Fuck you all. Literally all the girls in this vid are my type. More for me I guess. You're literally cucking yourself out of a hot stupid slut who like ugly cunts like yourselves.


Attached: smonk.jpg (720x960, 92K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Kim pine is best girl anyways

Knives. Especially in the comics, once she grows into her own. The yandere shit was annoying but she's cute when she's normal

How many of those girls have you actually banged?
Oh yeah, zero.

>the girls in this vid are my type
that’s what my friend said when I sent it to him

Attached: 1565380039467.png (922x1005, 761K)

Reminder that this is the creator.

Attached: RickyBanned.jpg (1200x1321, 743K)

This is canon

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Eventually Feed and Seed

They arent even wrong that an incel made this

He is literally a 17 year old beaner whose most passionate hobby is complaining that women dont want to fuck him

>It was actually made by a seething incel
Holy kek, you can't write this stuff

Scene girls existed before scott pilgrim you fucking inept beaner

Stop constantly shilling your twitter you fat ugly autist.

I fucking hate women.

Attached: 1541840308232.jpg (453x453, 22K)

I literally linked to the twitter of the screencap you moron

I've had 4 girlfriends exactly like them.
>inb4 nuh uh this is Yea Forums you can't
fuck ricky. i hope he's rangebanned for once.
I know. the point was "fuck the song i like them anyway". Also, I'm white

>being you

You should be very worried by that like dislike ratio if its just mentally ill misogynists who like the video

Shut the fuck up you fucking bean and stop shilling your sexual frustrations manifested into video form here

My problem with this video is actually the topic of the video. Like, he confused Scene girls like Ramona to liberal art hoes because they both dye there fucking hair which is not fucking true. I should know because my Sister is bit of scene girl punk type

I'm not that EL Chapo niblet you fucking retard.

Fuck off Ricky
Reddit is that way

why do you keep posting this shit, scene kids were a thing long before that shitty movie you fucking faggot


>scott pilgrim ruined a generation of women.

Scott Pilgrim didn't even start the trend

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Oh shit my bad, that totally proves your not shilling. Just posting the twitter link that no one asked for to a twitter screencap no one gave a shit about.

>expecting a low iq hispanic to not conflate two somewhat similar things

Yeah i bet they could also run a country!

neither did that

If I had a chance with them I wouldn't mind, but I don't so I hate them

Exactly, if anything it was probaby pop stars or just general popular music a long ass time ago.

You are mentally unhinged and dont care how your garbage gets popular, it is plainly obvious this is you. Go work out and maybe women will want to fuck you jose

Fuck off, Ricky. You had your chance

Sure Pablo, sure.

Cool for you. Must have a wide selection of unique woman considering it's trendy.

reminder that literally everything posted in this thread is wrong
the song creator is a chink
music video creator was a fan project

you discord faggots are really going hard shilling this faggy song across every board aren't you

>criticizes shit beaner song
>directly campaigned for him to be banned and reported him in every thread i've seen him in
>is him
you cracked the case, cornskull numbfuck

>damage control
Tick tock lil' Ricky, tick tock.

>finally make content that breaks 10k views
>it will fade and all people will remember you for is being a tiny ugly brown incel

Good stuff pablo, better luck in the next life

Even if the source is an incel, he's not wrong

But is completely right

Imagine getting mad that there are whores rather than just fucking them

I literally have no idea who you are ricky. Stop trying to get attention.

>thinking people are going to buy this

No way jose!

because it makes autists like you seethe

>My sister's favorite brand of foundation is strange men's semen

trannies are trying a little too hard to yellow journalism this masterpiece of modern punk

In terms of what? His observation that a bunch of girls dye their hair and have daddy issues? Wow profound. You know what would really put him in the right? If he made a meaningful connection with a woman

lmao of course it’s a seething incel

fuck off spick

>implying i have standards

Shut the fuck up and go to the gym jose, jesus christ its really not that hard to get pussy

Actually i don't have many. You got me

who are these /r9k/ faggots having a shit throwing war

>Meaningful connection with a woman
Shut up hole

some beaner from reddit keeps trying to attention whore on the site.

Idk who are these redditors defending Scott Pilgrim and art hoes?

He is wrong though. “Ramona Flowers ruined a Generation of Women?” Scott Pilgrim isn’t nearly popular enough to influence a generation, and Ramona Flowers is based off of alt/hipster girls, not the other way around.

No ones exactly defending them it's just that attacking them absolutely SCREAMS "I have never seen a vagina"

>Implying Jose is old enough to know that
He was what? 6? When the movie came out?

I honestly don't see what isn't sexy about the kind of girl this video describes.
If this is a "ruined" girl, what is a perfect one like? Some sheltered stepford NPC?

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nice try pot calling the kettle black. the song was made by a redditor

The rest of the content is definitely accurate aside from the premise but it makes for a catchy tune and is filled with some redpills. Solid effort, would listen again.

stop shilling yourself

Song was literally made by a redditor, redditors didnt like it so he's trying to shill it here instead. And it seems to be working since it appeals to the /r9k/ crowd.

You could hardly say it's working. Unless you believe negative publicity is still good publicity. To that I'd say haha you retard

Why are you guys blaming scott pilgrim? Women are doing a bang up job ruining themselves

First post in this thread.

