>there’s absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we’re the greatest country in the world. We’re 7th in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, 3rd in median household income, number 4 in labor force and number 4 in exports. We lead the world in only three categories: number of incarcerated citizens per capita, number of adults who believe angels are real and defense spending, where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of whom are allies...First step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. America is not the greatest country in the world anymore.
There’s absolutely no evidence to support the statement that we’re the greatest country in the world...
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And that’s a good thing
Sorry couldn’t hear you over my BLACKED video
Fuck. You.
if its not now, when was it?
he's obviously right but that scene was so cringy i literally dropped the show after that and never came back. Sorkin is a great writer but his narcissism must be tamed. Otherwise you get scenes like this or whole crap movies like the one with Mommy Redhead.
>and here's why socialism helps
50s, when most of the world was still recovering from WW2. US was unchallenged in its economic, military and cultural supremacy.
when they were taming the wild frontier
Never, really. Claiming that you're "the best" is a meaningless statement. But if there ever was a time when we actually could be considered "the best" on any of the metrics most people seem to care about, it was the 50s and early 60s.
uh oh this doesn’t align with my world view *hides thread*
>being first in infant mortality is a good thing
Incredibly based
You're the best
He's kind of right, no "greatest country in the world" can have niggers.
Was this Sorkin's way of saying...
We need to make America great again?
America also has one of the highest black populations. Guess who brings the academic score way down and the incarceration rate way up?
Yes we also spend a ton of money on defense. That includes money that NATO members won't pay. Out of the 28 members, only 4, including the US, pay their fair share. And the US pays well over their fare share. Who guards trading routes in europe and Asia with their naval force? US. Who stations peacekeeping soldiers literally all around the world? US.
I don't think people realize how absolutely fucked everything would be if the US didn't exist. Yes the US has done it's fair share of bullshit, but we're still heavily relied upon for peace in the world and we're still #1 in that regards, among things like medical advancements.
Though as the US becomes brazilified, that will all be lost, and the world will fall into chaos.
>le epic righteous speech
Like, woah dude, such powerful scene
well yea it's stupid how they wrote the line but it's out of 225, so 48th best. which is terrible
this. liberals need movies to cope
>Yes we also spend a ton of money on defense. That includes money that NATO members won't pay. Out of the 28 members, only 4, including the US, pay their fair share. And the US pays well over their fare share. Who guards trading routes in europe and Asia with their naval force? US. Who stations peacekeeping soldiers literally all around the world? US.
Yeah like that's no in service to your empire or anything, enforcing global hegemony cost money and you can't expect other countries to pay for it.
hes right you know
Defense spending is literally why we are the "best" though because no one would really be able to stop us from saying it
>we’re not the greatest country in the world
>just the richest and most powerful, with a scarily well-funded military
And? We still lead in overall GDP, last I checked.
I mean I liked the West Wing, but his dialogue and characters do get a bit too much. So self righteous.
>and defense spending, where we spend more than the next 26 countries combined, 25 of whom are allies
Yeah, and?
Who the hell else is going to keep shit in check? The Germans? They got all that money for free healthcare and education but can't even make a decent rifle for the army anymore. The Brits? How many aircraft carriers do they have again? The Japs? Literally cannot send armies overseas by their own law.
>hurr we need to design a system from the top down that tells everyone exactly how to live their lives, then we will be a truly great stat- i mean country
Took them 4 straight seasons of "epic democrats dabbing on evil republicans with FACTS and MORALS" to figure out how obnoxious the setup was. Then they bring in Alba to finally have a non-cartoonish Republican in the last season lol.
>and you can't expect other countries to pay for it.
Why not? Other countries are always talking about how Trump is terrible for threatening to leave NATO if the other countries don't start paying their fair share. Because they know exactly what will happen if they have to start paying for their own military. Severely gutted social programs. So they'll just continue to simultaneously shit on the US for spending so much on defence while sucking on the US's tit that provides them defence.
>America will most likely collapse in my lifetime
Feels good tbqh. You deserve it.
It still is for all 3 of those things retard
What shit? All of the shit that "needs" to be kept in check is shit that was caused by the american "interventions" in the first place.
We are #1 because we have all the guns. Think about it. America stands as the last bulwark between totalitarian rulers and freedom, because it's the only place an authority figure truthfully risks death by abusing the citizenry.. Places like the EU and China only have a pretense of liberty because they have to contend with the example we set, but you need only look at their laws to see their honest opinions of their subjects. Without America, the world would have fallen into neo-feudalism long ago.
