Why didin't he just get some deodorant?
Why didin't he just get some deodorant?
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I got tricked into watching this movie. It was so dishonest and pretentious.
Its another shill thread for this movie
>1 shill thread of a good Korean movie bad
>The Boys shill thread #957209760276 GOOD
>Why didin't he just get some deodorant?
Koreans don't really use deodorant. You couldn't even buy it in stores in Korea until, like, 2014 or so, and even then, it's not considered a necessity. Asians don't have the same kind of body odor. As I remember, black people have really strong body odor, white people less strong body odor, and then Asians have practically none.
>asians dont have body odor
ive worked with some people from india, they are just as bad smelling as black folk
same. i liked it a lot till the end, the ending was so fucking dumb. it could've been top feel good kino, but they fucked it all up in the most pretentious and dishonest way possible.
>inb4 but muh muh korean class division and other unrelatable themes
What exactly is wrong or pretentious about the ending? it was the usual bleak ending. It reminded me of Jagten, you think it's all over and the protagonist is finally gonna get a break but then the last few seconds happen, i liked it.
>>inb4 but muh muh korean class division and other unrelatable themes
I don't know shit about korea but i didin't feel it was unrelatable at all. Hobos and the poor hate everyone with money all around the world.
This move fucking blows. I just got back from seeing this and it was like watching some first year undergrad film student movie just with better production value. I couldn’t suspend my disbelief to even enjoy it. The acting was appalling.