I've been contacted by 6 women already asking me to take it down. I'm hoping it gets taken down because I want to go back to becoming a little shitpost channel with 50 subs.
Also, if you're under 6'0 and don't have a jaw/cheekbones you have no right to insult my appearance, sorry.

I'm gonna go get a haircut/shave in a bit, l8r.

Attached: wtflmao.jpg (1000x1000, 115K)

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Why does that matter?

Sounds like a lukewarm defense team to me. Who cares that a virgin made it? Who cares that much about virginity? Women and r.eddit, that's who because they're eatrogen-filled voids with no personal opinions and according to popular culture and society being a virgin should be looked down upon when in reality art hoes lifestyles should be looked down upon. The song is a small evening of the scales.

Last time I saw the video it had 65 views.
The shilling is clearly working for him to get 100k.

oh no no no no /r9k/ faggots btfo

Nice try Jose, keep up the photoshop practice.

Terrible shop

giving non-whites internet access was a mistake

Did you even read the post? I'm criticizing the song and all the faggots shilling it
Nice try, poonholio. Go "malce" something with more integrity, illiterate fuck

>Pot calling the kettle black
Have sex incel redditor


Take your meds, not everything is a conspiracy

Hello Potion Seller.

doubling down only makes you look like more of a jackass

Bro get your head in check you're acting like the world should be celibate until marriage like some sort of 80's puritan faggot. Never gonna happen even Jesus' mum was just a slut. It's just square as fuck dude and if you ever wanna get laid you gotta play along with this bitch of an earth

Agreed. We should have invented bioweapons instead.

Because the only reason you seethe so hard is because of impotent rage over being an incel which is enough to discard you completely. You don't let the social rejects run the show

>slut yourselves however much you want, ladies
>h-hopefully i'll finally get some pussy that way

Attached: This is you.jpg (354x605, 240K)

I want an art-ho gf

but why do you care so much?

Why are you seething with impotent rage then?

Scott Pilgrim (and ilk) ruined me for making me attracted to these mentally ill degenerates.

nobody thinks this


Attached: fox.png (390x258, 228K)

Na na na boo boo

I've been posting since 2011. I pretty much pioneered the sneed meme, I've also started at least 2-3 other acclaimed memes on Yea Forums (not just Yea Forums btw)
Again, if you're under 6'0 your opinion is invalid.

Attached: wtflmao2.jpg (1000x1000, 120K)

I wouldn't, user. Go for neo-goth girls. Same aesthetic, no shitlib personality

Fine stay virgins if you want

Attached: helllooooooo.png (960x960, 331K)

Post shoe on head

Better than being a hole-less-jose

user, its time to stop.
Nobody is falling for the false flag. This is embarrassing for everyone

Thoughts on braincels doxing and exposing you?

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I told my dad his opinions aren't worth anything this morning because he's under 6'0. he's 6'4 and he beat me up WTF RICKY????

lol pathetic dude, if you care so much about a male virgins sex life why don’t you just fuck him?

who knew the mexican couldn't get the whipeepo saying right
how long until you admit being a pathological liar? also nice job """admitting""" to being underage on Yea Forums. another reason to ban you

Never respond to me again, I listen to conquerors not the conquered Londonistani
No wonder you're slipping into third world status with your views on relationships and the nuclear family. I get laid just fine and usually because of my strong principles and masculine way of delivering them, the women in my life have usually admitted they regret nearly all of their sexual experiences so don't lecture me. If you're not criticizing sexual promiscuity, mass immigration and feminism in 2019, you're not a man. Every man with a set of nuts knows those are the three things threatening the literal survival of Western Civilization.

I'm not a virgin, is that why you're so mad?

>why does it matter that I am someone no one wants to have sex with
you tell me buddy

Looks like a chad stride desu, thank you for the compliment.

you typed so much while saying so little

Why does that matter to you?

I'm asking you specifically why you care whether or not other people have seen a vagina.

>acclaimed memes
HAHAHAHA acclaimed by who?

Attached: 1563258024074.png (298x288, 100K)

OP is a loser who has to prey on low self-esteem "art" hoes

thats literally the only benefit of allowing women to act like sluts

I have a woman, no need for holes. Some women deserve respect, most dont. Holes certainly don't, hole. You ain't your grandma. What have you given to the world aside from a new strain of VD?

Manlett here, I'll kick your ass pretty boy. Meet me out back.

OP here
read the thread before replying, brainlet

Pure fucking autism.

>tfw seeing wage slaves have to buy counterfeit versions of my shoes
Speaking of wage slaves, isn't it about time to clock in? LOL.

Attached: lmfaowtf2.jpg (1000x1000, 358K)

This incel is going hostile on me for pointing out that REEEEEEE I HATE WOMEN is bad game. These kids..
England is a shithole I haven't been to Europe in 15 years. I submit to my American overlords, gladly. Western Civ is under threat but it's not because of pixie sluts it's just stupid women in general

Not at all.
Holes suck.

not relevant at all

>bragging about daddy's money to people without jobs while posting a selfie to annonymous imageboard
way to out yourself as a faggot

Gotta flex your cum stained guccis