This isn't the 1930's anymore you boomers, you don't need a big army to fuck a country up. Your military is stupidly big, and yet you can't defeat a few starving rice farmers.
And just look at how the Saudis, israelis, Chinese and Russians have you by the balls.
>laughs in chin chong
>le sorkin writing
but that aside, american exceptionalism is a helluva drug and the entire country is smoking that shit.
Can you explain to me how the US protecting European trade routes from Somalian pirates has anything to do with past American interventions?
We aren't trying to leave the middle east. We are in an intentional perpetual war.
Your country built the world order, it's your empire, you think all those nato bases in other countries are for their benefit, or for your own geo-political and geo-stragic ambition, it's costly no doubt, but it's the cost of servicing an empire.
>America stands as the last bulwark between totalitarian rulers and freedom
>an authority figure truthfully risks death by abusing the citizenry
Are you on drugs?
Even if there was political will to scale back the miliary industrial complex, if it was done it would decimate America. The US military is the worlds biggest social security system.
>We aren't trying to leave the middle east
The fuck does that gave to do with anything?
The US is great if you're rich, but if I'm working or middle class there are about 10 other countries I'd rather live in
Compare this scene to Beale's rant in Network, obviously what Sorkin was going for, and this looks so fucking second rate. It's fucking pathetic desu and I'm not even American.
Fuck. The Newsroom could have been something amazing. Sorkin had all the ingredients. The main character was a Republican, his love interest/ producer a Democrat. He just needed to get out of his own ass and actually have the characters present several points of view.
Instead, Will MacAvoy is absolutely a Left Wing shill claiming to be a Republican, but offering only some feeble token argument when there was a discussion. Every character who's not completely on the Left is a ridiculous caricature.
Exactly. That's the thing, where else in the world do you see such a strong adherence to the concept of freedom? Look at the fucking laws that are taking place in some European places. You get a visit from the police in the UK if you post some anti muslim rhetoric on twitter for fucks sake. EU is building a totalitarian state as we speak, and if things ever get bad enough, the US are the only ones capable of freeing them.
>Your country built the world order, it's your empire, you think all those nato bases in other countries are for their benefit, or for your own geo-political and geo-stragic ambition, it's costly no doubt, but it's the cost of servicing an empire.
Uh huh. Sorry but the EU states wouldn't have a freak out everytime Trump threatened to leave NATO. Fact is they just want the defence without having to spend money of their own.
>Every character who's not completely on the Left is a ridiculous caricature.
so what's your excuse, user? you're not a character in the newsroom although if you were you certainly wouldn't make any better kind of case
Just replace it, lol. A little bit of funding for some welfare programs would do the U.S wonders.
I come with a small shitty Slavic country that owns some merchant ships. They protected themselves from pirates by hiring security. That's it, 3 or 4 trained guys with machine guns and a sniper and constant watch duty, no need for American airplane carriers, nuclear submarines, helicopters and so on.
There's not enough focus on foreskins in this thread.
>Will MacAvoy is absolutely a Left Wing shill claiming to be a Republican
He's much closer to being the old-fashioned kind that used to be referred to as "Rockefeller Republicans". You wouldn't know about that.
Oh, anons are a ridunculous caricature. 4chin is worthless. Don't see your point there, Sorkinlover69.
Who is freaking out over the U.S leaving NATO?
Tell that to Putin when we leave.
This is one of the most Amerimutt posts I've ever seen.
the US already spends more money on welfare than it does on defence when you include medicare and medicaid.
it's protecting the Suez, where a good chunk or Oil is transported through. Somalia is the state it is today in no small part to american intervention in under Clinton in the 90's
stop trying to subsume yourself in imaginary crowds, user. it is a proof of weakness
>speech states it's not enough to just sit around a jerk off to the previous achievements of your country. You have to actively pull your socks up and help make your country as great as you know it can be.
>retards on Yea Forums get triggered because they only like jerking off to the flag and hate working towards anything.
Why do people get triggered by this speech so fucking badly? Do they really not understand it's sentiment?
K dude make sure you write that email to all these European countries saying how they just need to hire 4 guys with guns to protect their trade routes.
From experience over there Germany doesn't want our bases gone. Oh sure the people might want us out but the kraut government damn sure doesn't want to lose the extra money we give to keep bases there.
>America is not the greatest country in the world anymore. According to this map, we're only 4 inches.
