Be American, can't even enjoy going to the theater

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Be New Yorker
>Ban all the guns
>Still live in terror from imaginary guns

to be fair though motorbikes are the guns of cars

>be european
>get beheaded by a muslim

>but muh gun freedom

Times Square is basically Disney land with all the homeless and addicts included

List of populations that break down thinking about guns at the sound of a motorcycle:
>those who've lived through war, terrorism and trauma

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>be american
>get raped by niggers
More like because Americans are sheep.

Man and here I never thought I would see the day when motorcycles were cool again

clearly the answer is to ban motorcycles

*new yorkers
people in the real world arent terrified of "mass shootings"

Surely you mean assault motorcycles with large capacity gas tanks.

>>because gun violence just started in New York this year?

>the american population is literally getting scared to walk in public
yeah no enjoy that 2nd ammendment

fear is the most potent weapon of control the elite have against us

>be american
>get shot by an imaginary motorcycle

>entire country has PTSD
>still won't do anything because MUH FREEDOMS MUTHAFUCKA
for once I'm glad I live in a collapsing 3rd world shithole.

Once there are enough shitskins, walking in public without a gun won't be an option.

amount of acid attacks and beheadings still lower than shooting in America lmao and only the latter kills people


Good. I hate crowds.


Its pathetic

>blocks your path

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>be american woman
>enjoy sex with niggers

>be anywhere
>caring about theatre

Yeah, french theaters are much safer.

>be american
>get shot by an imaginary gun
>still dies

>be theatre full of low t new york onions fags
>herd like panic

I think it's funny that the liberals who are for equality are also anti-gun even though guns equalize things for everyone. Imagine some guy breaks into some little old granny's house. What chance does that poor, weak grandma have against him if she's unarmed? Zero. That old lady is going to get raped and murdered. But give her a gun, and even if the other guy has one too, suddenly she has way better odds of surviving the encounter. Fuck, even just the thought of "well the people in that house might have a gun" is enough to dissuade most would-be crooks (not all, but most) from just breaking into random houses.

Got a license for that internet connection you're using?

Let me know when your irrelevant country puts a man on the moon

You'll note that the anti-gun rhetoric is always targeting against men. They'll never talk about old granny's desire to protect herself.

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>b-b-but MOON
Happened 50 years ago in Hollywood nigger.

so why hasn't any other european country done it in the meantime?
Why is NASA still the worlds leading astronomic agency

You should all have stayed there, bucko

i hear british pop concerts are much safer than american schoo-
oh right

>we went to the moon
Found the brainlet that doesn’t believe the moon landing was a hoax made up at the height of the Cold War

Might have something to do with all mass shooters being male

Bit if a waste of time tbqh. And quit this we horseshit, you've done and will do nothing with your existence.

>be american
>put man on the moon
>STILL shot by imaginary gun in Times Square

>Moving the goalposts this hard
How embarassing

>be american
>go to school
>get shot
>go to movie theater to take your mind off your troubles
>get shot
>go to church to ask God for help
>get shot
>maybe a nice trip to vegas is what you need
>get shot

>t-the moon landing was a hoax!
>can literally see landing site from the LRO
flat earth tier

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the difference being that those things happened just once

Still doesn't acknowledge all the women that might want to protect themselves.

But I bet you like those women being all defenseless don't you?

To kill a mockingbird sucks
I bet people in the theater were psyched to leave

mass shooters make up a minuscule amount of shooting related deaths. like 1%. the real gun crime you need to worry about is tyrone accidentally blowing your face off while trying to shoot up jamals place

>go run in a marathon
>get blown up
>go visit a skyscrapper
>get incinerated
>go relax from all the terrorism at a gay bar
>get shot

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Men who clamor for gun control (in America -- other countries are hopelessly brainwashed) should be seen as potential rapists.

>Acid doesn't kill people
Wtf I love acid attacks now

The United States could easily demolish your commie shithole


Because the only point was wasting money to win teh Spess Ress 'gaynst dem' commies, which was a dick measuring contest that noone but USSR and USA even tried to participate in, kind of like the Blue Ribbon of Atlantic. Other than that, the Moon was actively researched. USSR sent automated stations to Moon up to 1976 and landed one on Venus. Russia is planning to return to Moon program, China and India are starting their own, and even failed Israely drone smashed into the planet with tardigrade colony on board.

Tell me why I shouldnt be allowed to own a gun. Asking as someone who has had sex, so no incel rage.

gigacope from yurokekolds as usual


You should. The problem with americans is that they use this right to shot each other and their sisters.

