Do people still doubt the Hong Kong protestors?
Do people still doubt the Hong Kong protestors?
Did British rule change the Hong Kong people or was their fishing village one of the better ones? I don't understand it.
Once you get used to at least a facsimile of democracy and what kind of life it can bring you get a bit attached to the idea.
good lord what an animal
So will China ever be democratized or what? How do we even do it.
Democracy has quite a bit of support in HK, just like in Taiwan. People in these threads like to meme about Chinese being insects but most of that comes from the culture of Communust China, it's not inherent.
Was that zoom in necessary?
He wanted to makes sure he got it.
you also to remember these people were essentially medieval peasants not too long ago
You don't
China has a very successful (albeit economically self-destructive) system where people try to fuck each other over but believe in a benevolent government, which rules over them all
Noone from inside can change it, but their market will collapse sooner or later
I'd agree if not for the atrocious attitudes I've seen from some Hong Kong kids but maybe that came from having more money than sense.
What's her plan here? Just put her panties back on and smell like shit all the way home?
Basically. China got Jewed big time.
They had a ~150 year headstart on mainlanders with the Bris dragging them kicking and screaming into modernity. It's the same reason all of Russia's western slav neighbour's are (relatively) less fucked up than Russiastan
They literally did.
>atrocious attitudes I've seen from some Hong Kong kids
explain pls?
There was a case a few years back where some Chinese toursists let their kid shit on the street in Hong Kong and a bunch of locals filmed it, they have the same street-shitting memes about mainlanders as we do about Indians. Mainlanders are also flooding Hong Kong like Mexicans at the direction of the Chinese government to try and outnumber and outvote them into supporring Beijing, they don't report this side of it in the Western media but the protests are basically an ethnic revolt against planned mass immigration and cultural dilution towards political ends by a foreign cadre of elites. The protests are basically a right wing nationalist rebellion.
Hey man, you're rolling the dice when you eat street food. Sometimes the laduzi hits and you just gotta make due.
British style education, laws, governance, plus migration of smarter chinese to the commercial hub, but without politicians interfering every 5 minutes with stupid policies. Hong Kong was run like a libertarian business paradise by the civil service.
I believe they have one of the only profitable public transit systems in the world. It's all going to end now though, their advantage of being a low tax bridge between China and the world is at an end, and disgusting rich mainlanders are pushing up house prices/rents for all the Hong Kongers, and in 2047 the two systems rule ends and they become just another Chinese mega city run by the CCP with no real rule of law.
Sources on the influx of mainlanders?
Depressing. Try to put a braver face on it, user.
Probably go back inside to where the cameraman is filming and get cleaned-up. What? You didn't actually think this was a spontaneous moment of filming a random woman shitting in public?
He had smelloscope mounted on the camera.
It's not that unlikely. It's China.
How the fuck does destroying HK benefit the gooks though? Their economy depends entirely on the rest of the world, not the other way around. The US may meme a ton about cheap hand of labor but regardless of that China can't survive in a world where nations refuse to trade with them
She's Chinese, she already smells like shit.
She was banking on one of those perfect wipeless shits.
They don't want to destroy it at the very moment, but they can't give too many concessions to HK or their rule might break down on the mainland.
I took a shit in a open field once. In the pitch black of night. If you got to go, you have to go. You just want to do it away from prying eyes. Could you imagine the expression that chick would make if she ever found out someone spied and recorded her taking a shit?
Russia will always trade with them while Putin is in power.
although I'm vegetarian I believe it's ok people eat animals
CCP doesn't give a shit about Hong Kong other than the fact it was an embarrassing colonial left over from their century of humiliation. In fact they're annoyingly westernised. They'd much prefer all the banking was done in Shanghai, which they control much more securely.
I imagine it would resemble this
>in a open field once. In the pitch black of night
this is totally different than furtively shitting next to a public bench in broad daylight
When you're sliding into lower middle class of a population it can give you a bit of an attitude problem. Granted it's better than poor immigrants but it's that same kind of rudeness of other Chinese where the money equals the entitlement.
Do you have the one where someone harasses the bus driver, so he gets fed up and drives the bus off a bridge?
The driver had the good sense to avoid any pedestrians. I hope no one got hurt
how can you go this fast with a truck tho?
Kinda feel bad for them. No Western powers will step in and save them no matter how many of them die
kek @ filename.
>this is totally different than furtively shitting next to a public bench in broad daylight
True, you got me there. I heard since the Brits left, the culture has experienced a sharp decline. Low born Chinese had migrated to HK and spread their lack of civility.
they got ruled by manchus for 500 years before all of this even happened, time for them to figure their own shit out or forever be slaves
post the one where they eat fetuses
What Tom Cruise shit is this?
