Scott Pilgrim ruined an entire generation of men

Scott Pilgrim ruined an entire generation of men

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Not really, it was just one of the first symptoms of the already growing geek/basedboy culture that now is in full force.

Thats true.
>dude just sleep in the same bed with a polygamous faggot
>dates outside his race
>dates an art hoe bitch

Hurr Scott Pilgrim ruined vegans because they became self righteous uppity idiots just like the one in the movie.
Scitt Pilgim was an obscure movie and it didn't ruin shit, the archetypes it portrayed already existed years before it released.

>Scitt Pilgim was an obscure movie

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That song was created by a dirty beaner

are you implying betas like me ever stood a chance?

I think that's it.
My 13 year old son is pretty based.
Doesn't understand why his friends can't say the n-word, but anyone can call him cracker
Trust me, zoomers are going to be based as fuck. The tranny ones will all kill themselves because their parents pushed them into cutting their dicks off.

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I blame G4, it basically changed the video games marketing world to be more "adult" and "subversive", this is where things like "she's a girl and she plays video games" and "look, a Triforce tattoo" came into play. Even Nintendo Power by 2005 redesigned to play up more to this marketing.

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found the marvel fan


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Why is everyone talking about this shit now? Literally no-one knew about Scott Pilgrim and whatever the fuck before some autist on youtube decided to make a video. It didn't even make its budget.

found the reddit shill from the last thread
now call me a buzzword

>reeeee well if i'm ramona then you must be scott

No self-respecting man wanted to emulate, copy, or be like Scott. Women wanted to be like Ramona.

Handful of people shilling a video that got rejected by Reddit so they are spamming it here.

shooter is asian

>An epic of epic epicness

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is that shooter? kid looks like a spic

>t. Weebs

$85–90 million (gross)[2][3][4]
$60 million (net)[5]
Box office
$47.7 million[2][5]

People with some interest in movies may have watched it, most normies have maybe heard there's a movie with that name.

hoes mad

hoes mad

where did "geek hipsters" and soibois come from

Because he is a spicel

From boys without any kind of self-respect

From Internet culture and intantilization of society.
This movie didn't create anything that didn't already exist.

mass production reaches masses, the vast majority of people still dont use the internet beyond surface-level social media sites

On one hand I see a group of people seeing violence and lamenting all men as dangerous. On the other hand I see a group of people seeing weakness and lamenting all men as fragile. Haha imagine participating in clown world.

Literally who is this?

One group wants men to be even more emasculated than they already are, the other wants men to be manly.

Movies that make 47 million don't "reach the masses" you idiot. Quirky colored hair mentally ill sluts have existed since at least the 90s.
You just liked that stupid song and now try to defend its message on the Internet because you are unable to form thoughts of your own.
Did you think that Ramona Flowers ruined an entire generation of women before hearing the song? You've had 9 years to come up with that. Did you?

Yeah, I don't think this movie was influential at all.
Shows like Friends did more to ruin Western people than this movie did.

>You just liked that stupid song
no i didnt you dumbshit faggot

Zoomers aren't based they're just edgy at times. Most zoomers don't stand for trad values but rather do things to own the libs.