This is real

>This is real.

Tina Fey is also a goyim, this is blowing my mind. How did they allow it to go on for 6 seasons?

Is it worth a watch?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Tina is based orthodox girl

wasn't she catholic

Because Jews control everything. When you have all the power you can do anything. Even mock Whites.

But it's the opposite in this case. They casually tie in the J bomb.

there are heaps of jew jokes in 30 rock, its disgusting

>Fey's charity work includes support of Autism Speaks, an organization that sponsors autism research.[191][192] In April 2008, she participated in Night of Too Many Stars, a comedy benefit show for autism education.[193]

Based Tina, /ourgirl/.

and that's a good thing

currently watching 30 rock for the eighth (8th) time. it's still great.

Ohh yeah

everyone knows jews cant be funny


What happened to her face

because all they really care about is money, not all this retarded /pol/ world domination shit about controlling every single line of every single piece of entertainment

just money

yes its based

I watched highlights on youtube and it's the worst comedy show i've ever seen

world domination helps making money

people in the entertainment industry likely joke about jews as much as we do. after all, they are constantly surrounded by them.

gee i wonder what magical force runs the world. some kind of resource i can't put my finger on...

>I watched highlights on youtube
you don't have the right to an opinion on the matter


Hmm I wonder who is behind that post.

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prove me wrong

There's also that episode where the prostitute gets interested in the bald guy as soon as she learn he is a producer and comments how hornberger sounds jewish.

This and the good place are the first comedy show where, so far I am laughing at least once per episode, not just chuckling.
I love it, kinda afraid of finishing it too soon, good thing there's loads of episodes.

30 Rock? Don't worry it's very rewatchable

Tina Fey is apparently also Greek Orthodox via the husband now, interesting.

>Kenneth showing around that old actor
>get to the writer's room
>"We used to call this the Jew Room"
30 Rock is so damn based.


“We don’t really have sarcasm in Canada because we have a small Jewish population”

>just money
They don't need to insert their propaganda in everything if they want money (and I wouldn't have a problem with them if it was just indeed about money). It's way more than that. They consider whites as a threat to their existence. And as such they seek to eradicate whites or at the very least white culture. Because in a nationalist society their greedy nepotism rubbing hands wouldn't be invisible. In a melting pot mutt society - they would be invisible and just one of the many ethnic groups in a sea of those.

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Woggle power!

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tiny fey is clint eastwood for gen x white wine moms

>Mommy kangaroo, Mommy kangaroo, separate the races, mommy kangaroo!

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I guarantee 80% of Jews would have a chuckle from this.

This is just lifted from the first episode of The West Wing.

JUST Money he says. With Money you control everything. Try going anywhere without money and tell me you're in control.

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Because jews don't actually control the world and the majority of people are aware of it and can laugh at a goofy joke at pur expense once in awhile. Crazy I know..

Being "homeless" is actually the ultimate form of freedom.

Jews find jokes about Jews funnier than anyone else. Most people in the world don't give a shit about oy vey stereotypes. American comedy is littered with references to Jewish culture in place of jokes. Only the writers are laughing.

Stabbed by a hobo

because making it a joke deflects the real claims.
"Yeah, jew reaalllly run everything HAW HAW"


Yeah, since every episode is exactly the same, you're already rewatching it on your first watch-thru.

I can mock whites without being a jew.

Calling a jew a jew is mocking?

Free to enjoy any meal they want at any time eh?

30 Rock was fucking hilarious.
Jack, Tracy and Kenneth were the best characters.
fight me irl if you disagree

keep deflecting.

but you’ve never watched it...

the shit that old dude says about the women that episode is hilarious too

30 rock is great, jack was supposed to be the villain but he's so fucking likeable that he just became the mentor/one of the main characters.

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>They consider whites as a threat to their existence.
can you blame them?

>Larry, I’m not an expert, but I have a strong opinion.

>the episode where jack pretends to be tracy's father for therapy

they’re both good shows and 30 Rock at least is the type of show you can marathon once a year and never get tired of.

doesn’t the good place come back some time soon too?

What did Tina Fey mean by this

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sept 26 it comes back for the final season, should be good shit. Hoping for a good ending since they're deciding to end it on their terms

Jenna is best girl

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don’t bother explaining it to the goyim, they don’t have the requisite IQ to even begin to comprehend this (or anything for that matter)

>try to exterminate them
>over the course of the following decades they slowly try doing the same thing to you
Turnabout is fair play.

