the /bundes/
t. lazy user
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Doesn't count
2nd for Dortmud,their regular place
hamburg a shit
Eisern Union lineups. Both teams hyped after their previous victories. Union will also face Leipzig in the pokal next week.
xth for subbing sahne off again
Yes hello, I will now have a can of sardines for breakfast.
42 42 42 42
de dschamal
>everything what isn't right or 'a'fd is left
You ducks have a really hard time with concepts like directions, don't you?
Spoiler: there are more than just two. I know, I know, hard to grasp, but whatever. Stay Ronnie or Uwe for the rest of your life and you'll end up putting a shotgun to the back of your head. What a life that must be.
I forgot to take caffeine before talking to my relatives. Big mistake...
>>everything what isn't right or 'a'fd is left
basically. every big party except AfD is leftist.
schalkebros its over
I mean the FDP are more like lolbertarians. Shame they're yellow in the Amikäfer sense of the word as well.
I cannot tolerate the AFD's incompetence and retardation though. They had their chance for greatness, but they failed and turned into impotent seething losers.
maybe you are just a schizo retard
don't care didn't ask plus ur trans
no u
>not leftycucks
lmoaing at your lyfe
Shameful dive by Kai
Cmon Union
>Tedesco benching Angelino, Simakan, Nkunku, Olmo and Laimer
Why? Resting for the cup?
becus dey shite
the match should be replayed!!!
he dindu nuffin
>Whats next, letting people with shit vision fly planes?
Even worse: We allow suicidal nutjobs to fly passenger planes.
>Ukraine-Krieg: Russland fordert letzte ukrainische Soldaten in Mariupol zur Kapitulation auf
WTF I thought le hecking Ukrainos were winning???
How many will Schick score today?
Yes. Based Eisern prevailing over the team that prevailed over Barca, they must be tired but still based nonetheless
>meanwhile Kruse getting paid million at Golfsburg to do nothing
these Frankfurt tears are tasting so good. yes more please.
Jesus Christ what a terrible game.
Kek Kruse personality is well known and he would have been sold eventually. I initially thought he would have been sold to some Chinese club. Either way its great business from Union to pick up a quality player for free and sell him for a profit.
Bvlls playing their b team and Lederbusen are in terrible form, what did you expect
Also as long as based Trimmel still plays Union wont fall apart. Hes the captain for a reason.
Its only Nkunku, Laimer and Olmo on the bench for Leipzig.
...I see...
because rb have the best squad in the league
Putin will burn down the whole country and the Ukraine will still win.
He literally did this for the memes.
>Small Member Schick
>Eingeschlossene Hafenstadt Mariupol: Selenskyj droht Russland mit »Schlussstrich« unter Friedensverhandlungen
Looks like it lmao.
Dont engage him.
Yeah i'm thinking we are back
yes YES
I see the retarded slav is seething again for some reason.
based bvlls coasting through the league with B teams.
Are they finally on a CL spot?
alwayslosen finna drop out of the CL
held big pieces of leverkusen at the beginning of the season desu but looks like i was a fool
they're 3rd, propelling my Alwayslosen dropping out of the top 4 prediction.
>held big pieces of leverkusen
I laughed
>Can't score against Fürth
Where is the user that rated Hoeneß so highly
Maybe for you.
please get rid of the g*zprom sponsor on this, as it is Russian