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Wyatt Hughes
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Cameron Wood
William Hall
It’s not on yet due to weather delay
Austin Myers
Have you never watched sports on the internet before today?
Andrew Young
>rain delay
Will they melt if they get wet or what? Let’s get it started!
Grayson Parker
>aaf died because incompetence
>xfl died because of the flu
>usfl dies because of rain
Joshua Bell
the usual sites i use didn't have yesterday's game
Christian Gray
I knew this shit-ass team would kill the league
Landon Cooper
Let's go Panthers(Michigan)!
Nicholas Foster
nah, lets just watch a rerun of last nights game
James Evans
How would you rate yesterdays game /USFL/bros?
Jaxon Smith
>the best professional football team named the panthers
>the best professional football team in michigan
we just keep winning
Jacob Gonzalez
Too many vaginas in the USFL. Weather delay is a feminine policy.
Jeremiah Richardson
Lucas Roberts
about 3.50
Jacob Wilson
Where is the game damn it? Unless they are playing near a tornado, keep the game going
Leo Williams
I'm sitting here waiting on kino comfy and I'm watching last night's trash. Come on USFL, get your shit together and entertain me. I will relapse if the game doesn't start soon
Colton Parker
>weather delay
>on terf
semen slurping league
Jeremiah Robinson
Cameron Bell
So what's the deal with the weather delay? Lightning in the area?
Leo Foster
I'd go as high as 6.8 if I stayed up for the fourth quarter. Apparently it was amazing
Austin Clark
And? Higher chance to be hit by a car than lightning. On with the show bitch
Adrian Watson
>southerners can't handle a little lightning
Andrew Phillips
ITT: Vaginas that melt when it rains
Austin Roberts
are you surprised? like a half inch of rain can wipe a 1/3rd of Louisiana off the face of the planet
Dylan Hill
i forgot it was on
Alexander King
Someday a real rain will come and wipe the scum from the streets
Evan Roberts
good start; meh finish
Isaiah Gutierrez
lmao this shit is weather delay. this is the bullshit i expect from the usfl.
I'm a big time Juco player and i won many awards. i tried out to be in a couple usfl team an they all cut me. last night you seen the generals lose. i legit tried out to be the QB. but they cut me and stayed with bullshit perez and the other nigga who can't throw lmao
im gonan tell you all this. USFL is bullshit and they dont' care about talent all they care about is ass kissers like perez
usfl is gonna fail
Brody Ward
bring back PJ Walker and Jordon Ta'amu
Nathan Peterson
werent you a tight end last night?
Tyler Davis
maybe someone will forget to turn off a sink and it'll wash all their mobile homes into the oceanocean
Luke Sullivan
ta'amu is on the tampa gay bandits, and if a guy who couldn't do shit with dk metcalf and aj brown on his team is a top qb in your league, it's pretty fucking sad
Colton Jenkins
>PJ Walker was now two (2) years ago
Aiden Carter
>ta'amu is on the tampa gay bandits,
fuck yes
It’s like they’re all still there. You feel it, too, don’t you?
Levi Butler
20 minutes till back on track. Might as well pinch a loaf while I wait
Robert Turner
20 more mins until the game starts /USFL/chads
Grayson Perez
He's multi talented, as only could be expected of a high level JUCO player
Gabriel Martinez
I played TE in high school but when i went to juco i played QB.
you do know you can play multiple positions?
Camden Campbell
That’s fucked up.
Colton Bell
>Generals lost to a team running a college offense
Dominic Lee
NJ Generals have Atlanta Falcons energy
Colton Lopez
This game will be a shitshow. It’s too wet
Bentley White
why does every team have red
Levi Brown
Yeah that's a real dumb decision. I don't care what the colors of the original USFL were, having each team have the same color is a terrible idea.
Blake Reyes
The 80s were all about the red shades. It's why Michigan is that fucking ugly maroon/gold combo.
Zachary Powell
fucking perfect, i love a good shitshow
Dominic King
when i tried out for the generals and i told them they colors don't make sense. why the fuck are the general red? they should be green like the army and shit lmao
usfl is gonna fail fast
Alexander Cook
jeff fisher with the backwards ball cap lmfao
Jordan Collins
For me, it's the Stars.
