How bad is it?

how bad is it?

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didn't the writers say they were going to deliberately fuck things up?

i'm sure I remember initially reading it was gonna be in a jap ww2 but now it's a US internment camp. am i mis-remembering?

Htf are you faggots watching it when it doesn't come out until October?

Post a torrent or stream link or you're a fucking shill

Just watched it. Not great, not awful. This thread is going to devolve into another argument about Japanese internment.

Reminder that if you're pro-internment you are divorced from actual history, and need to read a book. Also, a shower likely wouldn't hurt.

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It aired today.

Nah it was always a US internment camp

I think you're the one who needs a "shower"

Dude, I know month names are weird but the 8th month is not October.

You should head to the special showers with the other juden

I don't think I "care".

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>this argument isn't happening
>but it will
>and I win and you lose
damn that was quick, you're good.

Some say the best.

>American nips assist a nip pilot that crash landed on Hawaii after Pearl Harbour
>hurrdurr internment was unjustified

Nope, it's kino. The fact that it triggers trump nazis is the icing on the cake.

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So, are we supposed to justify soviet deportation of crimean tartar, chechens, finns and poles to Siberia if they were really eager to assist nazis? Ok then. Well, to be honest I always knew this.

Please, I don't understand, is it a second season of The Terror or not?

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Fuck nips and their internment. I want Dyatlov's pass. I want Dyatlov! I want the Pass!

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Learn to search the internet you goddamn mong

They call it that but it isn't really, it has nothing to do with season 1 and no cast or crew in common, just the name of the show and the producers.

They have to offer some common idea in basis. Like technical progress curbstomping the old gods while some random people who witness the process won the lotery for the trauma konga line.

Anyone else buy one of these bad boys because of The Terror?

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>he didn't buy one of these

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>The fact that it triggers trump nazis is the icing on the cake.

You mean the whole cake? You mentioned nothing of it but the kino meme and this.

Will entire season 2 be released on amc go or whatever at some point like season 1 or do we have to wait for one ep each week.

Fuck you faggots
It's Hickey time

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I bet nothing in this shitshow will even approach the levels of KINO in this scene.

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Man this show is racist as fuck.

This looks so dull.