NASCAR Cup - Apr 17 - 7:00 PM (ET) - Food City Dirt Race
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was trucks good?
not really
It disgusts me remembering just how many years of top flight American Open Wheel Racing was lost due to the split.
Imagine how much better F1 would be if the split never happened and CART remained an eternal fire under their feet to not screw up lest they get usurped?
is he ok?
Yes. Although Johnny Herbert saw the glorious checkered flag being waved at him as he crossed the finish line, he unfortunately fainted due to tremendous stress, fatigue and dehydration, and collapsed almost as soon as he got up. Since he was promptly taken to the hospital, he became the first person that, despite his grand victory, was unable to stand on the ceremonial podium among the three winning drivers.
Trust the penske plan
Thank you
w/a/re bros...
If w/a/re can get a gf, anyone can. We’re all going to make it.
I do think he'll do a good job of fixing the series, but it'll take time. Hopefully the new engines and chassis will at least bring the series back to CHAMP Car levels, but CART is a long way off. But I do think we'll eventually see Penske and Andretti making their own chassis.
>>rain tires are available and the race is happening rain or shine
lmao what century do you think it is
shit taste
I'm sorry, I love these series of pictures too much.
What metric do you think Red Bull uses to determine which teams they sponsor vs which ones they buy? They sponsor something in just about every race series outside of America but they only own two F1 teams and for a while owned a NASCAR team. Then there's other sports where they have an odd mishmash of teams they own or sponsor.
cope and seethe
Could you imagine if Sentai became his sponsor? Seems like a match made in heavy if they could actually afford it.
GTWC America about to go live in Somona
>the cody ware on Yea Forums thread lasted 6 posts before a jannie got mad
the image that killed it
Overwatch isn't anime.
Cody and Jon are also mutual fans, he really is basically what would happen if one of us got a ride.
I'm not a fucking homo speak for yourself
>Jon goes to New Hampshire too
Jon went on a tirade about nignogs and homosexuality back in 2016.
He moved to New Hampshire a while ago
I don't blame him, lower taxes, cooler summers, less libtards than whatever west coast hellhole he came from.
Yeah cheaper and nicer, also getting married means you're going to think about where to raise your kids and NYC just isn't a good place to do that. Notice how basically everyone from the NYC youtube scene has moved out. Sure most went to LA but the fact they left rather then keeping it established says it all.
What are we excited for next week?
My calendar has:
WRC, F1, MotoGP, WSBK Big ASS-en (And also Tyson Fury vs Dillian White)
Any good webms from the Le Mans Cup this weekend?
Whatever happened to Krista Voda
Oh, I forgot to post the schedules
Looking forward to 'Dega
she retired from TV broadcasting iirc
I understand correctly, the race is in five and a half hours, am I rite?
looks that way if you mean nascar
What kind of "okay" are we talking about here? "Not dead" okay, or "unharmed" okay?
What is race the weekend now?
are you asking what's left for this weekend or what's coming up next weekend?
a shr car will win the race today
Todd Gilliland is winning desu senpai
nah son, chase briscoe will win
>Tony George splits from CART
>suddenly IMS gets a F1 Grand Prix
really makes you think
pic extremely related
>Andretti making their own chassis
yeah, in F1 maybe
Tony was the one who went to Bernie because he was trying to get more races done at IMS beyond just the NASCAR race weekend to bring in new sources of revenue. Honestly that and the Safer Barriers where probably his only good ideas. Ironic how it was an F1 race there that caused a series of events that almost caused a split in F1.
By the time Indy recovers enough for teams to make their own chassis he'll have his F1 team operating, everyone else might use one they buy but Penske and Andretti are going to do it in house for that extra edge, just you watch.
oval races are postponed at the slightest sprinkle of rain. it takes a monsoon to postpone a road course race.
what about Ganassi?
desu Andretti needs to step up their game in IndyCar or they will be out of the "big 3" teams
Imagine the smell
checking those spicy digits
chip will partner with dallara to be their factory team