Edge of tomorrow
Live. Die. Repeat
All you need is kill
Good movie, still waiting for sequel.
god i'd lick her sweaty pusy
All you need is kill sounds way better.
Others sound too american.
Stupid Jap boy
It was s great sci-fantasy action flick. Better than most shit we get. They should have called “All you need is kill” better title. If it had a marvel label on it it would have made a trillion dollars.
>tom cruise height: 5'7"
>emily blunt height: 5'7"
someone fix this
>Danny the dog
Why the fuck do they always ruin movie titles by picking the most cookie cutter name?
All you need is kill is a retarded and lame title
It makes no literal or grammatical sense
What does it even mean
>all you need is to kill
I saw its manga titled like that in a bookstore. Does it makes sense in Japanese?
It means all you need is kill.
What is the sequel even going to be about, the omega is dead, or is it going to be a prequel with Rita.
>people didn't see out movie, somethings not working
>we need more names!
All you're based jap poster
good movie but tom cruise is 100% miscast
i just can't see him playing on scifi genre
why does he keep getting sci-fi roles?
inb4 scientology somehow
he's brilliant in it
The side kicks are miscats
And Emily blunt is too ugly for the role
you been in your anime life you forget the psychological assonance that occurs, the subliminal disgust and rage that a normal person gets, from hearing a thing exists called
"my hero academia"
or some such other 'off' shit.
like meeting a man that has the mannerism of a woman. your brain doesn't which manner to adopt so instead you feel like only spitting
let alone buying a ticket to see
it's broken english so it probably sounds better to a jap
I liked it.
Lol she's so gross
Normally I would agree but in this particular case, All You Need Is Kill evokes “all you need is love” (Beatles song) in the western viewer, and with the replacement of “love” with “kill” intriguing potential viewers. So it actually works
But yes, most engrish anime titles are cringe af
Mmmm... muscle mommy.
the movie is based on that manga,and it makes the exact same amount of sense
Jenna pls.
ching chong herro eat dog
just stop and go for a walk, air out your head.
Because american audiences were a mistake.
>About the ending, Morgan Freeman said: "I played a bad guy in a movie and they showed it to an audience - and we're letting an audience tell us what to do now - y'know, and the audience said, 'Well, I don't want him - Morgan can't die!' And I was a thief. 'He should get some money'. We went back into the studio and re-shot it so that I didn't die and I did get some money."
>What is the sequel even going to be about,
A sequel isn't likely to happen, so it doesn't matter.
>tom cruise being miscast in a sci-fi flick
That never happens. Cruise and sci-fi is a great combination.
I don't think I have seen such a shit opinion since the dude who said JP was shit.
Fucking with mom's phone
Looking at our old pic and shit
Notice a full length movie in the gallery
Fuck it I'll watch it
Tom cruise?
It's that new mission impossible
10 minutes in
Why tom is such a pussy whimp?
He need to go to battle field?
He doesn't want to?
Hey this is isn't mission impossible
Fast forward 10 minutes
Tom blows up some creeper
His day set to rewind
Living the same day over and over again
Me be like : hmmmmmmmmm, that's is very interesting idea
Watched and enjoyed the movie
Sorry I misexplained my question. I was asking about the series name.
Does the Japanese name make sense?
Friends got mad at me for saying Emily Blunt is hotter than post-breast reduction Scarlett Johansson.
Ia lso wait for the sequel-
>it actually works
no, again you can't see that a non-weeb westerner only hears that it is ungrammatical. It is exactly the same jarring shit as saying
Love is All You Needs
Love is All You Academia
All You Need is Ski
it sounds fucking stupid at best, insidiously enraging at worst when you can't work out how did this shit get approved, is there something i'm missing? unconsciously hundreds of people walking past a poster just getting flustered that maybe they don't understand their own language after all. All they're going to want is to forget they ever saw that fucking poster and live their life pretending the movie My Color of Academic doesn't exist
A lot of weird shit "makes sense" in other languages that don't when literally translated to English, for example asking for a light in French is "do you have fire" which in English sounds absolutely retarded
its one of my fav movies and I don't really know why, Tom just nails the thousand yard stare and other moments like that
Fuck off racist
Based, redpilled, and completely right.
Also Attack on Titan. I always thought Titan was a city or something, its supposed to mean Attack of the titans
have sex
I don't really understand why they didn't use the real ending of the novel/manga, the movie would be a fucking masterpiece with it.
is this the Mary Poppins movie??
haha is what it means
I thougth Titan must be a city
fucking zipperheads
2014 was a really good year
I like the book but the title sounds fucking retarded in English
Cant have a woman loses to a man in a fight
Jesus christ what a shit opinion
The ending in the manga was fucking garbage, the movie had a way better ending.
She is a random female soldier who basically got superpowers, no need to be a gigastacey
and she is not ugly just average
Incredibly based and correct.
>the best sci-fi has to offer is an 8/10 Tom Cruise action flick
only in movies, surely books have better stuff but goddammit
Check this Also the matrix films
all you sneed is chuck
Literally just watched this and there's a thread up
I should get around to watching this. I've had the DVD lying on my floor for a year unopened.
I have game of thrones dvds on the floor i havent touched either
this worth seeing?
If you like jet li films
The ending sucked because it was forced, but overall a real good summer blockbuster.
It should be called Love! Fight Amaseratu Senjin Super Cool Rovery Tome Caruso Again And Again War
The ending of the novel honestly kinda sucked, japs can't write good endings to save their lives 95% of the time.
Cruise: Tom Dies A Whole Lot