Any kinos about being a woman?

Any kinos about being a woman?

Attached: the-end-of-hisses-whistles-and-stares-we-need-to-18507524_1.png (500x600, 196K) has plenty.

Attached: gender wage gap explained.webm (424x304, 780K)

did she rename the article?


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damn, big hoss over here

No they are seperate subsequent articles. Check the dates

Is karley sciortino a man though? the pictures look like a man in drag?

i prefer swedish kino

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the dates are literally the same in the last two articles in that picture. and the tagline is the same.

What were the genders of each of the parties involved?

these are all fake right? please tell me these are fake. I still have some hope left, please

did her vice show get canned already?

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they have archives beneath her picture so not fake

Type in the archive links. It's real.

Attached: 1476399151006.png (340x314, 249K) that was a good kino.
Fancy another, Yea Forums-related one?

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Do not ever, and I mean EVER, trust or read or even give clicks to newspaper outlets.

When you see the news, assume the exact OPPOSITE of what they're trying to convince you, and you won't go far wrong.

Even "mature" outlets like the Guardian are absolutely riddled with corruption and leftist propaganda. Stay away; I'm serious. Please.

>Guardian opinion columnist writes shitty clickbait articles to keep the site afloat

literally not worth getting upset over

Kill yourself, kike.

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if only

Live a long and prosperous life, wise man.

unironically mad men
peggy is based

It's The guardian, they are British Huffpost

Look at him, walking with his arms spread as if his muscles are too big. Looks like a toddler, feeling all powerful after breaking a toy. Needs an actual big guy to break his back

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Based black guy

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How the fuck am I a kike? I'm warning you AGAINST the zionist-owned media outlets. Don't trust them, get your news from alternative, less biased sources.

Not to mention, even if you did say that to a jew, it's not like it's going to work, is it?

>warns about leftist propaganda
>gets called a kike
Imagine being this retarded

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Lmao, some women are on a pathetic trip of self-destruction. Best avoided.

That demon on the bottom left

It was all his doing

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why the fuck do you keep reposing this shit is it some kind of psyop for a documentary on incels

>human women
There's your problem

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is this the thot patrol I keep hearing about?

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>There are still "people" on Yea Forums who want a gf

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me on the left

Incels on 4channel? More likely then you might think. Cnn's David Steinberg has the story.

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Anymore? I love bts IG shots.

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I got molested when I was a kid, but I manned the fuck up and dealt with it like a man. I didn't cry like a bitch and get my girlfriend involved in my own trauma. That's not something a real man does.