You know he'd take any chance he could get at screwing over the gooks
When you go to HK, it's no joke that despite the arr rook same you can spot a mainlander a fucking mile off.
Not with the US breathing down his neck, it's like a Mexican standoff at this point
democracy didn't make hong kong rich and civilized. it was the combination of extremely strict law enforcement, but transparent rule of law under the british legal system, and a radical experiment in free-market economics put in place by the UNELECTED british governor, John James Cowperthwaite, imposed on HK by their colonial masters. Butit was so successful, HKers surpassed their colonial masters' GDP per-capita in couple decades.
The british only introduced democracy AFTER they agreed to hand HK back over to china. they did it as a virtue signal, but also as a poison-pill, to hurt the Chinese Communist Party.
Democracy is valuable to HKers, cause the self-rule will allow them to protect their actually functioning economic and legal system. The protests are mostly about a chinese policy that will subject HKers and travelers in HK to extradition and the mainland's completely corrupt and broken judicial system (which would hurt HK's economy a lot, cause foreign investment and trade are attracted to the decent legal system in HK). But democracy is a means, not an end in itself. which is why a lot of protesters fly the flag of british hong kong.
Damn, fucked up shit happens all the time
>be me in HK see mainland whore walk outside
>I know where this is going
>grab my camera and wait for the inevitable
>Scholar Chin Wan published the book, On the Hong Kong City-State in 2011 which triggered fierce public debate and was popular among the young generation. In the book, Chin suggests abandoning the hope for a democratic China and positions the democracy movement in a "localist" perspective, in order to counter Beijing's "neo-imperialist" policies toward Hong Kong. It analysed the potential threat of the influx of mainland tourists and immigrants to the established institutions and social customs of Hong Kong, which he considered likely part of a colonisation scheme by Beijing, including the increasing use of Mandarin Chinese and Simplified Chinese in daily use and in schools.
>He advocates "Hong Kong First" and "Hong Kong-China separation" positions in order to protect Hong Kong from "cultural genocide". He suggested building Hong Kong into an autonomous city-state, merging the British culture with a restored Chinese culture. Chin's view was largely accepted by Hong Kong independence advocates and those who advocate for the restoration of British rule in Hong Kong.
>Since then, it has created a paradigm shift on Hong Kong local consciousness from the left-wing discourse of reinterpreting colonial history, cherishing the inclusive and diverse nature of the Hong Kong culture to the right-wing discourse of anti-Chinese sentiment and nostalgia for British rule. Chin also tells his followers to use violent action as the means for defending Hong Kong's autonomy.
>They protested against the inclusion of non-Hong Kong permanent residents in the HK$6,000 cash handouts program as demanded by new immigrants support groups and called for a revision of the current immigration policy.
Tl;dr after the peaceful umbrella protests failed, the youth activists realized peaceful protest won't work, immigration is the problem, and went full NatSoc.
China and its territories I want to stay away from. I rather go to Vietnam, South Korea or Japan. China has too many low born born plebs with lack of home training.
Good. Look at a map. Not our problem. Leave the chinks to the chinks.
Everything the British touched turned to gold during their colonial period. Makes you wonder what the fuck happened to them that they can't even govern their own island anymore.
The pedestrians reacting to this like
>yeah the cars stopped, nows a good time to cross
is the best part.
There isn't a single chinese people (han) but a variety of mutt-ish ethnicities, they get conquered every x years then sinicize them and delude themselves that they are their conquerors. Hong Kong kinda like taiwan is one of these little economic hubs that get a specialized subset of the population(s) through immigration.
Why even though, neither Putin or Trump like the bastards
Most of those accidents wouldn't happen in a western country because there's about a century of workplace safety refinement to prevent it
Is the driver ok?
>implying america is any better than china
This is what americans are like.
Because of game theory unironically. The US would overpower Russia if China wasn't a bigger problem now.
its a balance act. If Russia and America team up to bring down China, even if it worked, Russia would be alone vs America afterwords. Only way I see this ever happening is if China gets too big and America gets weaker and then it becomes an America + russia coop to somewhat contain chineese influence.
Good post.
What the fuck was that guys problem? People were clearly getting into the bus.
How did they not see the blue truck?
Feels like I'm watching a Final Destination movie.