>can't defeat a few starving rice farmers
The point is we could swiftly destroy any country and salt the earth behind us with a myriad of weapons from cutting edge missiles to future tech such as harmonic resonance, if we had the wherewithal to actually fight to win. We fight to have war, the concept of victory and defeat is beside the point.
Because it's misleading, like number one in the world in incarcerations without taking into account our population, ethnic groups, geographical size, etc.
Go grab your rifle. Right now. If you are allowed to have one. Slave.
>medicare and medicaid
Inefficient systems that allow illegals to benefit from hospital services on your dime. I cannot for the life of me understand why you don't go for universal single payer healthcare. Way cheaper than your current system.
You could save sooooo much money on both military and healthcare, but americans just keep screeching about muh socialism and whatever.
Yeah, but you don't need such a retardedly big army to do that.
No he wasn't. RRs were the original neo-cons. I can't see Mccavoy espousing support for Wallstreet or a more hawkish foreign policy. The previous poster was right, his republicanism was there just to give a veneer of
non-partisanship to the show and as an opportunity for his character to posture as more masculine. In reality every positive character on the show was an establishment democrat.
Those same European countries that are not allowed to complain about American military bases on their own soil? Yeah I'm sure trade routes thar are endangered by armed monekeys floating around in canoes that even the Chinese seamen manage to fight off using nothing but fire hoses are the reason.
Keep sucking EU dick, I'm sure they'll let you have your own country eventually.
gj there fucko
now dance for me
do you know what Operation Gladio is
>Operation. Gladio was part of a post-World War II program set up by the CIA and NATO supposedly to thwart future Soviet/communist invasions or influence in Italy and Western Europe. In fact, it became a state-sponsored right-wing terrorist network, involved in false flag operations and the subversion of democracy.
>The existence of Gladio was confirmed and admitted by the Italian government in 1990, after a judge, Felice Casson, discovered the network in the course of his investigations into right-wing terrorism. Italian prime minister Giulio Andreotti admitted Gladio’s existence but tried to minimize its significance.
>The main function of the Gladio-style groups, in the absence of Soviet invasion, seems to have been to discredit left-wing groups and politicians through the use of “the strategy of tension,” including false-flag terrorism. The strategy of tension is a concept for control and manipulation of public opinion through the use of fear, propaganda, agents provacateurs, terrorism, etc. The aim was to instill fear into the populace while framing communist and left-wing political opponents for terrorist atrocities.
NATO only exists to further American Stratigic ambition.
>Who is freaking out over the U.S leaving NATO?
>be me
>try to make a get thread
>get banned for 3 days
>try to make a fun Raimi spiderman thread
>completely ignored
>get salty and make a thinly veiled US politics thread
>it gets bumped like crazy
Fuck you Yea Forums, you deserve this
>. Somalia is the state it is today in no small part to american intervention in under Clinton in the 90's
Somalia is in the state its in today because of it's occupants. You literally have to look at somalian crime rate in any part of the world to see that trend.
You don't understand how this shit works. We dominate the world. We are in every country that matters, on every sea and mountain of note. We are both the defense and educational force of the weaker governments of the world. We own the currency, and we command the markets through force. You need every goddamn soldier you can get to maintain that.
Are you high, or just retarded? If you had no rifle to grab, you are a slave. A subject. Wagie or neet, you are just a mouse in their cage.
Yeah it has nothing to do with Pic related at all. Your an empire, you may want to dress your countries actions under the Banner of Freedom and Democracy, but that's only for the Plebs.
Because 80% of people already get great healthcare benefits from their employer. Which is why when it's suggested that if there was a public system put in place, but you lose private insurance and will be put under public, it becomes wildly unpopular with the majority of Americans.
Let's also not forgot a lot of the medical advancements we have today is in thanks to the US for profit pharmacy industry. Like it or not. And those Eurofags get those medicines for way cheaper because their social systems literally can't afford to import the medicine at full price, so the pharmacy companies give them significant discounts while the Americans have to pay for the brunt of it. But I guess it's better than the medicine not existing at all.
>In fact, it became a state-sponsored right-wing terrorist network, involved in false flag operations and the subversion of democracy.
Give me a fucking break dude.
>We are in every country that matters
>on every sea and mountain of note
>We are both the defense and educational force of the weaker governments of the world
>We own the currency, and we command the markets through force
No, you command the market through dancing to the tune of corrupt, often despotic or oligarchic goverments.
>You need every goddamn soldier you can get to maintain that
No you don't, see China. See Russia. See Germany.
