>Hire Julia Roberts, recognizable for her 10/10 smile everywhere in the world
>Have her in scenes with Brits, all laughing together
>Juxtapose her perfect smile and teeth with crooked inbred British teeth
Holy fucking shit, this made me laugh harder than any joke in the movie has. Top fucking banter.
Was this movie a meta joke on the Britbongs?
Hugh Grant is British and is very handsome and straight toothed.
Hugh Grant looks like an attractive man left in the microwave for too long
Hi Im HuE gRaNt A bIg BrItsH fAgGoT
I don't like Julia Roberts, I'm sure many men find her attractive, but to me, she strikes as someone women think men would be attracted to. I'll admit she has a certain elegance to her, but I'd ever describe her as pretty or gorgeous, I can say she's beautiful in a non-sexual way, like if she were a relative, but that's it.
>I don't like Julia Roberts, I'm sure many men find her attractive, but to me, she strikes as someone women think men would be attracted to. I'll admit she has a certain elegance to her, but I'd ever describe her as pretty or gorgeous, I can say she's beautiful in a non-sexual way, like if she were a relative, but that's it.
Funny cause it's true.
True, she's not sexy at all. Now young Jolie was a succubus
She needs bigger tits.
Maybe now, with some age, but not then and definitely not in his young pussy slaying days. He actually still looks very good for someone almost 60 imo.
His eyes have been microwaved.
Notting Hill actually happened, a French starlet fell for an unknown young Chad once. Can you guess who he was?
Alain Delon?
>when even your joking stereotypes are just Jewish propaganda to sell you more shit you don't need
Gleaming white teeth came from Hollywood, to sell you a perfect human that you could visit your dentist and mimic. Old shekelstein with his $20000 veneers is laughing all the way to the bank
>look at those horrible British teeth! They're not all in a straight line!
>buy our veneers goy so you don't look British
Julia Roberts was one of the most beautiful women ever back in the 90s.
>I-it's the Jews and their unrealistic standards guys, trust me!
Healthy teeth should be of equal size and not like that you see in movies, they should have a color that resembles yellow, they are bones after all. It's not that people don't know what regular teeth look like, it's that you don't have them.
Brits are some of the ugliest motherfuckers roaming the planet. Women in their twenties look like grannies and men come in two modes: alcoholic baby or me-mum-shagged-a-rodent. In all cases chins are an optional extra, but jowls are compulsory. As for the anglo complexion, it can only be described as if a pidgeon had shat on a four cheese pizza.
>teeth are bones
it's actually a Kubrick-level film about secret bestiality groups in England.
Americans have equally crooked teeth, parents outside USA just don't typically make their kids wear braces unless the dental problems are extreme, whereas in USA braces seem to be an automatic thing every kid has to wear for awhile.
This is right. Anglo celebrities are all ugly, sometimes even the massive amount of makeup can't save them.
Very true.
It would help, but I'm talking about her face.