Any movies where the spin off games/TV shows are better than the original?
PIC related
Jedi Outcast 2 cutscenes are a better movie then Last Jedi
Any movies where the spin off games/TV shows are better than the original?
PIC related
Jedi Outcast 2 cutscenes are a better movie then Last Jedi
Dunb thread, OP. 2/10. See me after class
Jedi Outcast is better than 95% of all Star Wars related media so of course it’s better than TLJ.
Thank goodness Kyle Katarn is safe from Disney's Star Wars.
These games are fucking horrible and a slog to play though, but I will concede that Jan is the best, and superior to any female character in Disney Wars.
Still love the original tho
Fuck you, Jedi Academy is a breeze
BfME2 > the entire Hobbit trilogy
In fact, Battle of Five Armies is just really nonsensical BfME cutscene
You know it's true
The original BfME was better. The fort system was kino
kek, personally I prefer BfME1 but I agree with you. the entire time I was watching the second hobbit film in IMAX I could think about was that mission where you control the dwarves and kill Smaug and how despite playing a skirmish on easy (I was a kid at the time don't judge me) the Easy ai would still build mumakil and scare the shit outta me.
This game had no business being as good as it was.
>star war video games are better than star wars movies
Maybe in the first few levels of Outcast where you only have the guns, but it's not so bad the rest of the way.
Rebinding force power keys to be easily reachable for your fingers goes a long way.
I played Academy first and I have to say Outcast was a bitch to play.
>being a console warrior for dead consoles
Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay was better than any of the movies. I usually don't enjoy expanded universe spin offs of things but it was a fantastic prequel with a much more interesting prison escape than what we got in the film.
Just about any Star Wars game has a better story than TLJ. If you strip all the gameplay out of Bounty hunter and just leave the Mandaboo wank, you STLIL have a better story than TLJ.
For some, the war never ends. Even their ghosts still stand ready to do battle.
you are now hearing the gamecube start up sound as the little cube goes around to make the logo
you are now hearing the somewhat ominous ambiance and odd electric whispers of the xbox's home menu screen
you are now hearing the loud chime followed by the gentle cascade of the ps2's start up, followed by the satisfying beep as the logo appears.
g_saberrealistic combat 1
I seriously don't get it
Why didn't they adapt any of the EU books/games for the movies? Why did they write all this new shit?
The sequel trilogy isn't nearly as developed and tied to the universe
The levels where you only have the guns might be slow but I feel they're absolutely essential for the pacing. The lightsaber and force powers feel far more impactful and special when you get them a ways into the game rather than just on level 1. Also that your powers aren't super strong yet when you do get them is likewise key to the pacing.
It's why the singleplayer of Outcast > Academy, in which you can be massively overpowered by just 3 levels in and it's a cakewalk.
Always play Outcast, then Academy.
damn son, you are almost making me want to replay the game. I still have it
And I meant to say, a major moment in the singleplayer is when the villain shows up with a saber and force powers and beats your ass into the ground. That would be meaningless if you didn't have the several missions of just being a regular dude. It's the "shit gets real" moment.
you know why user
why ask this tired question
Actually wait I have a post-postscript, also for the great pacing of Outcast, even after you get your saber and powers, you go through all the missions of Nar Shadda, and well into Bespin before you finally face another saber wielder. There's actual buildup to it unless you get a lucky force push and knock him into the abyss before he even gets within 20 feet of you.
In Academy the very first level you start with the saber, fight some dark jedi, etc, it's ordinary.
but then why did they decide that EU is non-canon?
>one paragraph v one sentence
wow great job
not enough wymins upshowing the evil white men
not enough blacks
and, most importantly, not enough braaaaps and fetishes
soon, trannies will be the only beings capable of force powers
If that one sentence isn't enough for you there's other excerpts of that used shitrag of a book floating around out there.
Spoiler: it's not any better.
The FPS levels are cool and make the huge power boost of becoming a Jedi more rewarding.
just pointing out how this image isn't going to convince anyone who's neutral on the issue
is this the weirdo that later got outed as a pedo?
Going through the Jedi Temple, learning your force powers, and obtaining your lightsaber is probably peak Star Wars kino.
You will DIE!