Why didin't he just get some deodorant?

Why didin't he just get some deodorant?

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I got tricked into watching this movie. It was so dishonest and pretentious.


Its another shill thread for this movie

>1 shill thread of a good Korean movie bad
>The Boys shill thread #957209760276 GOOD

>Why didin't he just get some deodorant?
Koreans don't really use deodorant. You couldn't even buy it in stores in Korea until, like, 2014 or so, and even then, it's not considered a necessity. Asians don't have the same kind of body odor. As I remember, black people have really strong body odor, white people less strong body odor, and then Asians have practically none.

>asians dont have body odor
ive worked with some people from india, they are just as bad smelling as black folk

same. i liked it a lot till the end, the ending was so fucking dumb. it could've been top feel good kino, but they fucked it all up in the most pretentious and dishonest way possible.

>inb4 but muh muh korean class division and other unrelatable themes

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What exactly is wrong or pretentious about the ending? it was the usual bleak ending. It reminded me of Jagten, you think it's all over and the protagonist is finally gonna get a break but then the last few seconds happen, i liked it.

>>inb4 but muh muh korean class division and other unrelatable themes
I don't know shit about korea but i didin't feel it was unrelatable at all. Hobos and the poor hate everyone with money all around the world.

This move fucking blows. I just got back from seeing this and it was like watching some first year undergrad film student movie just with better production value. I couldn’t suspend my disbelief to even enjoy it. The acting was appalling.

mr. park's murder was dumb. it was supposed to have shock value and send a message about class division. however, it was just dumb, it didn't have any shock value to me and i don't give a fuck about class division in korea. it was a dumb way to do it and unoriginal one, there was nothing logical about it. also, the shit that the guy just went to the bombshelter and nobody noticed. yeah, like police won't have blueprints of the house. also, the boy just became suddenly millionaire before he reached 30's and bought the house, lol. or maybe it was just a dream? so deep, innit?

> don't know shit about korea but i didin't feel it was unrelatable at all. Hobos and the poor hate everyone with money all around the world.
no, hobos and the poor don't always hate people with money. the movie showed first that how the poor actually liked mr. park and his family. the basement guy and the dad had huge respect for him and they all liked the family. then, shit happened to the dad and he suddenly wants to become a murderer because all of a sudden he gets jealous, when clearly his whole life has been shit? how did that basement apartment had any value to them? they had the money killing now that they all were working, that should've not have mattered to them at all. killing park made no sense at all. his daugher was fucking bleeding out and yeah, i go and murder the guy who literally did nothing wrong while the killer is still barely alive on the ground.

it could've been a feel good movie, the basement couple and the family could've co-operated and it could've been just a damn good dark humor comedy/thriller. better ending would've been that the families mr. park, the poor family and the basement couple would've just united. but, no they decided to go for the political shit and try to force themes to the viewers.

Is this movie out yet?


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How do i get a poor korean gf bros?

go to korea first and start walking through some slums

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What was the point of the rock? Why does the English teacher feel attracted to it?

I'm glad this movie got popular.
But of course this comes with attracting retards like user over here blogging @15:07:16 about his own stupidity for 10 paragraphs like we give a shit

By Asians I meant East Asians (Korean, Japanese, Chinese). Sorry for any confusion. Yes, Indians have really strong body odor.

This is a lie, if you've ever went to uni you'll know that since then eat fish and noodles all day that they smell fucking diabolical

That's not body odor. That's eating smelly food and then reeking of it later.

Actually Korean smells like Kimchi

Yea Forums tricked me, this was shit. 4/10

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user, please learn how to type properly.
I still have no idea what class division you're talking about and i'm guessing that just something about korea i'm unaware of, but the ending wasn't a dream, it was a plan. The son literally says right before the scene that he now has a plan, his proceeds to explain his plan, the movie just tricks you into thinking it became a reality until it shifted back to him talking about his plan. The entire movie also focused a lot on having plans and how nothing ever goes according to plan, which implies that his plan of buying the house would probably not be realized, or if you want a feel good ending then just think that the father was a pessimist and the son was actually going to achieve his new dream, it's an open ending, it's up you, user.
The father was belittled throughout the entire movie, did you really think he was kidding when he almost punched his wife? you're right when you said that he liked the rich guy and respected him at first, which made him hurt a lot more when he started talking about how bad he smelled, it's not completely unrealistic that he lost his mind killed the rich guy. Have you never been under extreme pressure? not everyone can think rationally, especially when you get older. One thing i do know about asian culture is that the husband is either castrated or abusive, this guy was obviously the castrated type and the mother was the boss of the house, every man has at least some sort of dignity, he was gonna burst sooner or later.

I'm guessing it's because the rock was what started it all, the way the son says at the end how the rock keeps attaching itself to him makes me think the rock was intended to be the title Parasite.

>you'll know that since then eat fish and noodles all day that they smell fucking diabolical
You just answered yourself, It's not their body odor, but the food they eat.

He means East Asians, most of them don't have the gene that makes sweat smell: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABCC11

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