they're face to face just swinging at each other

Attached: pepe.jpg (250x237, 7K)

You make a good mention but Wheaton is too pathetic and aware of it for me to get annoyed by him. The thing that makes Schaub so irritating is that he's in love with himself. He's Dunning Kruger personified. He's too stupid to understand how stupid he is. He could be part of the Jersey Shore crew. I was thinking of less deserving celebrities myself and that's who I came up with. Those guys are just like him. Roided up, metrosexual retards who think their shit doesn't stink.

I honestly can't think of a worse type of human being.

>pudgy builtfat body
>wears skinnyjeans
that absolute madlad

no seriously, do people actually find him funny? am i just retarded?

probably not but nobody will ever trash him because they don't want to alienate rogan and his faggy "crew"

Gang gang cringe cringe

Mitrione developed into a servicable heavyweight

Ill bet he could make a decent standup routine

Hold up. First of all shaub is twice the age of the Jersey Shore gang when it was filming. Yeah they were assholes but they were in there early to mid 20’s in the 2000’s party scene; everyone was an asshole.

I watched an MMA episode of JRE with this guy for the first time the other day and my IQ dropped 20 points.

>iq drops to 70

I didn't know that. I never watched a single episode, I just know of them because they were posted about so much at the time. I only know of Schaub because I watch MMA and sometimes JRE.