Neither team wants to win this. Probably because they both know they'll get raped in the final.
Neither team wants to win this. Probably because they both know they'll get raped in the final.
real thread is here, this one is a splitter
screencap of that yank with the tapout shirt please
Why isn't Puligod starting?
Shouldn't you be eating right now, fatty?
im not a jew
I'm ill friends. a (You) might help me feel better.
More of this
feel better soon frog bro
Get well soon mon ami
cam on chewsea
Hope you die
>thread dos
>the absolut state of FA cup
Pls reply with chelsea related anime
That's a real woman
whatever happened to callum hudson-ngubu?
>There goes Werner using his Bugatti pace
oh yeah dawg fr fr, his pace bussin
she cute
oy vey the goyim know
shut it down
feeling better already
That’s a rare thing here.
Me too. Do you have a cold?
kys srsly
cam on chelse/a/
Had someone try to argue that fucking this is gayer than fucking John Cena's body but if it had a vagina
femboys are inherently less gay than muscle girls
>crystal palace
>christian pulisic
>christian palace
>crystal pulisic
i think my stream is like 5 mins behind but literally nothing has happened this match other than the dive so i'm not quite sure
kys srsly
I cringed when I heard that too
Bad attitude and not what chelsea need. He’ll be gone after this window
are they real (implant) boobs? i thought that dude said they were just a dude that liked dressing up as a girl for fun and not transexual
Literally an anime website bro are you lost?
this is all setting up nicely for a palace winner
we're all in here
If you have bunch of pictures of little girls on your computer you legitimately should kill yourself, absolute set of freaks.
>palace ultras
FFS Matterface you cringeworthy cunt.
we only care about British negro's in here buddy
thats what they all say at first
Sadly, it looks like you are right.
explain the rules
You mean it’s going to pens and Chelsea are bringing on Kepa for a (failed) redemption arc
Mateta was a fucking waste of a starting spot.
i want to butter your croissant
Looking forward to a 0-0 followed by penalty kino
keep hating, more Casca for me
I suppose the NHS paid for this?
Don't know why anyone would be gay, men smell and are foul and hairy no matter what they identify as.
thats a man innit?
Where you really thirsty?
you now remember Sarri
we need more lockdowns
is it talking about the chair?
some saudi lad donated 20k for him to have it done
not trolling