You don't even understand WHY your country is so damn powerful. It's your money, your production, your large population. That's what's keeping you relevant. You have a lot of rich companies, and a lot of goods to produce. Conversely, you also have a lot of shit to buy.
i like that this shows tries to imply american students don't hate their country
>Yeah it has nothing to do with Pic related at all
Yeah, I know.
>all these brainwashed burgers itt
lmao, you'd think that people on Yea Forums would atleast somewhat understand what's going on with their country. these are some tranny-tier mental gymnastics
>Because 80% of people already get great healthcare benefits from their employer
And also get lower wages as a result. And what about the 1/5 of your population?
>Which is why when it's suggested that if there was a public system put in place, but you lose private insurance and will be put under public, it becomes wildly unpopular with the majority of Americans.
Because burgers are too dumb to understand that it would be cheaper for them.
>Let's also not forgot a lot of the medical advancements we have today is in thanks to the US for profit pharmacy industry
>those Eurofags get those medicines for way cheaper because their social systems literally can't afford to import the medicine at full price, so the pharmacy companies give them significant discounts while the Americans have to pay for the brunt of it
Imagine bragging about having to pay full price while other countries get away with paying much, much less. Kek.
How do Americans feel about their impending brownification?
You are wrong from the beginning of the post. We are in fact the largest international military force, and we are in every country that matters that we can get into. Projects like he EU can only have their green energy pipe dreams because we act as their standing army. We FORCE small governments to do what we say and use our currency under threat of force, and then Americanize them. You are dropping countries like China, who's conscripted force most likely outstrips the entire US population, so shut your loud ignorant mouth.
My country is powerful because we forced global hegemony of our currency, and everything we do is to maintain this monetary system. And we aren't really a producer country, we are importers, we are mostly a finance based economy at this point.
Sorkin's shows are always kino for about 3 seasons and newsroom was no exception.
Apart from Alan Francovich's remarkable 1992 film which was broadcast on the BBC, the original Operation Gladio has received minimal attention by commercially-controlled media, considering that it killed maybe 2000 people[8], was discussed in the European Parliament and later officially investigated by at least 5 national governments. Coverage has been fragmented and shied away from asking obvious and important questions such as "Why did NATO order terrorist attacks inside NATO countries?... Why have most national governments not followed the EU's resolution and attempted to investigate it?... Do we have any evidence that this program has been discontinued?" Gladio/B is even less well known. Corporate media have treated the topic as a third rail. Two anonymous Sunday Times journalists report that senior Pentagon and MI6 sources confirmed her story, but it was inexplicably dropped under the pressure of undisclosed “interest groups”, which they suggest were associated with the U.S. State Department.[10]
In short, as of 2019, no official narrative exists on Gladio/B. Wikipedia, to its credit, has a redirect page to Sibel Edmonds where it provides a summary mention her allegations
Sibel Edmonds summarizes the objective of Gladio B as “projecting U.S. power in the former Soviet sphere of influence to access previously untapped strategic energy and mineral reserves for U.S. and European companies; pushing back Russian and Chinese power; and expanding the scope of lucrative criminal activities, particularly illegal arms and drugs trafficking.”
what did you just say about freedom?
>Ameritards always going on about their guns
>Never actually use them
But I’m sure the next infringement of your liberties will be the one that makes you take up arms. At least Euros have the excuse of being disarmed, you’re armed to the teeth and still watch on as the government takes your freedom away piece by piece. Absolute cucks.
So, if I'm a wagie with a gun I'm not a slave?
Is it because I can blow my boss's brains out on a whim?
>And also get lower wages as a result. And what about the 1/5 of your population?
As opposed to having 60% tax rates in some Euro countries where my earning power is severely limited? Yeah, what about the 1/5th? You want to say fuck you to the 80% to appease the 20% of leeches? (not all of them, but lets be real, there are a lot of fucking leeches).
>Because burgers are too dumb to understand that it would be cheaper for them.
Like the US is by far the biggest producer of new drugs and biotech in general. It costs around 2 billion dollars to go through all FDA testing in order to bring a drug to market. No profit incentive to make that money back and more = no drug. Not to mention drugs are literally bought from universities by pharmacy companies to be put through trials only on the basis where they believe that there are enough people afflicted by the condition to where they would be able to make money. Again, no incentive, no drug.
>Imagine bragging about having to pay full price while other countries get away with paying much, much less. Kek.
