The Dark Age of Movies

Which dark age is worse


Thankfully things are starting to get a bit better in recent years

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know a lot of self-proclaimed 90's kids will talk about how great those years were, based mostly on nostalgia, but let's be real. With a couple rare exceptions like Men in Black or Spider-Man, blockbuster movies ranged from middling to fucking terrible. Batman & Robin, Star Wars Episode I, The Lost World, Alien: Resurrection, Independence Day, Space Jam, Twister, Armageddon, Godzilla '98, The World is Not Enough, the list goes on. It was a whole bunch of crap that was way more fascinated with the crazy new discovery of CG than it was interested in telling good stories.

2002-2007 was like an adolescent period. Sure, some crap like Alien vs. Predator or Superman Returns would continue to seep through, but a ton of steps in the right direction were taken. LOTR trilogy, Spider-Man 2, X2, Batman Begins, 300, Sin City, the Harry Potter series, Casino Royale, Pirates of the Caribbean, etc. CG was still employed, but a lot was done in the interest of making the characters and stories worthwhile as well.

2008-present is a modern "golden age" of blockbusters, where the balance between CG and storytelling has finally been achieved, and the way movies tell their stories have evolved significantly. 2008 was the starting point thanks to two movies in particular: Iron Man, which kickstarted the MCU, which was a crazy idea that paid off in a way no one could have expected, and The Dark Knight, which showed that a blockbuster movie, even a comic book one, could also be brilliant in it's writing and direction and worthy of a best picture nomination (which it should have been given). We've gotten a good number of great blockbusters every year since, with only the occasional stinker like Transformers or TMNT 2014 (Basically anything Michael Bay touches). Hell, we're getting ideas like Guardians of the Galaxy, which seemed like an insane, guaranteed bomb of an idea a decade ago, coming out and being top-grossing movies that are actually really damn good.

>the Harry Potter series
oh here we go

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2008-2016 it's not another dark age, it's age of superhero movies. Could be also called disney era.

1994 was the last good year of films

Shadow Drifter
2 weeks ago
Can we talk about the REAL "Dark Age", where everything tried to be dark and edgy, but failed to be good story?

>Thankfully things are starting to get a bit better in recent years

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Now in 2019 I feel like we're in a new dark age for movies. Ever since 2015 I've felt like movies have been on a massive decline. Nowadays everything has to be a sequel, remake, or a universe in order to get any attention. Now Hollywood is just full of nonstop celebrity controversy, unoriginality, and, worst of all, people that won't shut up and watch the damn movie. Now people have to begin starting bullshit controversy about a film just so that they can get attention. Ghostbusters 2016 haters and Star Wars fans anyone? These pretentious asshole have ruined Star Wars for me, and now I am dreading what will happen when Episode 9 comes out! Seriously though, it just seems like the people don't care anymore about quality and more about nostalgia. If your movie is an original idea, then you're fucked. If your movie is based on anything, take all our money! I just wish that people began to demand more from films instead of wasting their money on the same fucking thing. And I wish people would just shut up and enjoy the movie.

so where does melvin brother of the joker fit in?

>Thankfully things are starting to get a bit better in recent years
Are we allowed to depict women and non-whites as being imperfect yet?

This thread again?
>English Patient
>The Rock
>Sling Blade
That's just 1996
>The Reader
>Sherlock Holmes
>The Town
>The Master
>21 Sleeves A Year
>Mad Max
>Hell or High Water
Amazing movies from 2008-2016
Stop watching unfunny hacks on the internet.

Like every era of film, there were good and bad movies. What stood out about the 90's era was the sheer commercialization and frankly ridiculous advertising campaigns that the larger blockbusters performed. Godzilla 1998 springs to mind as a prime example.
I can only guess as to why these 90's era films are so fondly remembered, or even said to be better than what we get today. Having gone back through some of them when they appear on Netflix or Amazon, I was able to notice a keen difference in HOW the film is shot, and how special effects were used.
Sets, lighting, shooting, and choreography are all arguably better in the 90's era than this modern one, simply on the virtue that they couldn't just fall back on CGI effects without it looking terrible. I point to the scenes of hell in Spawn and some of the shots of Godzilla 98 as he moves through the sewers, though I'm sure you can think of your own examples. 90's blockbusters, in my opinion, were the last hurrah of the film making masters from the 70's and 80's. Now that Disney is doing everything digitally, and the other movie studios are following the most successful guy in the room, much of the craft is losing its edge. Everything you can't film on location is green screened, every action scene is digital, anything you need a costume for is a mocap'd rig, and lighting can be fixed in post. Really, the prop makers are the only ones who haven't been able to use the digital era as crutch.
A few comparisons, which I leave to you to determine which is superior
Independence Day vs Avengers 1
Batman Forever vs Black Panther
Space Jam vs Lion King (remake) this one might not be fair, but I didn't want to remind you of THE SMURFS
I'm sure you can think of others, but just compare not so much what it's about as much as how it was made, is my point.