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All flat earthers are american though.


call me when you put a woman on the moon incel


imagine not owning any guns

>Jew York soiboi faggots can't even tell the difference between a motorcycle and a gun

>american immediatly resorts to violence threats
You have learned well


>be yurocuck
>tweet problematic things
>get arrested
>post memes
>get arrested
>watch squirting porn
>get arrested
>look at simpsons reaction image
>get arrested
>make website that doesn't have 1000-page long ToS
>get arrested

If it is a gender problem then that would make gun prohibition legislation miss the point of the issue, as it would do nothing to take steps to solve why young men are becoming more nihilist and suicidal in their violent outbursts in the first place. Remove one tool in the arsenal, but do nothing to settle these people down, and you've just forced these sort of frustrated men to seek alternative methods of killing people. Timothy McVeigh, as an example, bombed a federal building killing 168 people, wounding 680+.

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Many, many people are killed in America from texting and driving than mass shootings. Gun control is already outrageous in this country, and it isn't effective. Further, you can already 3d print lowers of many firearms now, and that technology isn't controllable and it's not going away.

You cannot stop gun freedom, even in your shithole country. You might as well get a gun and learn how to use it.

Hey America, explain something to me. Lots of places have open carry laws right? So if you see some guy walking into a joint with a rifle slung over his shoulder, how are you meant to know if he is just open carrying or if he is about to open fire? Legit question, I feel retarded.

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how come that person with camera didnt hear the truck coming?

You may have reached thr moon, but you will never reach as a first world country and neither other countries who went to the moon will

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imagine being this delusional

>europe is britbongstan

>be American
>get shot
>get shot by my bantz
>go to demolish my commie shithole
>get shot again

>islam bad

Only someone who has been brainwashed into fearing guns automatically fears a person holding a rifle is about to shoot a place up. How are you meant to know someone driving down the street isn't planning to plow his car right into you?

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If it's not in his hands, then don't worry about it.
If it is in his hands, and he's wearing a ski mask, then take cover.

refute it yurocuck, everything is 100% factual

>be the united states
>lose half its wars
>even to literal shitholes
>durr hurr try to stop us


Did you even read my post lmao

It is, yurpeen.

People who get seizures from flashing images have no business being on the internet. They're just asking for trouble.

so you admit you wont do shit

hmm that sucks maybe we should have focused a little more on maintaining that nice social cohesion we had for a lil while in the 50s. but the jews didn't like that

Quite frankly, anyone who pays to see dreck like this deserves to have their night ruined.

Why do you say that?

Who would win, the combined might of the worlds strongest nation or a rice picker armed with a rusty rifle and a shovel?

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post yfw you werent born in a 3rd world country that is usa

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>>tells someone to dilate
do these people just repeat whatever insult is thrown at them, thinking it has the same effect?
Enjoy your no go zones?

>be american
>get beheaded by a teen classmate

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Oi, you got a loicense for that post?


America is the greatest country in the world. We have the best people, the strongest military, freedom of speech, the best education and the best guns. You are nothing, you're a joke. Where are you from? Don't bother answering, if its not America, its not relivant. Other countries are pathetic, we don't even think of you. You know why America gets so much shitposting? Its jealousy. We could have a mass shooting every week and people would still beg and cry to come live here, to get a small taste of the American Dream. God blesses us and turns his backs on others, you are a joke.

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ITT: seething americans

so then, I guess, guns or no guns doesn't really make a difference.


Because they're out of touch with reality. In their heads, the only gun owners are angry white men with little penises so they buy a gun to compensate and then shoot up a school. The reality is there's a lot of little old ladies who live alone after their husbands die, and they inherit their husbands' firearms or they go out and buy them, and they keep them around because living alone is scary as fuck when you're a little old lady. I used to live in a neighborhood where a lot of my neighbors where little old grannies. I used to mow my neighbors lawn for her because she was elderly and physically incapable of doing it herself. She owned a gun because she didn't want to be a victim. Fuck anyone who wants to strip her of that.
Here in this thread is an example of what I'm talking about. This guy here isn't dealing in any reality: . He's already made up his mind long ago, and just cherrypick facts that conform to his viewpoint. Fortunately, there's people in this thread who are level-headed and actually give this shit some thought, like . Fact is, you're way more likely to die from basically anything other than being shot, and if you are going to be shot, it's not going to be in some mass shooting.

Getting arrested > Getting shot and killed.

careful friend, you might reach datacap on your shithole tier internet with long posts like this one

This, gun crime and death is way overblown by other countries, you're far more likely to die of a treatable illness you can't afford the drugs for.

>muh communism
The democrats are campaigning on giving free healthcare to illegals while american citizens have none

There's no need to disarm grannies with guns, they are not in the habit of running around shooting people.

>be american
>get killed by americans, niggers, spics and muslims

>decapitating one person
>mowing down 30 people in a couple of minutes

Yeah, no difference at all


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>be America
>have 393,000,000 guns in circulation
>have 249 mass shootings in 2019
>well obviously it’s because of video games
The absolute state of your nation

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