Not bragging, I'm saying how those European countries have such fragile systems that their healthcare system can't even afford to import drugs at the full cost. If they had private systems, then the cost would be able to be more evenly divided among the people getting them. European countries literally rely on the US healthcare system being the way it is in order to receive better medical treatments. Which is why I find it funny when Eurofags are like "hurr just switch to a system like ours that produces far less innovations in biotech so nigs can waste a doctors time when they have the sniffles!"
this entire thread
>We FORCE small governments to do what we say
yeah, through coups and small scale military actions, not conventional warfare that would require a large army like the one the U.S has.
>We are in fact the largest international military force
Where did i disagree with that?
>and we are in every country that matters that we can get into
The fuck does that even mean?
>Projects like he EU can only have their green energy pipe dreams because we act as their standing army
Wrong. EU countries have their own standing armies, you know.
>You are dropping countries like China, who's conscripted force most likely outstrips the entire US population, so shut your loud ignorant mouth.
What? How does China conscripting people into the army relate to the discussion?
>My country is powerful because we forced global hegemony of our currency, and everything we do is to maintain this monetary system
Yeah, and guess what? This was not accomplished with your large army, but with your production and wealth, not to mention that you were virtually unmolested from WW2 while every other country suffered huge losses.
>And we aren't really a producer country
You are literally the world's second largest manufacturer behind China.
Reminder the Chinese crippled a billion dollar tanker with $2 fishing boats. Everything you think about warfare is dated boomer. Robert Baratheon lost power, it’s Little fingers world now
Getting real tired of Euroslaves coming to the American hosted forum telling us how to live our lives. You faggots couldn't even host this website in your country, hurry up and pay your tv license so Jimmy Saville can molest your children on public access.
Let's be fair here, they are number 1 in school shootings.
That's gotta count for something
Quite literally, Putin would take half of Europe if it wasn’t for us. And you could do nothing to stop him
Or blow your own brains out for asking such a facetious question.
Gonna be a good day when Eurofags get Yea Forums blocked for possible hate speech violations.
Fuck yeah, we have the high score
Nigga, you're retarded, barring nukes 21st century Russia wouldn't get further west than the polish border.
>Case 1: Don't use gun, this is equivalent to having no gun
>Case 2: Blow your boss's brains out, congratulations, you are now a fugitive and a murderer. now the Government is out for your blood and they will not hesitate to shoot on sight, but hey, at least you have a gun
>Case 3: Blow your own brains out, now you don't own a gun because you can't exercise your 2nd Amendment right when you're dead
Absolutely based logic, kudos
I love how his only criticism of liberals is that they don't win enough elections.
>I'm a Republican guys, I swear!
Holy geez dude you just don't get it, and I don't think you will. We need the army because we are in most every country on the planet. We need the army because we maintain constant was. We need the army to intimidate the world. We didn't walk into the meeting and just DECIDE the US dollar would rule. You want to make it seem like out big army is dumb, consult, unwieldy,and I'll tell you right now our ability to project force is the secret to our success. Everyone else talks, but very few countries can walk a million soldiers onto your front door.
I don't do post limit diatribes, so I'll end it here.
Why do American liberals hate America so much?
What about the day when the 44% revoke your access to private internet services for white supremacy? Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consequences.
>One left wing nut job that manages to only kill himself
Whoa. Dat uprising. I bet the government is terrified.
>written by a Jew
Color me shocked. Now filter out the darkies and re asses
>As opposed to having 60% tax rates in some Euro countries where my earning power is severely limited?
That's called top tax, and is only deducted from your income after a certain amount. The average euro actually pays about as much as the average american in taxes, if you count for shit like insurance.
>You want to say fuck you to the 80% to appease the 20% of leeches?
One of my points was that having universal healthcare would block illegals from mooching off of the tax payer, but way to not read my posts. Kinda telling how fine you are with fucking over 20% of your own people, especially when it would be CHEAPER for the 80% to go with single payer.
>Again, no incentive, no drug.
So tired of this meme.
All of these inventions were not done for profit. Also, isn't most of U.S R&D done through goverment funding?
Russia doesn't have to use nukes. It just has to threaten to use them.
Losing wars costs money yet you took Marshall money instead of getting pillaged and turned into thralls for 100 years fag. Euros are fucking hilarious and don’t realiE how good the US is to them.
>Everyone else talks, but very few countries can walk a million soldiers onto your front door
It's like you don't know that nukes are a thing.
Why would I even wan't to stop it? Strong Europe, even under the Putin's rule, is preferable to American imperialism.
>it's not the 1930s anymore guys
>proceeds to talk about a conflict from over 40 years ago
Great job, user. You sure showed them!
4 more years kids