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I'd say 1995-2005 was a fairly uninspired period viewed as a whole. It was a time when CGI had finally gotten to a decent point so Hollywood went wild with it to varying results and the concept of mid-budget films still existed so Hollywood was just releasing a glut of modest and usually not great films. I usually associate that period with shitty PG-13 teen horror, studios trying and failing to have their own Spider-Man and X-Men (Daredevil, Catwoman, Hulk), and middling studio comedies and action films.

I'd agree with a lot of this, but I would dial back the Marvel love to an extent. The early ones were excellent, we still get good/great ones every so often, and as a whole the MCU is very well made, but their soullessness is blatant at this point. They're the equivalent of modern pop music - the result of focus groups, algorithms, and psychology to create the perfect product.

Disney's MCU has become the new standard of action films in the modern age, and Guardian's of the Galaxy has become the standard of films in the MCU. At least that's what I've noticed.
I think Disney might be the death of cinema

2017-present is far worse

Both are the worst, I don't even really acknowledge the break in between and it's the same for music, comics and anime. Culture died when the last bit of 80s magic completely faded in the mid 90s. Everything except videogames (because they were insulated and a good decade behind the real world) has been shit ever since.

>2008-present is a modern "golden age" of blockbusters
There hasn't been a genuinely good movie made since the turn of the century except for a handful of flukes (like Collateral 2004 and Nightcrawler 2014) that turned out alright in the never ending flood of shit movies.

I'm at a point in my life now where I only watch stuff that was made before 1995. There's so much of it, I'll never run out of stuff to watch. Even a mediocre movie from the past is much better than any of the best crap they churn out now.

Are the new Star Wars the type of movie you would turn off your brain to watch and enjoy? Because they are objectively terrible, manipulating fans' nostalgia senses to make them think they are awesome. All that speactacle is wasted on terrible writing and characterization, and the anti-SJW brigade may have a point when singling out the pushiness of visual inclusivity.

The character merch sales bombed, that's one thing. TLJ is divisive as hell.

However, the "professional" critics love them to death, while most long-time fans despise them.

Star Wars was ruined when Lucas shat out the prequels. How can anybody say Disney ruined Star Wars? They just defiled the corpse, Lucas killed it himself. Lucas is a fucking hack and if he would've had his way from the start, the OT would've been horrible as well.

Why is it not 2001 to 2005?
Fuck, besides LOTR, I can't think of any good movies that came out from that era.
>all the Matrix rip offs
>all those American Pie ripoffs
>sequels out the ass
>even beloved franchises had their worst sequels in this era (Mission Possible 2)

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Every year is garbage for movies, there are usually like 7 odd ones a year that arent shit

Are the new Star Wars the type of movie you would turn off your brain to watch and enjoy? Because they are objectively terrible, manipulating fans' nostalgia senses to make them think they are awesome. All that spectacle is wasted on terrible writing and characterization, throwing away better Expanded Universe stories in place of new lore that barely has a presence were it not for the original actors, music, space battles, and epic spectacle tropes.

The logic and lore is ruined when Luke becomes a bitter old man who would attempt to kill his nephew and end up pushing him to the dark side, just because of a stupid vision. The anti-SJW brigade may have a point when singling out the pushiness of visual inclusivity. And the screenwriting is likely just manufactured solely to wring money from fans, and not for a quality story experience.

The character merch sales bombed, that's one thing. TLJ is divisive as hell.

However, the "professional" critics love them to death, while most long-time fans despise them.

>gangs of new york
>master and commander

>space jam
>dark ages
exactly how shit is this guy's taste?

-present is a modern "golden age" of blockbusters, where the balance between CG and storytelling has finally been achieved

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>This nigga is talking shit about Space Jam
Non slammer detected.

At least the 90s had variety.

Now it is just five MCU movies and lazy remakes of Disney cartoons.