30 Rock is pretty bad if you don't care for extremely tight editing of rapid quips without a laugh track. I don't consider you a pleb. It's still a million times better than SNL.

last season coming soon, shame that in my country they air it in some shitty streaming service, then later it comes for like a month on another service and maybe on netflix and I am watching it with my mother so I don't want to go ahead of her.

A surprisingly amount of internet knowledge.

>all they really care about is money
What kind of ROI is there on giving money to the ACLU/ADL/SPLC?

I love the episode where Jenna is doing the Janis Joplin biopic but they can’t get the rights to her name so they change it to Janie Jimplin and then they can’t get the rights to that name either so they change it to Jackie Jormp-Jomp

I also love when she goes back to her high school reunion and Jack keeps finding knockoff products like Peppy Bismilk and Ginny Pale

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>>try to exterminate them

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Passing obligations to future generations is a patent injustice and will only be met with the worst blowback, 100% of the time.
Kikes got their day in court at Nuremberg with confessions extracted under extreme torture, their clay with Israel, to 'correct the record' with bullshit like Exodus. But they've never really settled down and just lived their lives without being parasites to other peoples.

this but unironically

The original premise was a political talk show. When she took it to NBC the vp shot it down and suggested she change the premise to something she knew about. That's when it became a parody of SNL

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What a damn distracting episode that was.

High IQ

Jews love the fact that all the comedy writers and decision makers are Jews.

Same. Best one off character? It's Jerem
>I'm jerem!

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jesus christ, /pol/flakes really get triggered by the tiniest thing
and they continue getting triggered years after the show finished, that's the hilarious part


Jack Donaghy is the president trump we all wanted. shame the system is designed for gridlock so both parties can just blame the other

>a goyim
Goyim is the plural form of goy, retard.


a childhood in Philadelphia

if it weren't for white people Hitler would have finished exterminating them, it was also white people who created israel and allowed them to steal more and more land from the native population

>we wanted a liberal who pretends to be a conservative to get ahead

No one was exterminating anyone, Hitler just wanted them gone from Europe. If he wanted to kill them all it wouldn’t have taken over 5 years with barely a dent in their numbers.

Ok, thanks rabbi

They put John Hamm in blackface on live tv and had him stealing catfish and shouting zippety doo

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(trump was a democrat before they went insane)

>It isn't a Lemon party without Old Dick!

best thing is his executive voice

What was the name of that movie again? Rrr Jrr?

Oral gem whore?

Money has no intrinsic value. Every single dollar in the world is an IOU to the Jewish families that own the world banks.

Roar her, jam her?

For me, it's Urban Fervor

Nothing has intrinsic value

I haven't watched the sequel yet.

I don't, but that doesn't mean I have to approve of it or that I won't fight against it.

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it never gets old


Awhhh look, it's an armchair philosopher. How quaint. Now allow me to learn you something. Value is attributed to commodities, goods, and labor. These things go up and down in value depending on the scarcity of them. For example, gold has value. Why? Because there is a finite amount of it. If tommorrow gold suddenly became as comon as iron, it would no longer be valuable. In terms of currency that is not backed by a finite resource (like gold or silver), it has no value. That is why the Jews lobbied and forced governments to take countries off the gold standard, so the banking system would become more monolithic. So keep your esoteric 2deep4u retard ramblings to yourself. Mmmmkay?

>Nothing has intrinsic value
Well you certainly don't user, but don't be so presumptuous to speak for the rest of us.

>Awhhh look, it's an armchair philosopher
Stopped reading
Has nothing to do with philosophy, value is something that we subjectively assign to shit
Now fuck off

>Stopped reading
Yes, I assume someone illiterate like yourself does that quite a lot.

Epic burn user, clearly I must be illiterate, as evidenced by my writing about not reading your post further

>jack was supposed to be the villain but he's so fucking likeable that he just became the mentor/one of the main characters.
Jack was never supposed to be a villain, he was always a Lorne Michaels parody.

>Epic burn user
Thanks user. Don't get discouraged though. If you let your angsty teenage stage pass, and keep yourself open to learning new things, perhaps one day you won't be a massive retard.

>value is something that we subjectively assign to shit
That just isn't true though retard.
None of these are intrinsic
Actually, have a bonus definition cause clearly none of you know what it means

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Here you go idiot

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>left wing

the live episode was kino

>specific actor
So not intrinsic to the good or service. Thanks for agreeing

that's legitimately what trump is though lol

>fight against it
good luck goy lol

it is now, welcome to the pol zoomer brainlet threads, lol

You people say based to much and im pretty sure youre misconstruing the meaning of it.