>I took a shit in a open field once. In the pitch black of night.
sounds comfy as fuck
it's a lot easier to create and maintain a wealthy economy when it's based on slavery.
this is why China is still doing so well and the european empires did not hold up
India. Africa.
Where's the gold?
Not fake, but rather it's porn.
Im more suprised he saw the bus and swerved to try and not hit it.
WTF happened to these cars?
So I'm seeing. Say what you want about Government Oversite but I'm glad we have the Federal Regulators are in place. Especially the FDA.
endured both threads to come across kino
thanks user, you didn't disappoint
Niggers are not even human. Chinks can at least be indoctrinated and taught to behave like normal people, niggers just have too many generations of feral impulse in their blood. They're like pitbulls in that sense, impossible to domesticate
What the fuck is going on here?
Looks like the 支那 damage control team is here already! Boys, man the Tiananmen Square memes.
i mean its staged
India is still doing well to this day as a result. As for africa the colonized nations are the richer today though its consistently returning to the non-colonized standard.
Those are nogs.
Based uneducated American retard.
A couple of whites relaxed.
I was drinking and having a really bad night. I just stop caring. Took it old school and found an open field. I check to see if witches or bears were nearby before I stopped, dropped and opened up shop
High tension wire that doesn't show up in low resolution
>China bad
>USA good
Have sex
>le democracy is good maymay
What a twist. Also are those smooth escalators?
Is she okay?
Britain was one of the first countries to outlaw slavery and economics was a main reason they did it
Sauce if you please
>sitting down
Yeah that a big fucking mistake when a fight is about to happen, she only has herself to bl-
>holding a kid
>chimp still chimps out
I'm sorry.
>lil bro wants to play
holy fuck were those his guts that got ejected?
Colonialism was unironically the best thing to every happen to Asia and Africa. It inspired and rejuvenated the old world while cultivating the new.
The European nations were forced to abandon their empires after WWII. They could have held up longer. And China is hardly doing well. They can't invent anything, their currency is entirely dependent on export, and their repressive political system is held together by glue.
Yeah that is probably what happened.
Yeah. He dates that girl now.
This is what lefties want the US to turn into. Fucking unbelievable
>India is still doing well to this day as a result.
They think witches live in toilets and most live in poverty. India needs a a white hand to guide it.
But was there argument going on?
Why do americans attack china, even though americans do shit like this?
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
All this is true, but I wonder what it would've been like had these countries developed on their own timescales - be it 1,000 or 10,000 years.
like an ape making out with a shitzu
Democracy is pretty shitty but Churchill was right, the alternatives are all worse
This. Slavery is rarely profitable, it's useful as a means of subjugation but not much else.
>The File Name
It's complicated. After WW2 there was a national 'consensus' politics, basically state intervention in all things, which is the complete opposite of what was happening in Germany and Hong Kong. It took forever to get off rationing, industry was forcibly consolidated and then nationalised, unions demanded more and more until everything was uncompetitive with foreign products. Maggie Thatcher ripped the band aid off, inefficient coal mining died sending Northerners in apoplectic rage they haven't recovered from, car industry was gradually bought by foreigners (we make as many cars as we did in the 70s, but none of the brands are british), finance industry took off and empowered globalists at the heart of the city of london, and with the death of the soviet union the old style Commies and socialists have given way to effete university educated social justice warriors, just like America.
Oh, I didn't even mention the stupid immigration policies. My favourite is the cotton mills switch. There was a valley in deepest dark Pakistan, where Sons are engaged to their uncles daughter the day they are born, and a power company wanted to build a dam. So they need to get rid of these villagers and came up with a plan to get them visas to the UK where the cotton mills desperately wanted cheap labour to compete with foreign production. So hey ho, they all go over there, the mills never regain their competitive advantage, close and now we have Bradford, where pakis live off welfare and give birth to genetic abominations everyday.
*rolls eyes*
accidents happen everyhwere dipshit
Living in China must be hell on earth. Constantly living in fear of death
south africa used to be superpower with nuclear weapon and space programs, but it was overrun with bantu niggers and failed.
Facism > et al
With the whole HSBC drama it appears the chinese economy is based mostly on dodgy foreign loans.
>I have seen this move on the internet, lmao
You’ve gotta be impressed at how subtle women are about doing this kind of thing
>why even though
Fuck off back twitter, nigger
I really like this stealth format
keep it up
>soft gutter oil poo
redpill me on checking for witches
I'm not saying they're doing well by white standards but compare them to burma, pakistan or bangladesh. The difference is down to british influence.
and the conservatives. Why do you think they would care, they're all going to NZ while everyone starves to death during the next economic collapse.