What is history, user?

What is history, user?

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my life

*unsheathes kanto*

i hate to check your shit meme, but rules are rules...

6 millions

You know back in 1932 in germany ..

The story of the white man oppressing women and colored people

finally someone who's seen the fucking movie says something

A record of past shit in a society.

why bother trying to contribute to a meme you're not in on? that's embarrassing

Violent sex and sexy violence

Chuck's Feed & Seed

this thread is a fucking failure. have any of you seen the movie at all?

Does crack really make you feel like you’re busting a nut in your pants for an hour?

*rambles about dialectics to 30 uninterested niglets*

nobody on Yea Forums actually watches movies

History’s a whitewash

>Trying to teach the principles of dialectical materialism to a bunch of nigglets.

A collection of fabrications written by the winners of conflicts to validate their crimes against humanity.

>oh no you're ruining my thread make the correct replies

>have any of you seen the movie at all?

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>history is written by the victors maymay
Guess the Athenians won the Peloponnesian War.

Poor example, Spartans weren't known for the record taking. They were known for giving women too many fucking rights.

what movie

>tfw I'm a high school history teacher and I start every new year with this exact question
Am I a fraud?

Depends. What answer do you ultimately give them?

One fucking thing after the other

I dont watch movies, I watch kino

Usually claim it's a chain of coincidences. Then go on a tangent about 1066.



Fucking kek.

It’s that stuff you have full and unrestricted access to, but you’ll never use because you’ve been conditioned to believe any information about anything other than right fucking now is old/useless.

Was this movie a bone chilling slow burn?

It’s the story written by the winner

The only girl I ever loved was born with roses in her eyes and then they buried her alive one evening 1945

they just wanted to live out the amazon fetish

I guess Manstein’s Lost Victories were actually “won victories” because the Germans definitely didn’t lose WW2.
I guess Caesar didn’t actually get assassinated since we still read his histories.

Black people did not exist until the slave trade

A bunch of faggots guessing about what happened in the past and kind of just making shit up that "makes sense" by burying their blind guesses in 400 pages of rambling bullshit historiography

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All of the alleged quotations from Louis XIV of France are 100% full blown made up for example

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