I don't even know what you're trying to argue anymore. That money doesn't exist because humans invented it. Humans invented currency to make trade easier. Just because it is a representation of labor and purchasing power doesn't mean it isn't real. Your Marxist "nothing really exists mannnn" mantra is getting quite annoying.

Alec Baldwin might be the biggest insufferable leftist cunt actor ever, but he's definitely fucking entertaining, I'll give him that, and thankfully I can separate him as a person from his acting.

Kind of wish they didn't kill him off in the Mission Impossible movies.

don’t give him false hope

Literally talking to the wrong guy here, I just said that nothing has intrinsic value

>he said this while synagogues are getting shot up in Muttland every other day

>They're adapting the Rural Juror? I'm a huge Kevin Grisham fan!

Of course. It's one of the best sitcoms out there

I honestly never thought about Jews for one second while watching 30 Rock and I've watched it twice.

Some of you are absolutely mental you know that right?

have sex

oh that’s right, you can’t....

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler are two of the only women who can write funny jokes in current year. Everyone else has to rely on muh bagina and muh sex jokes.

Oy vey.

>I just said that nothing has intrinsic value
Yes, and you are still wrong. Can I have your internal organs to sell on the black market btw? I mean if nothing has intrinsic value, then you wouldn't mind if I took them and sold them, right? those have intrinsic value to you?

I'm not democrat user

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>intrinsic value
>to you
Jesus fucking christ

I really don't understand why you keep spamming a link to a dictionary definition of the word intrinsic. It really doesn't help your argument.


>youre a marxist quip
>marxism makes a clear connection of money, labor and value
You must be a mutt

Are the attention spans of Zoomers so short that they can only cite single sentence definitions as proof of their assertions? That's pretty pathetic.

I won't watch it in the cinema if the annoying bitch that botched the mission twice is the new leader.

I'm 29

Ooof. That just makes it worse.

All im seeing here is that trumpfags are fucking hilldawgs, while the bluepilled incels and redpilled tradthots seethe over roasties.

Cool story
Still waiting for you to explain how my internal organs being valuable to me is intrinsic to their essence or being

>explain how my internal organs being valuable to me
That's just not true though user. They are also valuable to me, and many other people, which is why I want you to give them to me so I can sell them. Your organs have intrinsic value, even if the person currently using them does not.

Great show. Both sides are well balanced. The DYNAMITE scene is one of my favorites from a tv show.

Fuck, don't remind me. You mean the sassy CIA leader? Yeah, sure, you let the Secretary die by Lark's hidden goons infiltrating the CIA too besides Lark feeding you bullshit too.

Damn that made me a bit irked in the last movie.

>to me
>many other people
Read the fucking definition instead of being snarky about me linking it

Haha, no just link it again. I want to see how many times you'll try to use that as an argument.

Yeah how dare I try to use the definition that shows "it's valuable to " has nothing whatsoever to do with it having intrinsic value

Holy basedola

I liked Baldwin, not so much for being Baldwin, but his character, that for once, Ethan had a team and a relatively (for the movies) long term plan and the movies went back to using the masks in the right moment, funny they had not been using them for a while, also I did believe for a moment they had used the nukes.

I hope her character gets the comeuppance, not by being "I was secretly evil all along" or "we will work together and I will learn how to work with you", but actually getting punished for her huge mistakes.

Speaking of Baldwin, I wonder how did they translate that therapist scene for other languages.

Pity that Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt had a strong start and went downhill after, with the final season quite mediocre, while 30Rock was constantly great. The Couchtown episode was great, with the fake ads and all that.


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no, but you’re white.
nobody wants to fuck little dick racist pieces of human garbage lol
your people are gonna die out.

Yikes that's bad. Will they turn into lampshades as well?

hopefully lol

Like holocaust but real this time.

>We used to call this the Jew room

and even better because you’re doing it to yourselves and the rest of us get to just sit back and watch and laugh

I don't think I ever wanted to marry a fictional (3D) character as much as Liz Lemon.

Anyway I was surprised that it was good from the start and many of the most seen clips are things that are among the first seasons as well, with Seinfield for example it seems that most of the stuff is from the latter seasons.

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>the rest of us get to just sit back and watch and laugh
You mean starve to death

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