Why Oz doesn't get enough credit for revolutionizing television?

Why Oz doesn't get enough credit for revolutionizing television?

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Because if you watch it, it's clear they had no idea wtf they were doing
>wolverine beecher
>schibetta tries to kill someone and gets raped, again
>hallucinatory jesus
>skinhead biker with obvious star of david tattoo on his chest
>O'Reilly plot armor
>Warden keeps his job despite inmates dying every day
>anything to do with that cocksucker McManus

Granted some of the stuff I listed is pretty minor, but the aging pills episode alone knocks this show down a few points. However I do agree, it should be recognized for starting HBO's hour long drama, without it we wouldn't have The Sopranos.

>wolverine beecher

That prag was most entertaining when he was insane desu

The first two seasons are okay, but yeah, that show went off the rails into some wacky shit after that. But any show that hires Chuck Zito, you know they're desperate.

because Twin Peaks already did it 7 years earlier, el retardo.

sorry to burst your bubble, but babylon 5 was the first show to introduce consistent storytelling from ep to ep, breaking with the 80s tradition of one episode self contained stories.

>it's a Vernon Schillinger plots to ruin Beacher's life episode
>It's a Miguel Alvarez chimps out and stabs some guy episode
>it's a Cyril chimps out and mauls some guy episode
>It's a Ryan confesses his feelings to Gloria episode

Sorry to burst your bubble, but The Prisoner did it about 30 years before that sci fi garbage ever aired.

Much much stronger HBO series followed it right after.
I see it similar to a director's early shitty college films. There's a learning curve.
Part of Oz's charm is the conveyor belt of new characters and arcs it braved.
Dino Ortolani had everything to be a lasting part of the cast, bam, dead first episode. Yuri shows up and the entire prison is on edge for as long as he's there.

>it's an Eric Roberts episode

post yfw you are STILL waiting for bluray...

Could have used some nudity from actually attractive guys (as in

Too much sodomy. Homos deserve death.

t. Ahmed al-Saladin Muhammad

>series full of all sorts of torture, rape, violence, and other debauched shit
>hurr duh gays
This is your brain on the Koran and too much hashish.

Based Karim Said would disprove your words brother.

I forgot about Said, he was by far the most interesting character imo.

And its all white people..litrrally everyone is a fag or some kind of superretard.

>And its all white people

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This show is the reason why so many tv shows today try as hard as possible to be edgy

Aren't there other shows that did that too?

How did Adebessi keep his hat on?

costume design magic

Yeah that would have been nice. A bunch of 18-25 year old guys with their dicks and asses showing, rather than a 40 year old