Jack Powell
i think the fact that they have all the teams playing in Birmingham is a bigger issue than the jersey colors
Angel Reed
Ethan Brooks
Chase Ortiz
wait a fucking second, Portland has a football team now? Fucking kickass, can't wait to see them in action. Didn't even realize there was going to be a northwest team, thought for sure we'd be left out.
Oliver Turner
>Being excited to watch Paxton Lynch
William Collins
So uh, the fans in the stands are coming back, right?
Anthony Richardson
Elijah Rogers
It’s starting. With a sexy black women singing nice
Brody Jackson
Christian Roberts
They were there for the home team, idk why they'd go to the others desu.
Cameron Cooper
Oh man.... this looks apocalyptic
Matthew Adams
can someone explain to me the sense of having all the opening games at the same fucking place, instead of, i don't know, generating revenue and interest in the place these teams are supposed to be from.
Connor Sullivan
>no fans
>delayed start
>awful weather
>ref echo
Now THIS is spring football. Last night was a joke. Too many fans and too much scoring.
Brody Howard
Isaac Clark
Last night was kino.
Yea I really don't get it.
Juan Bell
>empty stadium
Um USFLbros?
Ethan Thomas
>blocked in russia
guess i can use a vpn and shitpost from mobile, but why can't our country be run by retards
Jayden Roberts
by my understanding none of the teams are actually from where they say they're from, it's just a throwback to the old USFL from years back
all the teams play in the same bubble to reduce costs since all these attempts at minor football leagues keep folding
Logan Price
>that screech from the drones
wtf were they thinking?
Dylan Ward
covid. alabama is full of redneck who think covid isn't real and are okay with putting peoples lives in danger
typical redneck trash
Sebastian Reed
Why would people from Alabama want to watch a game between Michigan and Houston ffs? I expect all the games to be like this except the Alabama team.
Jace Evans
>JoJo Ward
Brandon Hall
>crowd in Birmingham doesnt give a shit about the teams from texas and michigan
wow, i cant believe it
Gabriel Johnson
It's the whole season, not the opening games. And it's because they want to save money to maybe have a second season. Damned if you do, damned if you don't, really.
Joseph White
It's Easter Sunday. Highly doubt anyone from Alabama does anything.
Ryan Taylor
Wait do all the games take place in Alabama?
Aiden Bailey
the schedule was finalized when everyone was still afraid of the common cold, it's too late to change now
Brody Robinson
> can someone explain to me the sense of having all the opening games at the same fucking place, instead of, i don't know, generating revenue and interest in the place these teams are supposed to be from.
It really cuts down on expenses. Renting out stadiums, transporting and housing teams is really expensive. They really only have to pay for the stadium with this set-up, and the city is giving them breaks to make that affordable.
The USFL may not make money, but they aren't going to a lose ton of money. It's not going to be hard for them to get in the black with tv rights, commercial sales, gambling, tickets and merch. And since Fox owns the USFL, you aren't going to see people or teams pull out due to losing money.
Brayden King
Oh that too lmfao, they're unironically at church.
Yea, for whatever reason.
William Reed
is that what that high pitched screeching is? good lord
Luke Evans
For this season, yeah. Next season a different city will host all the games.
Camden Harris
If this happens I hope all the next city is on Mexico or Brazil
Andrew Cruz
let's go Panthers!
Mason Hall
As someone from Alabama, can confirm everyone is at Easter church services or getting back from them.
Aaron Morris
Damn finna get some arbies
Benjamin Reyes
Wait there was a USFL draft??
Colton Young
Post the roast
Jonathan Miller
Lucas Smith
>fumble play 1
Oh no
Liam Edwards
Um pantherbros? It’s not looking too good
Parker Garcia
>For this season, yeah. Next season a different city will host all the games.
They said many cities are very interested with the USFL and also new teams may add into the fold for next year.
Easton Cook
wait really, they're doing the single venue shit next year too? i thought the teams will finally go to their home cities
Ian Sullivan
>drone buzzing
Absolutely kino
Brody Carter
classic jeff fisher football
Nathaniel Jenkins
Can Kapernic be a starter in the USFL?
Aaron Fisher
I thought I remember reading they'd do it next year too, though if they make enough revenue then maybe they will do actual home games.
Ryder Ross
Yep. Lousy weather, low-def drone footage, sounds like old-school SOVL
Aiden Nguyen
Terrible punt
What a terrible start so far for the Panthers
Oliver Sanders
Anyone else spending Easter /alone/?
Austin Young
>Can Kapernic be a starter in the USFL?